This type of agression is what provides people with the stereotype that all land rover drivers are murderers. :mad:

I don't usually get involved in this type of thing, but please do explain your quote.

Or are we to assume that

All white people are racist

All men are sexist

All women are sexy

I don't usually get involved in this type of thing, but please do explain your quote.

Or are we to assume that

All white people are racist

All men are sexist

All women are sexy


I was just saying that to the people who are reading this, who are not very bright, e.g redhand, this may help the stereotype. But however to the average poster like you or me, it just seems like something that is not true. As a better vehicle for a murderer would be some sort of van like a Ford Transit ect. Where they can hide the body in the big area in the back of it.
Beats me why anyone would ask a technical question about a Daihatsu on a Land Rover forum and expect a decent answer. They're two different vehicles and it's not likely that someone will own both together ... which makes me think this _is_ a troll post, especially with the follow up posts with 'the usual' moaning and groaning and ****-stirring.

It's a Daihatsu FFS, why would anyone here care about it? or what you thought?

I'd like to say my sister had one which she loved, but it wouldn't go as well or as far off-road, carry as much gear or tow as much on a trailer round the farm as my Discovery .. so crap really!
which makes me think this _is_ a troll post, especially with the follow up posts with 'the usual' moaning and groaning and ****-stirring.

Nail hit squarely on the head me thinks, it's not even decent trolling, VERY amateur, and only started again after school finished, :scratching_chin::scratching_chin: Coincidence :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Nail hit squarely on the head me thinks, it's not even decent trolling, VERY amateur, and only started again after school finished, :scratching_chin::scratching_chin: Coincidence :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I am currently out of work after the loss of my legs, It is indeed a massive coincidence that i have chosen to log in at this time of day.
I am currently out of work after the loss of my legs, It is indeed a massive coincidence that i have chosen to log in at this time of day.

The loss of your legs:eek::eek::eek::eek:, that takes carelessness to a whole new level, I lost 50p once, but I found it again after a brief search, so it ended well:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
To lose one leg is careless, to lose two is just plain stupid, what did you do, go to sleep on a railway line?
It was a truelly terrible accident invoving my wife in my old series 3, when the engine exploded as we were driving down the M5 motorway. She was unfortunatly killed and I had to have my legs removed due to severe burns.
Listen guys, all this **** taking about the poor chap losing his legs is NOT funny, be the bigger men, stand up and walk away :p
You can say all you want as i know i am the bigger man. (Well when i have my prostetic legs on anyway).

Thought you said it were a mate and his son got burnt in one of your earlier posts? If you're gonna spin yarns (tell lies) keep 'em consistent.

I don't believe you, simple as ..
You can say all you want as i know i am the bigger man. (Well when i have my prostetic legs on anyway).

At least you can take the lz banter, but seriously, sorry to hear about your legs and wife, can't imagine how horrible that was

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