Would you secretly like a 'Mad Max' Landy?

  • No, I'm mad enough already.

    Votes: 36 12.7%
  • Yes, but I don't run a building society

    Votes: 115 40.5%
  • The standard Landy is good enough

    Votes: 55 19.4%
  • Yes, but my wife would refuse to drive it!

    Votes: 23 8.1%
  • I've got one

    Votes: 55 19.4%

  • Total voters
My own.... But I course, I'm. Biased :)



If for nothing else other than this:


What does it do? I don't know, but I wants it I do.

There's one in my jcb excavator. Its the throttle in that.
Never got a pic unfortunately but driving south on the m74 on Saturday, about 1220. Coolest landy I've seen yet, a 90 (i think) in desert camo paint, very well done and with camel trophy decals. Fully loaded roof rack and what looked like a trailer and tent, bright yellow winch bumper too.

Was this you? If so bloody nice motor indeed ;)
Got address is someone wants to go knock on a door. Doesn't look to have moved in a while. I wondered if jm might be interested as near him
Got address is someone wants to go knock on a door. Doesn't look to have moved in a while. I wondered if jm might be interested as near him

Ooh .. twitch ...

Nearly bought one a few years ago, didn't and a mate bought it. Turned out to be a rare one and I lost out big time .. pm me address please, even if I don't buy it (no money) I know someone who might for the right price .. ;)
how near ? and locally most would see something rot unless they get top dollar

Cheers Chunky, going over that way at the weekend probably.

If I get my way certainly now .. even if only to chin wag and take pics for me mate! :)

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