
Active Member
What sort of radio (non CB) aerials do you have on your Defender?

I snapped my original metal one.

Has anyone decided to get an electric one, so you can pop it down if you are near any branches etc?

Or possibly a rubber one? Halfords | Halfords Black Flexible Rubber Car Aerial

I'm not sure which way to play it. Had a look on eBay, but I'm not convinced about signal strength of the cheap electric and rubber aerials...

Any pointers would be much appreciated.
I've got a rubber one (oooer) above the back door on my 90. No problems at all picking up all the usual stations (FM, not DAB)
I bought this one a few weeks ago. Its also a DAB aeriel. Not fitted it yet, but intend to fit it either to the front centre of the roof, drilling a hole somewhere near the front interior light for ease of access, or above the rear door like instandsquid has done.

Also bought from the same supplier a 5m extention cable in case I do fit it above the rear door.
Ive got a rubber ducky type mounted on top of the wing just infront of my snorkel,
its ****e! picks up only the local stations.

I was looking at getting an electrical one and hooking it up to a seperate switch so i can raise and lower it when apporaching branches etc like you suggest.

i've got a rubber one too....

Mounted on the o/s wing...no issues

hadn't even given it much thought tbh
Thanks everyone!

Buckshot - I was looking at that one just as I posted this thread actually. Seems to good to be true at £4! Only prob with this, is that I will have a hole in my wing where my existing one was.

It looks like I can't go wrong with any to be fair. I think I might opt for the rubber one on the wing and see how it goes.

Thanks again everyone!

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