Thank you once again for all the feedback.

“Get a claim going with your insurance company, that’s why you have insurance, as a non fault accident they will claim all costs, even your excess from third party insurers. It’s what yo pay for in premium, let them do the work”.

To be honest this is where all the confusion lies on the best way forward
I received a call from the lady involved to tell me her insurance was handling everything and they’d be in touch.
Having read my policy docs i knew that although i needn’t involve my insurance to pursue a claim i did have a duty to inform them of the situation which i did.

Since i hadn’t heard from their insurance by Tues afternoon and since the car started misbehaving i phoned my usual garage and told him what was going on etc.
He gave me the number for his ‘go to guy’ telling me to stop fretting he’ll sort everything and also just let my insurance know but tell them i’m not pursuing a claim on my insurance.

The guy is a claims handler from a firm of solicitors and he said he’ll sort everything, pursuing personal injury, assessment of my car and all negotiations involved etc.
Although theres a 25% fee deducted from any award he assured me that the % was normal practice and although i might achieve 100% of award from insurance handling it could well be significantly lower...they would be acting in their own interests primarily and not mine....
Having still not heard from ‘their’ insurers i decided to let him pursue the case.

Have i dropped a clanger?
Just tell you insurance co asap, dont delay, dont think, tell them.

When it comes to money, people will outright lie/cheat etc
Are you sur eyou are not injured;)
Just tell you insurance co asap, dont delay, dont think, tell them.

When it comes to money, people will outright lie/cheat etc
Are you sur eyou are not injured;)
I have told my insurance company and they have logged it ‘ for information purposes’ ( as required from the policy terms & conditions ) and have confirmed i can pursue claim trough the 3rd party insurance....all well and good except i’ve so far had no contact from them so decided to take my mechanics advice to use his guy and the claim is proceeding through his firm... since i only suffered stonking great headache the morning after i didn’t think much of it but following a doctor’s appointment ( from genuine worry of severity, blurred vision and possible concussion) its been confirmed as a definite indicator of whiplash and so a personal injury is also being claimed as confirmed today.
I have told my insurance company and they have logged it ‘ for information purposes’ ( as required from the policy terms & conditions ) and have confirmed i can pursue claim trough the 3rd party insurance....all well and good except i’ve so far had no contact from them so decided to take my mechanics advice to use his guy and the claim is proceeding through his firm... since i only suffered stonking great headache the morning after i didn’t think much of it but following a doctor’s appointment ( from genuine worry of severity, blurred vision and possible concussion) its been confirmed as a definite indicator of whiplash and so a personal injury is also being claimed as confirmed today.

Good luck, let the guy do his magic
So this guy gets 25% of total award money, is that over and above getting your car repaired properly? Or have you then got to fund 25% of repair so mr 25% gets his whack ?
Your ins co would have cost you nothing, as the fault was with the person who struck your vehicle, unless your tail/ brake lights were faulty . imho
I have told my insurance company and they have logged it ‘ for information purposes’ ( as required from the policy terms & conditions ) and have confirmed i can pursue claim trough the 3rd party insurance....all well and good except i’ve so far had no contact from them so decided to take my mechanics advice to use his guy and the claim is proceeding through his firm... since i only suffered stonking great headache the morning after i didn’t think much of it but following a doctor’s appointment ( from genuine worry of severity, blurred vision and possible concussion) its been confirmed as a definite indicator of whiplash and so a personal injury is also being claimed as confirmed today.

What the fuk are you doing going to a solicitor for an insurance claim and paying to do it? Or is he going to charge the other party 25% on top of a claim and they're more than happy to pay that? Are they really?

You admit you only had a headache and yer trying to put yer car into a garage yerself? Yer motor records fault codes to mileage and date. If he wipes them then they're gone potentially and also proof with it. If people start fekin about with the car then there is a risk an assessor will suspect foul play. Especially if the mileage is higher than the date of the crash when fault codes were mileage and date stamped.

Yer solicitor will give the garage a bung for referral. It is known in the industry this happens. Yer solicitor is better referred to in the industry as an ambulance chaser.

You should tell your insurance what has happened and make a claim to them. It is what you paid for assuming your car is fully insured with them. They will handle the claim on your behalf and fight your side of the battle. Including injury claims.

Insurance companies ramp up the costs when charging each other. This is why the other parties insurance may contact you direct to take over settling your claim with repair or money for write oft. You don't have to accept them doing this but if they roll out the red carpet you may find their direct help gets everything resolved quicker. In situations where i have known that to happen the claim was resolved much quicker and easier. Including courtesy cars etc. Reason being they want to resolve at reasonable cost whats needed.

It is not up to the person who crashed into you to control if her insurance contacts you direct or not. It is up to them to do so if they wish. As it stands currently there has been no claim made against them by your insurance. Instead YOU are hoping a solicitor will do that because he specialises in chasing ambulances unlike your insurance who specialises in claim management. You may even have unknowingly entered into a contract with the solitor where you will be charged if you then stop using him.

I guess its not about getting the car fixed. More a case you want to put in a whip claim and the money signs caught your eyes as the solicitor has provided method to do so.

What the fuk are you doing going to a solicitor for an insurance claim and paying to do it? Or is he going to charge the other party 25% on top of a claim and they're more than happy to pay that? Are they really?

You admit you only had a headache and yer trying to put yer car into a garage yerself? Yer motor records fault codes to mileage and date. If he wipes them then they're gone potentially and also proof with it. If people start fekin about with the car then there is a risk an assessor will suspect foul play. Especially if the mileage is higher than the date of the crash when fault codes were mileage and date stamped.

Yer solicitor will give the garage a bung for referral. It is known in the industry this happens. Yer solicitor is better referred to in the industry as an ambulance chaser.

You should tell your insurance what has happened and make a claim to them. It is what you paid for assuming your car is fully insured with them. They will handle the claim on your behalf and fight your side of the battle. Including injury claims.

Insurance companies ramp up the costs when charging each other. This is why the other parties insurance may contact you direct to take over settling your claim with repair or money for write oft. You don't have to accept them doing this but if they roll out the red carpet you may find their direct help gets everything resolved quicker. In situations where i have known that to happen the claim was resolved much quicker and easier. Including courtesy cars etc. Reason being they want to resolve at reasonable cost whats needed.

It is not up to the person who crashed into you to control if her insurance contacts you direct or not. It is up to them to do so if they wish. As it stands currently there has been no claim made against them by your insurance. Instead YOU are hoping a solicitor will do that because he specialises in chasing ambulances unlike your insurance who specialises in claim management. You may even have unknowingly entered into a contract with the solitor where you will be charged if you then stop using him.

I guess its not about getting the car fixed. More a case you want to put in a whip claim and the money signs caught your eyes as the solicitor has provided method to do so.
@Hippo RIGHT Aside from the final comment!

Received a hefty welcome / terms of business pack with all docs to be signed etc from the solicitors via post on Friday...put aside to have a good read of after work on Saturday!

Received a phone call from the ladies insurance late afternoon on Friday requesting my vehicle reg...i gave it along with the contact info from solicitors...she was shocked and asked was i aware that it could all be sorted out with her insurance etc..i told her i did know but how much confidence could she expect me to have in them if the accident was on Mon and its took till late Friday to contact me leaving me clueless and in limbo land driving a problematic car?
She apologised saying they couldn’t contact me because they didn’t have my Reg No. “oh so how are you able to be contacting me now then” i asked...beggars belief!

Incidentally i did have a call from a guy referred from the solicitors on Wed. asking about the damage to the car who ended with “leave it with me i’ll make some enquiries and get back to you” ...i’ve continued to drive it waiting for the call back.

Sooo armed with giant mug of coffee last night i set about reading through the solicitors pack.

Under the ‘items of loss’ table on the claimants questionnaire and statement of truth the following answers were pre filled:

Vehicle Damage NO Hire Charges YES
R & S Charges NO Loss of earnings YES
Personal Injury YES Any other losses Kindly confirm Directly

I didn’t really need to read beyond this part re fees..costs etc because
needless to say i will be telling them to clear right off and i’ll let the insurers handle it... despite your thoughts @Hippo it really is all about the car..for me anyway but clearly NOT for the solicitors
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It's good to hear its moving in the right direction. Ask the other parties insurance for a hire car. Make sure they're aware of your electrical faults and its limping. If the D3 is similar layout to the FL2 then theres some computers at the rear side of the boot and cables. Also make sure you have their contact details and a reference number. If they don't sort it all out you still have yer own insurance to fall back on. Registration... they may have written it down wrong or had to get back to the person who crashed into you again to get it. Hence delay.
It's good to hear its moving in the right direction. Ask the other parties insurance for a hire car. Make sure they're aware of your electrical faults and its limping. If the D3 is similar layout to the FL2 then theres some computers at the rear side of the boot and cables. Also make sure you have their contact details and a reference number. If they don't sort it all out you still have yer own insurance to fall back on. Registration... they may have written it down wrong or had to get back to the person who crashed into you again to get it. Hence delay.
Thanks @Hippo
Lets see what today brings... sorry to sound dumb but is limp mode the same as access height?
Also its displaying HDC fault system unavailable...Transmission Fault...Special programmes unavailable...along with amber warning lights...1) exclamation inside circle and brackets...2) exclamation inside triangle and anti-clockwise arrow around..3) car with arrows over each side but no engine light on.. on last couple of occasions the dash hasn't died?
Thanks @Hippo
Lets see what today brings... sorry to sound dumb but is limp mode the same as access height?
Also its displaying HDC fault system unavailable...Transmission Fault...Special programmes unavailable...along with amber warning lights...1) exclamation inside circle and brackets...2) exclamation inside triangle and anti-clockwise arrow around..3) car with arrows over each side but no engine light on.. on last couple of occasions the dash hasn't died?
Limp mode is when it limits engine revs and top speed in order to allow you to limp home, on reduced power. Not sure if that's what happened to you. I got the impression it was struggling to drive. Hence all the warning lights.

We will need a D3 owner like @gstuart who has one, to confirm what the lamps mean. As @freelance says, when you start it and the battery doesn't have enough charge you can get all sorts of warning lamps up for faults that are not present. They're caused by the battery volts not being high enough during starting which means certain onboard computers won't respond during the start period. So yer car thinks they failed. Give the battery a charge by running it for 5 minutes then switch off, then restart. Hopefully the fault lamps should disappear.
Limp mode is when it limits engine revs and top speed in order to allow you to limp home, on reduced power. Not sure if that's what happened to you. I got the impression it was struggling to drive. Hence all the warning lights.

We will need a D3 owner like @gstuart who has one, to confirm what the lamps mean. As @freelance says, when you start it and the battery doesn't have enough charge you can get all sorts of warning lamps up for faults that are not present. They're caused by the battery volts not being high enough during starting which means certain onboard computers won't respond during the start period. So yer car thinks they failed. Give the battery a charge by running it for 5 minutes then switch off, then restart. Hopefully the fault lamps should disappear.

Thanks again @freelance and @Hippo

Phew no limp mode for me then yayyy!!
The problem i have is that my dashboard has ‘died’ whilst driving on almost each occasion since!
Everything goes off and the dial needles drop below the digits so i don't see speed, temp, fuel etc! this has lasted anything from a few seconds to a few minutes before all appears normal again...
On some occasions the warning lights and messages come on and at others all seems perfectly fine?
Despite everything it appears to drive fine and no struggling or limp mode although i have only done little nips here and there since the accident to play safe so no real driving!
Anyhow its been an eventful day...lots of phone calls received from the at fault drivers insurance which has resulted in my car being picked up for full assessment tomorrow and delivery of replacement vehicle too so all is indeed moving in the right direction.
So my car has been gone a week and I’ve just received a call from the at fault drivers insurers informing me that their engineer has decided (following the receipt of scans and photographs from their garage ) that due to pre existing damage they are going to offer me 1K to have the accident damage repaired at a garage of my choice???
When i asked what pre existing damage she was referring to she didn’t know...i told her that since i only bought the car at the end of Sept. and was aware ( and disclosed to them) of the parking brake fault only and nothing else prior to the accident i wanted to speak to the engineer...i've been promised a call back but it may not be today!
I phoned the garage directly and asked them to give some clarity on the pre existing damage and was told by the mechanic that when the engine was started there were no faults so it was plugged into diagnostics and there was a list of faults but since she wasn’t familiar with Land Rover vehicles she didn't know what they were and forwarded the scans and photos to the insurance engineer.
I’m completely lost as to what happens next
Yer D3 records the date and mileage against fault codes. All cars will have occasional fault codes pop up from time to time. I wonder if they have found fault codes relating to the problem you have with the vehicle since the crash, which relates to a date and mileage before this. Or there is crash damage on it which matches a crash it may have been involved in in the past before you owned it.

It's difficult to prove either way if the faults relate to the crash or not, unless you have the codes and mileage/date they occurred. Most crashes involve physical damage which is obvious. Damage with rust in is old damage. Insurance will only fix or pay out on damage occurred in the crash they're responsible for. I have seen insurance investigation reports before. The ones I seen spotted everything.

Next steps... yer need to find out what the reason is for their conclusion. From there yer either agree to it and accept the money or claim through yer own insurance instead. Someone local to yer on ere may be able to help with diagnostics to get hold of the error code information if the insurance doesn't give it to you. They may have had a go at deleting it.
Their claim assessor is trying to reduce their liabilities, do not sign and agree anything, as all your problems have only existed since the crash! Or was it messing about prior, faults found on diagnostics probably have a date beside them

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