At least you know the story behind this car and I’m sure dopey will always be on here for advice
Definitely and because it's a diesel instead of the v8, I am actually going to press it in to daily service too, so I've taken deposit on my om606 powered e class, making the rangey effectively free #manmaths

I've done a post in the members vehicles section where I'll post regular updates for those interested
If I would had kept it, things would have just deteriorated more on it, sadly my illness won't let me do what needs doing on it, you see too many cars sitting outside people's house just run down because they can't get rid of them, I don't want the same thing to happen to this RR
Sorry to hear that man. I think that's probably the only circumstance under which I'd sell mine- when I can't look after it anymore and find someone who can keep it going, and sort of preserve the legacy, I guess. In that respect it looks like you may have found a good custodian in @jpor..... first question was how to restore EAS whereas the wrong guy would have wanted to go the other way, huh?
Sorry to hear that man. I think that's probably the only circumstance under which I'd sell mine- when I can't look after it anymore and find someone who can keep it going, and sort of preserve the legacy, I guess. In that respect it looks like you may have found a good custodian in @jpor..... first question was how to restore EAS whereas the wrong guy would have wanted to go the other way, huh?
It fixed itself, now its decided the driver side door is open
The EAS come up for no reason in the first place, I was sitting in the car actually talking to him, hung up the phone (the engine had been running a good 5 mins) as soon as I did that I got the beeping and the Christmas tree lights come up, after that it was intermittent (that's why we thought it was a dirty sensor)
If I would had kept it, things would have just deteriorated more on it, sadly my illness won't let me do what needs doing on it, you see too many cars sitting outside people's house just run down because they can't get rid of them, I don't want the same thing to happen to this RR
It might have been tough but good on you Dopey:D:D

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