Been a wile but I have been designing a central locking system for a series. Lots of cutting up bits of tin and swearing but I think I'm onto a winner.
I have suspended my visible upgrades until Henry is a little more secure. The better it looks the more nickable it will become so onward and upward with security. Now it being and looking like a standard rust bucket from the outside should have its advantages. A casual thief will bring along a screwdriver for such a simple heist. But what if he cant actually get in the sod without smashing a window and crawling through it. Even when in it what if he still cant get the doors open and it looks like a big job. Hopefully by this time I have finished having my legs waxed and am back on rout to the mall car park.
I wanted to send a bolt into the door edge completely independent from the standard door latches but you will probably have noticed the door edges are surrounded by rubbers when closed and as Id finally got them watertight I didnt want to start chopping holes in the seals. This then required a keep. So I chopped up a lump of 6mm steel off the old tow bracket and our very own good old
@wammers turned me a couple of hollow bullets to hide the bolts. Once lined up with the linear bearings that would guide the bolts they where tacked up and welded into position.
Once the door cards are on most of the keep will be covered and will look quite tidy.
On the back side of that linear bearing will go the mechanism that pushes the bolt. So far it looks like this but as I fitted and un fitted it several times for adjustments it looked older than the car so the drivers side one tomorrow will have a few more photos of how it goes together.
Once installed the hidy hole can be covered in steel and secured so it will be a huge faff for someone to get at it.
Oh, and I have had an idea of bolting one of those rear crossmember grab handles vertically just inside the striker plate and bearing so your pockets or belt lops dont snag on your way out.