On large areas I apply flashband first and yes you can pay lots for special kits etc. The advantage of closed cell foam is it will not take on water. There are denser foams at around the same price as my cheap import but they hold water and very expensive ones that are denser/thicker/have great names.
I always balance price against effectiveness and this is the best option I can find. I could throw thousands at it with specialist products but for something that is going to be sat behind several other barriers to noise It hardly seems worth it.
The ten rolls should do most of the interior so for 40 quid It satisfies my budget.
Funny one today. Started changing leaf spring bushes as they where all on the last MOT as advisories. Took the first two out and they are spot on. Hardly any wear at all. As they are all parabolics I doubted they would have been in that long anyway. Same with the shock absorber bushes. On the advisory list but fine.
Bit confused now.
Funny one today. Started changing leaf spring bushes as they where all on the last MOT as advisories. Took the first two out and they are spot on. Hardly any wear at all. As they are all parabolics I doubted they would have been in that long anyway. Same with the shock absorber bushes. On the advisory list but fine.
Bit confused now.
What's the bush in the chassis like?
On large areas I apply flashband first and yes you can pay lots for special kits etc. The advantage of closed cell foam is it will not take on water. There are denser foams at around the same price as my cheap import but they hold water and very expensive ones that are denser/thicker/have great names.
I always balance price against effectiveness and this is the best option I can find. I could throw thousands at it with specialist products but for something that is going to be sat behind several other barriers to noise It hardly seems worth it.
The ten rolls should do most of the interior so for 40 quid It satisfies my budget.
Any chance of a linky to the place you bought the stuff.
Cheers bud. Don't need it at the mo but good to know for the future if I ever step back to last century and sell the Freelander for a Defender. :p
The boiler went today. 30 years of teasing and tinkering to keep the old girl going and she has a terminal leak in the casting. Well I'm not replacing it. Just cant be moythered. Looks like I'm off down the plumbers in the morning to book in a combi. I bet I dont get 30 years out of that.

watch out though she has probably already decided what you will do next :D

I think they are programmed that way

Bedroom next but only a coat of wallop. New bed and carpet are contracted out :rolleyes:

I have never known tiles like these. Like plate steel. I'm having to cut each one with a diamond blade in mi angle grinder. Doin mi ed in.
Then again I never paid £30 a yard before:eek:
thing I don't like about modern boilers is the lack of heat produced by the boiler itself, they don't keep the room they are in warm anymore so you need an extra rad too.
And the landy?
I should be so lucky.
Not touched it for weeks. With the house falling down round my ears and work, I just havnt got a moment to play.
At least the plumbers been and quoted me for the boiler upgrade this morning. Two grand aint so bad for what he has to strip out before he can start.
Looks like I'm back on the dash.
Managed to move the speedo cable over to the center yesterday along with wiring in the washers (well who needs them in winter) also had a general play round the mechanics as ye do. Found out the new rattle is a loose alternator and as the bolts aint moving I ordered a new 75amp alternator and a set of stainless steel bolts (that'll show it).
So once I finish wiring the wipers, yes they are still without park, I can thrash on with working out how to build a dash. Thinking of a three piece system. One on the left, screen to footwell. One on the right the same but round the steering bits and one down the centre to owld mi clocks. That way it will come out and go back in at will if the need arises.
First I will fit a new narrower mantle shelf under the screen. From this I can decide on a pleasing profile using card and then cut out gables.
One at each end and two in the centre.

Then cover with hard board

Just a case of laying up with fiberglass over the top and adding a bit of strength ere n thure and on with upholstering it.

May add pockets, cubby holes, deffo speakers and air vents, who knows till I get out of this naffin settee.

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