
Active Member
According to glass country file has a article on off piste driving on lanes tonight may be worth a watch to see what sort of press we get
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If Mr Craven/BBC has anything to do with it it's fair to say it'll be painting a fairly negative picture, only hope there is someone from GLASS/TRF represented to highlight the legitimate and considerate use of the lanes.
No I don't think anyone is representing the good side but I may be wrong, glass posted on Facebook so I thought I would put it here so people could watch it if they want, probably only a very short report on what a bunch of hooligans we are portrayed as
The woman just said she wished that all vehicles would stay on the roads and off the countryside. I wish he would of pointed out that they are the roads.
The woman just said she wished that all vehicles would stay on the roads and off the countryside. I wish he would of pointed out that they are the roads.

The guy on his bike said they were roads. Thought it was quite fair representation. This sub forum is quite busy atm.
I saw that but just wished the other bloke would of pointed it out to her. I live near some lanes that have just been shut and the people involved in getting it shut all have blinkers on. They are quite happy to move out of my way when I'm driving up the lane on a 4x4 tractor with a fully loaded muck spreader but you should see them start flapping when I'm on a motorbike or in a 4x4.
Seams a lot just see it as a 4x4 thing as tractor's and such make deeper ruts and would say a bit wider but as rasher says if you got a muck spreader on the back of a tractor then that's ok
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She is one of them that dont let you pass on lanes and give you hard time. Bless her , gives her something to go on about.:5brant
The woman who was interviewed (member of the Peak District Green Lane Alliance) even admitted she was very intolerant of others on the lanes, obviously a very opinionated woman and no amount of civil discussion would alter her thinking. Would hope to not meet her or anyone similarly narrow minded whilst I'm out and about.
Perhaps everyone should invest in tractors and muck spreaders as greenlaining toys ;)
They didn't mention that ramblers/tourism erode paths etc, especially bad at popular sites. And then there's the money the Nat trust spend on maintaining the sites and paths.
Walking boots should be banned from the country side :p
Perhaps everyone should invest in tractors and muck spreaders as greenlaining toys ;)

Borrow mine if you like! :D

Personally I would leave the muckspreader behind, the tractor on its own would be an almost unstoppable laning tool! ;)

Full muckspreader might come in handy if you got dirty looks from passing ramblers or cyclists, though! :D:D

During a lifetime of working in the country, I have seen a lot of serious tractor damage, both on byways and elsewhere. It is a shame that 4x4 are often blamed for this damage. :(

They didn't mention that ramblers/tourism erode paths etc, especially bad at popular sites. And then there's the money the Nat trust spend on maintaining the sites and paths.
Walking boots should be banned from the country side :p

+1 Foot damage that happens in the Dunes here is horrendous, and Nat Trust spend a fortune trying to stabilise it. :( It is definitely not vehicles of any kind, they are not permitted. bollards to prevent access.
I can quite understand the ramblers not liking 4x4s so why do they walk on the ROADS they wouldnt walk on a normal road, there are thousands of footpaths for them to walk on which wasnt mentioned either, i bet if they were injured while walking they wouldnt complain if a 4x4 rescued them either !
In one of the woodlands I work in, it's horses that cause 90% of the problems

Yes, they can cut up the ground pretty bad too! :( As usual, it is a numbers game, a little horse traffic, or grazing, does no harm. Too many in wet conditions, Mudbath! :eek:

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