Is it still original veg oil or are they doing it in synth stuff?
Many years now since I have used it, I use to buy the small tin of r30 and keep it in my bike tool box. The toolbox eventually became an ultimate goo box due to leaking tins, prevented the tools rattling though! ;)
Your boat or should I say ship from the size of it,didn't slip its moorings last night did it?
Thankfully not Alan. Thanks for asking. I spent a few hours aboard yesterday, but only after buying a folding ladder to enable me to get on deck. Usually I can shin up like a rat up a drainpipe, but water was mid-thigh deep above quayside and I just couldn't pull myself up onto a tyre and then climb up, as bottom of tyre was 3' above the wet stuff. Bet you're sorry you asked now! Mercifully, the wind was blowing all 100+tons of her to hug the quayside. LAST week's storm was pushing arse end into the River so a bit more intimidating...
Thankfully not Alan. Thanks for asking. I spent a few hours aboard yesterday, but only after buying a folding ladder to enable me to get on deck. Usually I can shin up like a rat up a drainpipe, but water was mid-thigh deep above quayside and I just couldn't pull myself up onto a tyre and then climb up, as bottom of tyre was 3' above the wet stuff. Bet you're sorry you asked now! Mercifully, the wind was blowing all 100+tons of her to hug the quayside. LAST week's storm was pushing arse end into the River so a bit more intimidating...
Not sorry at all Mike,glad its safe.:D
Not sorry at all Mike,glad its safe.:D
Cheers Alan. This afternoon, I believe the water is only a foot over quayside, but there's soooooo much more water wending down into the River from surrounding area. All fields are totally saturated in the area but so far, minimal flooding thankfully. Yesterday I also pumped 14,000 litres out of the engine room and a further 1,500 lts out of the rearmost of five tanks. They both readily let rainwater in, so I really need to address that ASAP
Yes Keith. This I DO know, but don't ask me HOW Iknow
Oh go on, do tell... thinking-face_1f914.png

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