Her's a funny one.
I was living with my dad and my bruv, when he and I wer in late teens. I took a phone call one day from BSM wanting to talk to my bruv about a forthcoming driving lesson. He already had a full licence, so I assumed it was a mistake so we conversed about it and the BSM guy told me stuff about my bruv and my mum that only he would know. So the conv ended. Bruv came home he swore he knew nothing about it. Turned out he had applied for a job as a rep and he wanted a clean licence, his had a coupla endorsements on it. So he applied for a provisional licence same name same address as his existing licence! They sent him one!
He intended to take a test and thus get another full licence. And just to be sure he'd pass he'd even decided to do a few lessons! (Crazy, he always was a good driver!)
Anyway, after this conversation he gave up on it all.
Wish now I'd checked his new driver number, lol!
I was left thinking that he could have ended up with two perfectly legit licences, only they wouldn't be.
Biggest irony is he ended up as a bus driver for most of his working life and his licence went clean and stayed clean too.
Wonder if it would be possible today what with computers anorl.

Is his name Bob lol
Give it a try & let us know how you get on.
I worked with a lad when I was in the motor trade, he was an identical twin & his brother worked in another depo
(same company) they used to used the one licence.
My mate here was a taxi driver in Edinburgh...couldnt do tests or anything involving one to one questions or even sit in waiting rooms...too many magic mushrooms... his mate said he'd take his test for him...but he was so laid back reading a book in the test centre waiting room he forgot to listen for Kennys name being called not his till he got a tap on the shoulder asking him who he was and what time his test was...
Didn't really need to be a locksmith in the old days. I remember when Fords had about 5 keys:rolleyes:. But all could be opened with a piece of packing tape! Had to open my new-to-me V8 with a stiff plastic bag last year when its batt went flat and I discovered none of the keys opened the door, just the fob, :rolleyes:. Fun to see I hadn't lost the touch! (Was always locking my key in my car when I was a rep, used to keep a bit of packing tape behing the rear number plate!) But modern stuff, me, no chance!

When you say 'packing tape', do you mean pallet banding, or the brown stuff that comes in a roll?
I have used a loop of banding to get into a mates car with a sticky up locking prong. The only way i can think of getting in with packing tape is to cover a brick in the stuff and lob it through a window:eek:
When you say 'packing tape', do you mean pallet banding, or the brown stuff that comes in a roll?
I have used a loop of banding to get into a mates car with a sticky up locking prong. The only way i can think of getting in with packing tape is to cover a brick in the stuff and lob it through a window:eek:
I mean the stuff that if you are caught carrying by the police they call it "going prepared" or whatever it is. You know very well what I mean, whether I called it by the wrong name or not. And no I didn't unlock my company car by throwing a brick through the window every time I locked myself out of it, on some other company's car park!;)
The only way i can think of getting in with packing tape is to cover a brick in the stuff and lob it through a window:eek:

Wrong way round...you cover window with tape and then hit it with brick...saves clearing up glass shardes...
I mean the stuff that if you are caught carrying by the police they call it "going prepared" or whatever it is. You know very well what I mean, whether I called it by the wrong name or not. And no I didn't unlock my company car by throwing a brick through the window every time I locked myself out of it, on some other company's car park!;)
Yeah, pallet strapping/banding. You could argue your case of having some of that in your boot. Just have four or five foot, and cut it to size when you had to use it ;)
Yeah, pallet strapping/banding. You could argue your case of having some of that in your boot. Just have four or five foot, and cut it to size when you had to use it ;)
The number of idiots who try to do it with pry bars and wire coathangers, lol! The banding is so mauch more elegant, quicker and leaves no marks! Twas an AA man who showed me how to do it when we accidentally locked a mate's mother's keys in the car he had borrowed off her!
The number of idiots who try to do it with pry bars and wire coathangers, lol! The banding is so mauch more elegant, quicker and leaves no marks! Twas an AA man who showed me how to do it when we accidentally locked a mate's mother's keys in the car he had borrowed off her!

Watched a few USA youtube of cars being opened by repossers they use plastic wedges similar to what you use to pack up joists in UK when doing renovations to gap the doors then a long wire gripper to release handle...
Last time i had to break into a car it was my mate's mom's Vauxhall Chevette hatchback. She'd locked the keys in the ignition when she got home(fortunately) and the only thing we'd got to hand was a length of old rusty brake pipe. It took us about twenty minutes of poking, retracking, bending, poking, retracting, bending, poking etc
After we finally got it open and brought her shopping in, we got a rollocking for taking so long. "Didn't you know there was frozen stuff in the boot?"
I was about to say "didn't you know you can take the key with you?" but my mate grabbed me and pulled me outside. Apparantly he knew from her face when you could take the mick and when to keep your gob shut!
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Watched a few USA youtube of cars being opened by repossers they use plastic wedges similar to what you use to pack up joists in UK when doing renovations to gap the doors then a long wire gripper to release handle...
Tis another way but then they often have to get into a car in double quick time while being chased after by the person who thinks they own it! In the old days of quarter lights they used to simply bash it in and go from there. They don't car about doing some damage. Also they have to be able to open anytype of car.
One I like is the golf ball and hammer technique.
Say no more, but it leaves no evidence!:D
Last time i had to break into a car it was my mate's mom's Vauxhall Chevette hatchback. She'd locked the keys in the ignition when she got home(fortunately) and the only thing we'd got to hand was a length of old rusty brake pipe. It took us about twenty minutes of poking, retracking, bending, poking, retracting, bending, poking etc
After we finally got it open and brought her shopping in, we got a rollocking for taking so long. "Didn't you know there was frozen stuff in the boot?"
I was about to say "didn't you know you can take the key with you?" but my mate grabbed me and pulled me outside. Apparantly he knew from her face when you could take the mick and when to kkep your gob shut!

Was the boot locked though?!!...
Last time i had to break into a car it was my mate's mom's Vauxhall Chevette hatchback. She'd locked the keys in the ignition when she got home(fortunately) and the only thing we'd got to hand was a length of old rusty brake pipe. It took us about twenty minutes of poking, retracking, bending, poking, retracting, bending, poking etc
After we finally got it open and brought her shopping in, we got a rollocking for taking so long. "Didn't you know there was frozen stuff in the boot?"
I was about to say "didn't you know you can take the key with you?" but my mate grabbed me and pulled me outside. Apparantly he knew from her face when you could take the mick and when to kkep your gob shut!
Like the story!
Last time but one that I did it was after an evening's snooker at a club in Poole. One of my mates had done the stupid. Hunted around on the car park and eventually found a short length of something rubber. Never thought it was long enough or stiff enough to do he job, but did it in about 30 seconds. Got some funny looks from them all, (Colleagues all of them, i.e. teachers. SO straight!):D
My cousin, the mechanic used to work in a garage with a mini Co-OP about a hundred yards away. One lunctime plod appeared and asked if he knew anyone who could unlock his door as he'd locked the key in.
No problem he said, i'll just grab my case.
He'd got a case full of flat bit, bendy bits, inflatable bits, all with instructions of which bit to poke where depending on which car you were trying to open.
They walked across to the police car. Gary was in within three or four minutes. Plod say thanks and went to get into the car.
Erm, that'll be a tenner...
What? I thought...
That'll be a tenner, or i'll get in touch with some of the other coppers who you work with and tell that i'd just opened the door of one of your colleagues who locked himself out of his car. All said with the biggest grin on his face!
The guy grinned then got out his wallet.
As soon as Gary got back to the garage he sent a text to one of the copps whose cars he services regularly and told him anyway. No names, just wat car he was driving...
It didn't take long before the guy confessed it was him :D
Tis another way but then they often have to get into a car in double quick time while being chased after by the person who thinks they own it! In the old days of quarter lights they used to simply bash it in and go from there. They don't car about doing some damage. Also they have to be able to open anytype of car.
One I like is the golf ball and hammer technique.
Say no more, but it leaves no evidence!:D

Spring centre punch... pullup alongside a couple of good smacks from passenger side occupant drive off...window gone and your in when you wander back to open drivers door was how they did it in the old days...
Spring centre punch... pullup alongside a couple of good smacks from passenger side occupant drive off...window gone and your in when you wander back to open drivers door was how they did it in the old days...
Not elegant and you are driving with glass in your asre, if you can get it started, although crossing the wires was easier in the old days.;)
Not elegant and you are driving with glass in your asre, if you can get it started, although crossing the wires was easier in the old days.;)
Nah, in the good old days you didn't lock your door and the Krays were good to their mum!
They nailed people's heads to the floorboards, but they was good to their mum!
Not elegant and you are driving with glass in your asre, if you can get it started, although crossing the wires was easier in the old days.;)

In those days it was the radios they nicked mostly ...werent bothered with cars...if they wanted the car they pulled the boot lock of a car in a carpark by pretending to look in a breifcase once lock was out they could read key number and cut a key to suit with a hand held cutter...

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