Ow about furry oil cans.

I have some natty cup holders that unpack themselves at the touch of a button but I never used them in the car they came out of so probably won't bother.
Never did get our modern coffee culture. Walking around with a paper cup of hot brown just says 'too bone idle to get up early enough to sit and have a coffee' to me. Not 'oh look at me busy busy busy, tea breaks are for wimps'.
I blame Dellboy.
get a new park switch for the wiper motor, from memory theyre not that expensive...or otherwise remove it and put it back again.......worked on mine!!
oh and try whacking it while its out...
+Back at it today at last. Managed to rescue a bit of timber from a skip monster and fort I'll risk the weather.


Had a play with some cardboard first to sample a few shapes and came up with this.


So out with the jigger and glue.................


Then a nammer.

Diddnt get much further as I ran out of bothered.


Sure I'll get more don on the morrow.
The hard bit will be making it demountable. We all know something behind there will need tinkering with before long so it's being made in three parts. The two end panels will be simple covers with a central binnacle to take the sparkle bits. Hopefully you won't even punch the dash when selecting first.
a nice flashy modern fuse box would be nice somewhere, using those blade fuses that light up when they are blown, looking forward to it all taking shape
Already got them for my row of fused relays. I will be keeping the old unit also. Just dropping ampage for the relays to go first.
Not that it will happen with my twist and sellotape wiring. :oops:
There ye go @honolulujoe. Just for you.


Bit more done. In fact lots more done, just not wood butchery.


You may have noticed some yoga mat has been utilised as boxing in. This is to direct air from the front flaps to what I hope will be air vents in the dash. I am hoping to eventually rig up a couple of solenoid rams to open and close them as the sliders are now redundant.
At it again but no big leaps. Been boinking in lumps of support for the curved bits and beefing up with body filler. Spent most of the day waiting for glue to dry with a gin n tonic in the garden. :)


As you can tell my photography is directly connected to my GnT muscle.
Managed to stay off the oil today so got a bit done. Both sides ready for final tweeking and ready to start mi binnacle.

As parts of the box are MDF and trattors never get wet inside I have sealed them up to stop the wood turning into snot.


They will be fine filled before the Ukrainian lesser smutter skin is stretched over them, that is after the bits are cut out for speakers and air vents and the like.


Lots of space now for cubby holes but my priority will be the looming MOT so they will have to wait. Just think how many dials I could fit.:p



Should look good once they are blinged up a bit.

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