O Bife

Active Member
Hi there,

OK, I know that this might sound like the old question "How longs a pice of string?" but can anybody tell me what the best cruising speed for a 1999 P38 2.5 DSE is and what should the non-urban MPG/L-100Km should or could be please?

The reason I am asking is that we are still getting to know our new Range Rover and what the manuals say and what we are finding don't quite add up somehow.

We are getting the following readings:
  • 29.12 MPG/9.7 L-100Km @ 68.35Mph/110Kmph Non-Urban
  • 32.47 MPG/8.7 L-100Km @ 55.92Mph/90Kmph Non-Urban
  • 17.22 MPG/16.4 L-100Km @ Urban
  • 22.60 MPG/12.5 L-100Km @ Mixed
I know that I have to take it in to get serviced and I intend to have the time in the next 3 weeks, but I would just like to know what I could/should be getting out of it.

Any info would be a help.


Phil "O Bife"
if these are your fuel returns you are getting then i would be very happy normal running around town driving and short trips around 22/23 on a run about 32,its a big car dont forget,tiga

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