Rooster?? Cock would be more appropriate.

RichM I'm deffo not fat and I'm reasonably well educated and why the fook would anyone want to say Boo to a goose FFS.. Whatever turns yu on I suppose???

Oh and to answer the OP don't buy a petrol gaylander and do try doing a search for gaylander faults I'm sure you'll find plenty.. But don't leave the forum. If you buy that gaylander You're gonna need all the help and advice you can get :D
Ignore them. They're probably middle aged men with nothing better to do other than try and act smart on an internet forum. Instead, they just look like complete pricks. The reality is that they're probably uneducated, fat retards in rl who wouldn't say boo to a goose!

scuse me,but are you the same edumacated person who cannot make his mind up as to whether you should replace a dodgy/faulty tire???.:doh:
scuse me,but are you the same edumacated person who cannot make his mind up as to whether you should replace a dodgy/faulty tire???.:doh:

Be fair though GD a tyre is expensive. I mean if he changes it, his missus will give him earache whereas if he kills her in a crash he can always get another wife & he might even get some insurance payouts as well. So I'd be a bit reluctant to change me tyre, anorl. if I was him :doh:
Be fair though GD a tyre is expensive. I mean if he changes it, his missus will give him earache whereas if he kills her in a crash he can always get another wife & he might even get some insurance payouts as well. So I'd be a bit reluctant to change me tyre, anorl. if I was him :doh:

good point there red,oh well back to giving out good advice hey.:D:D
aww gawwdd..... what is wrong with newbies these days... :confused2:
You mean its not obvious?

Why do we have to go through this ritual time and time again?

Someone comes on here who is considering buying a Freelander. They know nothing about them and, hey guess what, they don't want to do anything without their eyes open. Good on him I'd say.

Then a certain regular party come tromping on and seem to think that they have the right to personally insult these people as if they are some lower form of life.

There is a general banter that goes on between the regulars and its fine to call BoB a twot cus he's suggesting you burn you car. Fine that's whats come to be expected. But not to Newbies who ask a perfecty reasonable question and would rather like a perfectly reasonable response.

I know I am wasting my time typing this so I don't know why I bother.

Rooster, if you do for some reason that is beyond me, waste your time and read this then I, a Freelander driver and proud of it, have this advice for you.

If you are not mechanically minded and spending hour after hour in the garage with your toolkit and a regular supply of spare parts, does not appeal to you, then the Freelander is not for you. Like most Landrovers, they are an unreliable piece of ****e that will cost you so much money that you will have to keep the thing to get any value from that money, because as a result of their unreliablity they depreciate like a hot rock through snow.

If, however, you do like getting covered in grease and dirt while under the car, and (this is important) you are totally mad, then a Freelander just might be of interest to you.

Now, if you do fall in the second catagory then, as Redhand said, keep to the Diesels. Do not touch the 1.8 petrol (Rover K series) or the 2.5 petrol (Rover KV6). The Di is a good car but is getting old now. Therefore, the one that remains is the TD4, which you should be able to get for that money.

There are a number of us Freelander drivers on here that are willing to help, so ask your questions. Just ignore the insults because they will be coming. :(
Rooster, take no notice of the resident trolls, for people that are always slagging off the Freelander, they spend a lot of time on this particular section of the forum.
I own a V plate 2.0TD and a 55 plate TD4. The TD we have had for 6 years and other than usual bits (brake, discs, pads and shoes) it has had a Rear window mech,a VCU and a Transfer box, common items for that vintage, it averages about 10k a year. The TD4 we have had for nearly 2 years and has had a fuel pump ( another common failing).
I would definitely recommend a diesel, preferably a TD4, the DI is sluggish in comparison, but be prepared for the odd big bill which can be reduced by NOT going to a LR stealer.
They are a comfortable ride, (almost car like), reasonably economical ( as long as you are not trying to race a Ferrari) and tow well, it tows our 2 berth in top gear with no problems ( A road and motorway cruiseing @ 60 ish:D) only really noticed its on there when climbing steepish hills, lots of differance from our old Mondeo TD.
Take a few for test drives and see how you get on, buy from a dealer so you get a warrenty, and splurge a bit of cash and get it checked out independantly, any problems then take it back .
Don't be put of by the neanerthal contingent - they really don't know any better. The Td4 is an excellent machine as others will testify but does need extra care over ordinary motors. You're probably used to that though with your 200tdi so go for it & you'll be well pleased. There are a good few of us on here willing to help out with advice if you do have any problems, it just seems that the wasters always seem to be online constantly & therefore fill up nearly every freelander thread with their usual bull making the forum seem unfriendly.
Don't be put of by the neanerthal contingent - they really don't know any better.

you'll find a fair number of forum members whom you deem to be from the "neanerthal contingent" have previously owned Freelanders in the past and have learnt (often expensively) that there are a number of far more suitable/reliable Land Rovers available and are simply giving their best advise to potential Freelander purchasers

would it be better if we just kept quiet and allowed peeps to waste their money without first pointing out their short comings ?
and are simply giving their best advise to potential Freelander purchasers

If people were mature about it, I'd agree with you. However, I wouldn't call "burn it!!!" and "watch out, the doors might fall off LOL :D:D:D" useful advice. It's merely annoying to anyone who has read the same old comments more than once.

Sean said:
would it be better if we just kept quiet and allowed peeps to waste their money without first pointing out their short comings ?

Of course not, but people should be constructive. That doesn't mean they should take the **** all the time.

Some comments are helpful, yet others are just annoying, childish and old.
every village has an idiot, perhaps the LZ one should be taught to type something other than "burn it"
If people were mature about it, I'd agree with you. However, I wouldn't call "burn it!!!" and "watch out, the doors might fall off LOL :D:D:D" useful advice. It's merely annoying to anyone who has read the same old comments more than once. That doesn't mean they should take the **** all the time.

Some comments are helpful, yet others are just annoying, childish and old.

But the entire La raison D'entre for LZ is for like minded peeps to share information and discuss Landrovers whilst still been able to have a laugh and take the **** out of each other. If you find that you don't feel comfortable in a forum with this ethos. Then you can always **** off too anther Landy forum. There are plenty out there packed full of anally retentive ****ers who lock threads and ban people for the slightest off topic or frivolous comment.
But the entire La raison D'entre for LZ is for like minded peeps to share information and discuss Landrovers whilst still been able to have a laugh and take the **** out of each other. If you find that you don't feel comfortable in a forum with this ethos. Then you can always **** off too anther Landy forum. There are plenty out there packed full of anally retentive ****ers who lock threads and ban people for the slightest off topic or frivolous comment.

I agree with you on this, there is nothing wrong with a bit of banter or taking the ****, and i'm sure BoB doesn't give two ****s about my reply on the first page (i hope he laughed about it, he gives enough to everyone else :)).

But... the OP who wanted advice only just joined and he got a mouthful of **** lol, i don't blame him for quitting the forum (if he has gone already). It's kinda like someone walking into a pub and giving a ****ful to random people and expecting not to get a black eye for it :D.

Banter and taking the ****? yes! but take it easy on the newbies or noobs or whatever you want to call them or they will go somewhere else and their will be no one left except for the older forum members (not experienced, just the more regular posters).

I also own a petrol gaylander.... so gimme some stick :lalala:
I agree with you on this, there is nothing wrong with a bit of banter or taking the ****, and i'm sure BoB doesn't give two ****s about my reply on the first page (i hope he laughed about it, he gives enough to everyone else :)).

But... the OP who wanted advice only just joined and he got a mouthful of **** lol, i don't blame him for quitting the forum (if he has gone already). It's kinda like someone walking into a pub and giving a ****ful to random people and expecting not to get a black eye for it :D.

Banter and taking the ****? yes! but take it easy on the newbies or noobs or whatever you want to call them or they will go somewhere else and their will be no one left except for the older forum members (not experienced, just the more regular posters).

I also own a petrol gaylander.... so gimme some stick :lalala:

AGREED! At least give genuine new guys a chance to get to know the site before pouncing all over them. I'm the first one to have a go at the " I've just bought a Freelander & am too lazy to read the manual or open the bonnet so could one of you tell me where my dipstick is" brigade but this guy was genuinely asking for reasonable advice. Would it really have hurt people who don't like the Freelander to tell him sensibly why they gave up on theirs & those of us who do like them can tell him why we like ours. At least then he can decide whether it's for him or not & maybe after several more posts he can be inducted into the Landyzone way.
you'll find a fair number of forum members whom you deem to be from the "neanerthal contingent" have previously owned Freelanders in the past and have learnt (often expensively) that there are a number of far more suitable/reliable Land Rovers available and are simply giving their best advise to potential Freelander purchasers

would it be better if we just kept quiet and allowed peeps to waste their money without first pointing out their short comings ?

Fair point but the other side of this for me was that I once had a classic rangie & it cost a hell of a lot more to fix & run than my freelander ever has though it was a lot older & not as well bought as it should have been (still liked it though). Its not the good advice that's the problem its the same old rubbish that just copied & pasted that tells the guy nothing.
Maybe the mods could pick the most common especially the "burn it" gem & make a sticky thread from all of them then BoB & his cronies might not feel the need to repeat themselves so often.
Take MHM for example, he's owned Freelanders & not had great experiences with them yet still gives useful info & tells people WHY not to buy without any of the crap.

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