
New Member

i've been meaning to post my question on this for some time as it has myself and MikeV8se rather puzzled.

one of the rear windows in the boot (top curved window) has the exterior glass window and also a second plastic window on the inside with a gap of approx 1" between the two. This is only on on side of the car though?

can anyone shed any light on this?
I have it on mine because of the rear aircon,have you got front and rear aircon because if you do the plastic trims are different and the rear seat that side sits out further
will get some pics the morrow but mine has a bit of history it was built as a V8 auto and shipped to Malaysia but because of the fuel shortages in 96/97 it was shipped back and used as a test bed for the TD5 then rebuilt as a 300 manual and used by staff at Lode Ln,but retained the fittings and fixtures i.e twin zone air con
will get some pics the morrow but mine has a bit of history it was built as a V8 auto and shipped to Malaysia but because of the fuel shortages in 96/97 it was shipped back and used as a test bed for the TD5 then rebuilt as a 300 manual and used by staff at Lode Ln,but retained the fittings and fixtures i.e twin zone air con

Why didn't they just leave the TD5 in it?
yes it's got rear air con and like you say the plastic trim in the boot space is different, one side is quite deep and the dickie seat is sticking further out into the boot area.
but the Double glazing is only on one side, would have tyhought they would have done both??

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