You should clean up your language - it doesn't do you any favours or give you any credability at all. Just reflects badly on you.

Since I wasted a post defending the vehicle and seller, I feel qualified to say fcuk off, knob.
Johnny wasn't talking about your vehicle and contributes more to this forum than your 2 post career will ever do.
Don't suppose you'll be back anyway, byeeee.
Good point and well made Freelaner - must of thought I was in another time and place.... We've not heard back from 'im yet though????????????
So I called it a ringer - the ad misleads and calls it genuine.

Its not genuine as it has no visible series 2a parts.

Is it the full moon or something?

Your own quote says it claims to be a genuine series not a genuine series 2a. Unless you now claim series 3s are not series landrovers.

Also, a ringer refers to the vehicle identity. None of the visible parts constitute the vehicle's legal identity. Unless you have x-ray vision now.
You should clean up your language - it doesn't do you any favours or give you any credability at all. Just reflects badly on you.

why have a poke at me just coz youve got ****y about someone elses mistaken assumption as you stated without knowing all the facts same as youve fired off the handle having a go at my language without stopping and asking yourself why

if you really are shallow enough to paddle in FYI the reason this subject of ringing boils my **** is i spent the better part of this year restoring a series 2 with a series 3 shell on it wich i bought from ebay saying it had a v5 and registration and evrything but when i took delivery theyd removed the original ID and used it to ring a late 70s series 3 to look genuine and cost me a fookin fortune in charges surcharges investigations tests and allsorts to get the ID back on mine

as a result i lost it and commented on the blatant defender with a 1959 series 2 reg obvious ringer calling whoever did the ID swap a name suitable to what his morral self being is

now a little message to you ........if you wanna come on here and pick fights for little twinges such as a bit of foul language then take it to anything goes or otherwise put yer dummy back in nput yer nappy back on and be quiet !!!!!:5brant:
Good point and well made Freelaner - must of thought I was in another time and place.... We've not heard back from 'im yet though????????????

We can forgive your little indescretion :D

what is more unforgivable is dissing a very well respected Johnny who has been through the mill (to put it mildly) in his resurrection of an actual boni fidi series.
I bet those landies the OP posted are a bit more original than my one :rolleyes: New chassis, countless gearboxes, 3 engine changes, and god knows what else. All in the last few years and all
ya know im actually taken aback with the way peeps on here have stuck up for me and the fact that i didnt have a clue of just how solid a community this site actually is until now

so id just like to extent my deepest grattitude to all that have corrected the person in question and im sure ill do the same for any of you in the future :D:D:smokin:
well im as currently as guilty as one of these bluddy ringers the difference is i made my abomination out of neccesicty i had to otherwise she would be at the scrapper in the sky but the difference is she is my pride and joy and part of the family and will never get sold a new chassis will go under her before i sell her i need to wash my mouth out for saying sell her and im going to make my 2a back to the way she was but dont jump on the vehicles without knowing the full reasons
Well Well a hornets nest has been stirred up here then !

It's not the series 3 with Tax free plates that bother me but the TD5 and 90/110's on the road with tax free plates that really take the mick

Now mine is a 68 series 2a with a Galv chassis series 3 bulkhead para springs - but all done with good intensions and on a budget so is mine a ringer ??

But there is a guy down the road with a TD 5 Defender on tax free plates ( I checked Tax disc to make sure it was not just a private plate, But states Historic Vechile !!!!)

Hmmmm they are the real crooks
Shirley that's the point. It's irrelevant if the car is a bitsa, it is whether it is trying to defraud us all by evading the tax due that is the point?

If you want a coil sprung S3, then fine, just don't tax it as a 1964 tax free vehicle.

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