Nah, in the good old days you didn't lock your door and the Krays were good to their mum!
They nailed people's heads to the floorboards, but they was good to their mum!
Shared a flat in W2 with a chap who had an uncle who was well dodgy, employed a thick piece of muscle known as "the Dog" purely for protection. Said uncle carried a Colt 45 in a shoulder holster and his gun licence in the opposite side inside pocket, allegedly legal. Was a well jumpy character, pulled it on me once when he came out of our loo just as I was about to go in. he was just a bit surprised. 1970s. Loved it!:D:D:D
In those days it was the radios they nicked mostly ...werent bothered with cars...if they wanted the car they pulled the boot lock of a car in a carpark by pretending to look in a breifcase once lock was out they could read key number and cut a key to suit with a hand held cutter...
Bit of scaffold tube to take out the ignition/column lock was another favourite. Where have we all been living for the past few decades? Getting the key numbers sounds like a bit of a plalaver! But still at least some elegance in it. With Fords, they only had 5 keys, if you had one of each you could TDA any one of them!
Heard of a guy once who got caught stealing a Triumph Herald, turned out he had nicked quite a few. When asked "Why Triumph Heralds?" He said, "They are the only ones I know how to nick!" :rolleyes:
Shared a flat in W2 with a chap who had an uncle who was well dodgy, employed a thick piece of muscle known as "the Dog" purely for protection. Said uncle carried a Colt 45 in a shoulder holster and his gun licence in the opposite side inside pocket, allegedly legal. Was a well jumpy character, pulled it on me once when he came out of our loo just as I was about to go in. he was just a bit surprised. 1970s. Loved it!:D:D:D

I think if he had pulled the gun on me i wouldn't have needed to use the loo any more
I think if he had pulled the gun on me i wouldn't have needed to use the loo any more
I think he was more scared than me, it was in the dark on a tiny landing and I'd put the light on, (he couldn't find the lightswitch so had gone to the loo in the dark) just as he came out, he jumped, reached and recognised me all at once. We both sheepishly grinned at one another, I apologised and he muttered "Don't worry about it". Think he knew where the light switch was after that.
Twas far more scary having a member of the CRS in Lille poking me in the chest with a submachine gun late one night, screaming "papiers" at me. :eek::eek::eek:
Bit of scaffold tube to take out the ignition/column lock was another favourite. Where have we all been living for the past few decades? Getting the key numbers sounds like a bit of a plalaver! But still at least some elegance in it. With Fords, they only had 5 keys, if you had one of each you could TDA any one of them!
Heard of a guy once who got caught stealing a Triumph Herald, turned out he had nicked quite a few. When asked "Why Triumph Heralds?" He said, "They are the only ones I know how to nick!" :rolleyes:
When i was on the farm, i drove a 1.3 Morris Marina Coupe (first car), another guy drove a 1.8 Marina saloon, two other drove Austin Allegros. We could all open each others doors and two of the others could start my car. The annoying thing was, those two who could start my car, my key wouldn't start theirs. I think mine was the oldest, a 1975.
I drove Minis for the next six or seve years after that, and being a yoof, would regularly get stopped at night while flying around. I'd always be asked to produce my documents at a station convenient to me and they'd always ask to look in the boot. I joked one night that if i'd got a corpse or a load of drugs in the boot, that i wouldn't have stopped. He laughed and told me that the reason why they always ask to look in the boot is to see that i can open it. Old Fords with their limited number of different keys was the same as Austins. With a handful of keys odds are you'd find one to open the door and another to start the car, because the driver's door and ignition barrel wear because every time you get in you use them. The boot is a different matter. Not used so often so doesn't wear as much so chances are the worn key you are using won't open it which is when plod takes a very keen interest in you. He told me they always stop young kids in old Fords and Austins, especially Minis and Escorts.
I think he was more scared than me, it was in the dark on a tiny landing and I'd put the light on, (he couldn't find the lightswitch so had gone to the loo in the dark) just as he came out, he jumped, reached and recognised me all at once. We both sheepishly grinned at one another, I apologised and he muttered "Don't worry about it". Think he knew where the light switch was after that.
Twas far more scary having a member of the CRS in Lille poking me in the chest with a submachine gun late one night, screaming "papiers" at me. :eek::eek::eek:
YEP. THAT'D produce the same result i reckon!
YEP. THAT'D produce the same result i reckon!
Thought I was going to end up spending the night in the cells. Me and a coupla mates had gone into town to get some chips at about midnight. Came across a guy whose car wouldn't start so were trying to push start it. Transit full of CRS pulled up, one wandered off onto some waste ground for a p!ss, others demanded to see the car guy's papers for him and the car and two others demanded to see all of ours. I stupidly had left my passport at home so decided to act dumb and incapable of speaking French, having told my mates to explain I was a thick bloke who came to visit them. (I was in fact living and working there). and that I didn't know the law. They managed to calm the guy down and, once they showed their passports and vouched for me, we were all allowed to go on. But the CRS were renowned for being thugs, many from Brittany and places of high unemployment.
I made sure I had my passport on me from then on! Twas a bit of a bricksh!tting moment, for sure!:eek:
Thought I was going to end up spending the night in the cells. Me and a coupla mates had gone into town to get some chips at about midnight. Came across a guy whose car wouldn't start so were trying to push start it. Transit full of CRS pulled up, one wandered off onto some waste ground for a p!ss, others demanded to see the car guy's papers for him and the car and two others demanded to see all of ours. I stupidly had left my passport at home so decided to act dumb and incapable of speaking French, having told my mates to explain I was a thick bloke who came to visit them. (I was in fact living and working there). and that I didn't know the law. They managed to calm the guy down and, once they showed their passports and vouched for me, we were all allowed to go on. But the CRS were renowned for being thugs, many from Brittany and places of high unemployment.
I made sure I had my passport on me from then on! Twas a bit of a bricksh!tting moment, for sure!:eek:
I remember being at a mate's house watching tv with his dad. There was a thing on the news about some potential hooliganism heading across the Channel to France. Football 'fans' of course. Apparantly they'd given threats to the French fans about what they were going to do to them. I remember Des saying that he couldn't wait for the French special plod division to get involved. He said they just wade in with battons and take statements when you come around. He explained that France has run of the mill plod, then 'super plod' who don't take prisoners and have an attitude, especially to foreigners. I don't know if that's the CRS. He said he'd seen them in action. It was very entertaining!
He was a funny guy. I remember going around there one saturday and he was near suicidal because when he turned up the volume on his sound system, he could hear a very slight hiss.
Apparantly this was simply unacceptable. He'd just spent something like £15 a foot for the speaker cables. His speakers were set in stone cabinets. He was a bit anal when it came to his stereo.
Mind you it was good. LOUD, and Beethoven could part your hair from across the room when the volume was turned right up!
He never let Steve play his Sex Pistols on though...
I remember being at a mate's house watching tv with his dad. There was a thing on the news about some potential hooliganism heading across the Channel to France. Football 'fans' of course. Apparantly they'd given threats to the French fans about what they were going to do to them. I remember Des saying that he couldn't wait for the French special plod division to get involved. He said they just wade in with battons and take statements when you come around. He explained that France has run of the mill plod, then 'super plod' who don't take prisoners and have an attitude, especially to foreigners. I don't know if that's the CRS. He said he'd seen them in action. It was very entertaining!
He was a funny guy. I remember going around there one saturday and he was near suicidal because when he turned up the volume on his sound system, he could hear a very slight hiss.
Apparantly this was simply unacceptable. He'd just spent something like £15 a foot for the speaker cables. His speakers were set in stone cabinets. He was a bit anal when it came to his stereo.
Mind you it was good. LOUD, and Beethoven could part your hair from across the room when the volume was turned right up!
He never let Steve play his Sex Pistols on though...
Sounds right for the CRS.!
I had a mate who had a special "music room" with his stereo on steel mounts based in concrete set at ear height when he was sitting in his special listening chair. Played it so loud your ears would bleed, or it felt like it. He said you got more "information" that way, lol! Bet that speaker cable had gold terminals!
Sounds right for the CRS.!
I had a mate who had a special "music room" with his stereo on steel mounts based in concrete set at ear height when he was sitting in his special listening chair. Played it so loud your ears would bleed, or it felt like it. He said you got more "information" that way, lol! Bet that speaker cable had gold terminals!
Ha ha, from the price he quoted, i asked if it was gold cable?
The special chair takes me back too. I remember him going on about how little i knew about music set ups. His entire set up was tuned for HIS spot on the sofa. I remember him nearly wetting himself when i asked wtf he was talking about? You just stick one speaker there and the other over there and point them towards the middle of the room...
He had a very good job servicing furnaces. He'd go all over the world doing it.

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