and another, this one claims to be running on a 1961 range rover chassis :rolleyes:

Land Rover High Capacity Pickup LPG, Auto, 3.5 V8, Tax Exempt | eBay

that reg isnt 1961 its 1971 so it must be a typo error on the sellers behalf and if its on the rangie chassis with matching running gear sod evrything else it just might have enough points top scrape through with that reg but only by the skin of its nutsack

a 1961 reg will more often than not be a 3 digit following 3 letters ( eg ABC 123 ) or the other way round as it was 1962 when the fourth year corresponding letter came out ;);)

not trying to put anyone down or take the **** im just simply trying to educate and save yer all a little time searching through google /direct gov/dvla and the rest of them :cool::cool:
that reg isnt 1961 its 1971 so it must be a typo error on the sellers behalf and if its on the rangie chassis with matching running gear sod evrything else it just might have enough points top scrape through with that reg but only by the skin of its nutsack

a 1961 reg will more often than not be a 3 digit following 3 letters ( eg ABC 123 ) or the other way round as it was 1962 when the fourth year corresponding letter came out ;);)

not trying to put anyone down or take the **** im just simply trying to educate and save yer all a little time searching through google /direct gov/dvla and the rest of them :cool::cool:
Chassis mod automatically removes the points for that, and the auto conversion removes the points for that. That is not taking into account the fact that lengthening the chassis to 110 inches means it should be on a q plate.
Is it the full moon or something?

Your own quote says it claims to be a genuine series not a genuine series 2a. Unless you now claim series 3s are not series landrovers.

Also, a ringer refers to the vehicle identity. None of the visible parts constitute the vehicle's legal identity. Unless you have x-ray vision now.

Thankyou, well said.
why have a poke at me just coz youve got ****y about someone elses mistaken assumption as you stated without knowing all the facts same as youve fired off the handle having a go at my language without stopping and asking yourself why

if you really are shallow enough to paddle in FYI the reason this subject of ringing boils my **** is i spent the better part of this year restoring a series 2 with a series 3 shell on it wich i bought from ebay saying it had a v5 and registration and evrything but when i took delivery theyd removed the original ID and used it to ring a late 70s series 3 to look genuine and cost me a fookin fortune in charges surcharges investigations tests and allsorts to get the ID back on mine

as a result i lost it and commented on the blatant defender with a 1959 series 2 reg obvious ringer calling whoever did the ID swap a name suitable to what his morral self being is

now a little message to you ........if you wanna come on here and pick fights for little twinges such as a bit of foul language then take it to anything goes or otherwise put yer dummy back in nput yer nappy back on and be quiet !!!!!:5brant:
Bit over the top reaction! Not my fault re your past situation and not the same situation as our landy either. Sorry if got at wrong person but ****ed off myself at the moment at others!
Bit over the top reaction! Not my fault re your past situation and not the same situation as our landy either. Sorry if got at wrong person but ****ed off myself at the moment at others!

Oh ffs what sort of response is that? 'I'm sorry but....'

If you want to be ****ed off have a go at the OP but if you want to take offense at the way people say things then you're in the wrong place......seriously! :rolleyes:
ya know im actually taken aback with the way peeps on here have stuck up for me and the fact that i didnt have a clue of just how solid a community this site actually is until now

so id just like to extent my deepest grattitude to all that have corrected the person in question and im sure ill do the same for any of you in the future :D:D:smokin:

Shut up you tart! :p:D
does anyone no were i can get the rivots to replace a vin plate. i have tried normal rivots but they don't look right! I have a 1999 td5 but got a vin plate and chassis number off a 1962 88 inch. I was thinking if i rivot plate on and change chassis numbers with stamp kit i have will any one notice or care ???
I guess this post worked as it has highlighted the fact that its easy to dupe people into believing a vehicle is tax exempt just because the seller says so. The number of bids on such vehicles prove it.
Personally I wouldn't touch the "coilers" with a barge pole.

As for the series vehicles I singled out, unless there is very good photographic eveidence of the rebuild / updates and a decent amount of paperwork to back up "Genuine" claims then in my view they remain potential liabilities.
i very much doubt that most of the coilsprung tax dodgers are sold to the unsuspecting especially if they're a lateish model, 200/300tdi and TD5, most folks that look at one of those and buy it with a "historic registration" document will know exactly what they're buying

thier problems will arise when/if they have a serious accident or a knowledgable cop decides to pull them

the ones that "could" be sold to unsuspecting folks will be the 1/2/2a/3 bodied shortened disco/90 etc' chassis, the unsuspecting folks being the very new to landrover person that "just fancies" a new toy without knowing anything about landrovers but likes the look of the older models but again i'll hazard a guess at it being very few go to the unsuspecting

the prime ones that'll go to the unsuspecting "landrover newbie" will be S3's wearing S2/2a plates as the appearance is so similar externally, those are the ones that aren't fair and are more likely to cause "innocent newbies" to take flak

i got educated after i bought my first landrover, i also bought a civilian bodied landrover that had a lightweight plate on it (i didn't understand the vin plate), everybody thought i'd bought a "ringer" even i thought there was something odd about it until i pulled it to bits when i found it WAS actually a rotten as a pear lightweight chassis under the body panels with a civvy crossmember and outriggers on it

there's a lot of detail differences for the newby to learn about before anyone can be certain of what they're buying, myself i can now spot certain things from the outside but it's not until i crawl underneath for a closer look do i make any assumption of what model i'm looking at as too many bits can be interchanged with relative ease

does anyone want to tell me what model this is ??
military spring shackles and series 3 hinges and looks like a series 3 bulkhead? and twin fuel tanks
Bulkhead looks to be a series 2. The rear crossmember and suspension shackles seem to indicate an ex MOD model

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