@Hippo Thank you, you seem to have an understanding of my concerns...if the faults are pre accident i fully accept that and wouldn’t expect the insurers to fix anything the crash wasn't responsible for if it is evidenced in some way because the only fault i was aware of prior to the accident was the hand brake fault as follows...
I had the D3 for less than a week when my usual mechanic came to collect my D2 (which i refused to drive due to the power steering ceasing up sending me into a near miss head on collision!! ) he had a look at my D3 which i told him i’d bought over the weekend and he immediately spotted the drivers side rear brake pads were worn and had scored the disc quite badly, after calling me all the numptys under the sun for not asking him to attend etc i shown him all the documentation showing that all the pads and discs had just been done and he said fair enough it’d be down to sticking callipers then .. get on to the garage i’d bought it from to sort it.
Long story short the garage didn’t want to know since the documents proved the work was done prior to me buying and it wasn't covered under warranty...bla bla bla
My mechanic did the work..brake pads, disc, callipers, and switch...the parking brake issue appeared a few weeks later and warning lights followed, the mechanic said all this was likely due to his messing with the wheel etc but he’d sort it all when the service was done since it was fast approaching service time, enjoy your car and stop fretting was his parting message... i bloody well did...compared to my much loved knock kneed knackered, roaring old D2 it was a purring dream with no other issues!!
So the issue i have now is
1) if there is pre accident damage other than the above mentioned resulting from:
I wonder if they have found fault codes relating to the problem you have with the vehicle since the crash, which relates to a date and mileage before this. Or there is crash damage on it which matches a crash it may have been involved in in the past before you owned it.
can i / should i take issue with the garage i bought it from or do i have to suck it up and sort it myself?
I suspect if the diagnostics were cleared prior to the sale i’m flogging a dead horse...sigh....
There are only two options

1) They will write it off
2) They will fix it.

Either way don’t worry about what’s wrong, if they take the car to be fixed they will find it

other option it still won’t matter you’ll have a new one

So don’t say anything let them sort it, is what you pay them for :)
You didn’t warn me about this 3rd option @RangeRoller dt

Strip it...Scan it...Diagnose...then refuse to touch it :eek::eek:
Rebuild and send it off with 1k ( make it someone else’s problem) whilst i’m left on a wing and a prayer that all is well :(:(
1/ I cannot believe you allowed the at fault insurer's company to take the vehicle away and get it assessed without having your own insurer's assessor look at it, (#35 ) see post #13 about getting this done by your own insurance company.
2/ If you are driving a vehicle with no working speedo, albeit intermeittent, then you are breaking the law. No one can expect you to do this after an accident that is not your fault. You need to be driving a hire care paid for by the at fault driver's insurance. The longer this goes on the more it will cost and therefore be an incentive to them to get it all sorted out

We had a similar accident and our insurer's assessor came to totally different conclusions than the third party's assessor, unsurprisingly.
Best of luck.
No fault accidents are sh!t and feel for you.
don’t take there word for any present faults, ask for print out and have your own engineer access damage. Then get to the doctors complaining of neck pains etc since accident to cover your insurance shortfall.
1/ I cannot believe you allowed the at fault insurer's company to take the vehicle away and get it assessed without having your own insurer's assessor look at it, (#35 ) see post #13 about getting this done by your own insurance company.
2/ If you are driving a vehicle with no working speedo, albeit intermeittent, then you are breaking the law. No one can expect you to do this after an accident that is not your fault. You need to be driving a hire care paid for by the at fault driver's insurance. The longer this goes on the more it will cost and therefore be an incentive to them to get it all sorted out

We had a similar accident and our insurer's assessor came to totally different conclusions than the third party's assessor, unsurprisingly.
Best of luck.
No fault accidents are sh!t and feel for you.

1) I didn’t think this would be a problem since they were ‘rolling out the red carpet’ to quote @Hippo comment #28
2) As for the driving without working speedo :eek: might explain why the garage denied any ( hard to believe) incidence of dashboard death during their driving of my car from Manchester to Wigan o_O
I do have a hire car off them...for how long though???
don’t take there word for any present faults, ask for print out and have your own engineer access damage. Then get to the doctors complaining of neck pains etc since accident to cover your insurance shortfall.

Seriously doubting my decision not to pursue PI claim.... being up front and honest doesn’t seem to have done me any favours so far..:(
You can still put a claim in.

Yer need to find out what they have found. I would expect a faster fix if the third party is sorting it as it saves them sending correspondence to your insurance and back, with costs incurred each time. They're normally helpful to tempt you to do this as they're the fault side of the crash. Its a way if halving their costs. But if there is legit damage from before you bought it then you bought as seen. That wouldn't normally be covered under a warranty unless it was causing the vehicle a problem.

As said above don't agree to anything. Find out what they have found. If yer not happy get the car back and go to yer own insurance. They may not fix it all if they assess and find the same problem. Or may have a different view.
Thanks all for opinions and advice

Having had a lengthy conversation this morning with the engineer he now understands my concerns are not ‘about pulling a fast one to get any pre accident faults fixed’ ( although i still don’t know what the faults are ) more a genuine concern surrounding the potential gearbox damage that being in park could have caused.
As i explained the transmission fault message and ‘dash board death’ weren’t present prior to the accident, i asked for a second opinion or a revised settlement figure to recognise potential future gearbox damage.
I’m more than happy that he’s now seeking permission and arranging the vehicle is assessed at LR dealers local to the garage where my car is currently held.
Incidentally he also apologised that the message i was given telling me they wouldn’t repair the visible ( non disputed) bumper and sensor damage was relayed to me wrong...they were willing to do the repairs relating to the accident or settle with cash offer if i preferred to take the car elsewhere! ;)
don’t take there word for any present faults, ask for print out and have your own engineer access damage. Then get to the doctors complaining of neck pains etc since accident to cover your insurance shortfall.
I asked for them to email their report and findings but was told that may not be allowed due to data protection but he would ask??? :eek::eek: Data protection....its my car!!
Thanks all for opinions and advice

Having had a lengthy conversation this morning with the engineer he now understands my concerns are not ‘about pulling a fast one to get any pre accident faults fixed’ ( although i still don’t know what the faults are ) more a genuine concern surrounding the potential gearbox damage that being in park could have caused.
As i explained the transmission fault message and ‘dash board death’ weren’t present prior to the accident, i asked for a second opinion or a revised settlement figure to recognise potential future gearbox damage.
I’m more than happy that he’s now seeking permission and arranging the vehicle is assessed at LR dealers local to the garage where my car is currently held.
Incidentally he also apologised that the message i was given telling me they wouldn’t repair the visible ( non disputed) bumper and sensor damage was relayed to me wrong...they were willing to do the repairs relating to the accident or settle with cash offer if i preferred to take the car elsewhere! ;)

I asked for them to email their report and findings but was told that may not be allowed due to data protection but he would ask??? :eek::eek: Data protection....its my car!!
Data protection is the biggest get out those in, or not in, the know will try to use. I once had to prove to a judge the truth about the Data Protection Act. He then believed me and acted.
I would ask them to quote exactly which part of the Act they are relying on, being a law it is visible on the go.uk website.
But as you obviously think, this is just delaying tactics, snowjobbing, carp. If they get really stupid tell them to send it to your solicitor, if it is going to form part of their defence it has to be open under the "discovery" rules. I.e. no surprises are allowed.

It might be your car but technically it is not your case. The case is between the two insurance companies, you are a relatively bit-part actor in the play! Sad but true. The whole thing boils down to money, that's all they see. Not trying to be harsh or anything.:(:(:(:(:(
It might be your car but technically it is not your case. The case is between the two insurance companies, you are a relatively bit-part actor in the play! Sad but true. The whole thing boils down to money, that's all they see. Not trying to be harsh or anything.:(:(:(:(:([/QUOTE]

Theres only the at fault insurers involved with me, i informed my insurers but said i was happy to deal with the other party’s insurers so its been logged for information purposes with mine...its being dealt with by FMG on behalf of AXA I don’t feel you’re being harsh at all... i appreciate truth and honesty with all things...especially opinions that have helped me so much so far...thank you :):)
LL you are a brave boy!
However you have now cleared up that, yes, they should be sending you all info and cannot hang onto anything at all.

Have you looked at taking them throught he small claims track? I have had to do this. It is all on line and cheap.
It isn't difficult and just the threat of doing this will speed them up, should you need to do it.

Did you not have legal cover with your insurance?
You could still go with a no-win no-fee merchant and if you do that again it might speed them up as they'll have to pay the lawyer's costs as well as yours.
Do keep us informed, we are all at risk of this sort of sh!t happening and could one day need to have learned what we are now learning.
You still have the option to open up a claim for the damaged caused by the crash with yer own insurance. Just because you registered it happened with them and said you didn't need them to take any action at that point... it dun't mean yer can't go back and advise you realise the other side were messing about and you now need to claim.

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