Don'y know if it will be any help but a mate had an old 90 with what was an earth problem. Tracked it down to the wiring in the rear door. One earth screw for the rear lights, indicators, brake lights, rear wiper and heated screen but through multiple wires soldered together which had corroded. Don't know if its the same but might be worth a look.
Had a similar problem with mines recently, basically traced it back to the headlights/indicator connections at the front. I also cleaned up every earth in her which probebly helped as well.

What about doing a continuity test with a multi-meter to find out which wire may be at fault?
Have now cleaned every earth I can find, cheched as much wiring as I can....... still shorting out SO........It's off to a Landy garage to see if they can find the problem. Anyone got a gallon of petrol and a box of matches handy??

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