Hi I agree their are some ringers on Ebay
but I think most are genuine, my own 88"
is a bitsa 1965 chassis 1977 bulkhead&
wings 200 TDI disco engine does this make
mine a ringer. Im 67 years old and Ive
known the landy for 40 odd years.
Keeping old cars on the road in original condition
is in a lot of cases beyond the average working man
be it cost or time or skill or all three of these reasons
not all of us can afford to be rivet counters nor
would want to be.
I for one enjoy my landy for what it is
and use it as it is as do many others
so lets not Knock these landrovers but be glad
their there. Cheers Stuart:eek::eek::p:p

Very well said, there arn't very many 44 year old Landies out there that havn't now become a mixed bag of new parts, bulkhead, new chassis etc....
My own Series 2A has a new galvenised chassis and a 200TDi engine. I also swapped the rotten bulkhead for a secondhand one in much better condition and modernised the wiring... does this make me a criminal? Should I be reported to the DVLA? Or can I keep on enjoying my classic look Landrover, without worrying about the dreaded tinworm and fourty odd year old Lucas wiring?
PS...If the advert had listed the vehicle as an "88inch" or a "4 X 4 Light Utility" as per the P5 Document, issued by the DVLA, would we be having this conversation???
When the S3 came out a lot of S2 owners preferred the "modern" look and upgraded their 2's to have a 3 front end, in a lot of cases including the bulk head.

Now, firstly, there was a cut off date that any work before this didn't count on the points system anyway, i can't remember the exact date but i bet you'll find a lot of the conversions were done before this.

Secondly, a lot of people selling series don't know what they've got and when it was first made, etc. so - if it has a S3 front end they're going to assume it's a S3 when they list it on eBay.

They're not trying to be dodgy, they just don't understand.

Maybe you need to come down from your high horse for a bit and just not worry so much about every little thing in life.
Don't mean to be controversial, but why are we always seeking to add up points in order to prove some ones truck dosnt deserve to be tax free? As long as no none of the parts are stolen who cares! Surely we should be happy that a few people are managing to keep there trucks going and not pay road tax. Tax exemption should be a rolling thing.
When the S3 came out a lot of S2 owners preferred the "modern" look and upgraded their 2's to have a 3 front end, in a lot of cases including the bulk head.

I'm sorry I don't really buy into that argument.

I agree that some may have been changed but I've been into series 2 and 3 land rovers for 20 years and only in the last few years do I see so many "tax free" series 2's looking remarkably like a mid 70's/ early 80's series 3's.

There was a land rover series 3 on a "P" 1976 reg driving round my way recently and then suddenly the same vehicle was on an "F" reg. 1967.
As long as its not harming any one else, wheres the harm? Yes it deprives the government of a few pounds, but lets be honest they throw our money away every day. Why cant people live and let let live?
TBH I see both sides and don't much care about tax free or not... only eal issue to me is whether it would invalidate insurance in the event of an accident and subsequent inspection by the assessor - Buyer beware, and satisfy yourself that what you are buying is what it purports to be.... trust no one!!!!
As a family member of the seller of one of the series 3 Land Rovers on ebay that this thread started with - the bottom one of the 3 with the galvanised chasis, I would like to say my bit. I take great offence that without the facts this person accuses this vehicle as being a ringer. It most certainly is not and is a very genuine series Land Rover. Fanatics may want every single part to be of the original series but it is not a ringer to have some parts on it of a later series. Many of us want to have more efficient parts of a later series when some parts need replacing and there is nothing wrong with that. The listing doesn't say it is historically perfect and it is unfair to have been branded a ringer just because this guy wants historically perfect. If the listing is read fully the vehicle is being sold due to a family breavement, so the last thing my family needs is to have this interference and false accusation when he doesn't know the vehicle, paper work or anything about my family and our integrety. It is most unfair to have his posting and the ebay link to our landy when his remarks are made so sweepingly and are not balanced or correct for this Landy.
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Might get shot down here but owning a genuine tax free series 3, I find it rather a shame that I see so many other "tax free" series 3's for sale on ebay and alike knowing full well that they are non tax free series 3's with series 2 identities on them.

Basically these vehicles are nothing more than ringers that should be named and shamed as eventually it will spoil it for the genuine historic vehicles out there.

Also some unsuspecting buyer will buy a ringer and have it confiscated.

Some current examples:

LAND ROVER Series 3 | eBay

tax exempt land rover | eBay

Tax Exempt Land Rover Series 3, SWB, Hard top, Galvanised Chasis, Gt Condition | eBay
Re - The last of these 3 landy's - This is a genuine landy - not a ringer and the guy who said so should be named and shamed for making a false accusation without the full facts - I know this vehicle as I'm a family member of the seller. He is greatly mistaken.
As a family member of the seller of one of the series 3 Land Rovers on ebay that this thread started with - the bottom one of the 3 with the galvanised chasis, I would like to say my bit. I take great offence that without the facts this person accuses this vehicle as being a ringer. It most certainly is not and is a very genuine series Land Rover. Fanatics may want every single part to be of the original series but it is not a ringer to have some parts on it of a later series. Many of us want to have more efficient parts of a later series when some parts need replacing and there is nothing wrong with that. The listing doesn't say it is historically perfect and it is unfair to have been branded a ringer just because this guy wants historically perfect. If the listing is read fully the vehicle is being sold due to a family breavement, so the last thing my family needs is to have this interference and false accusation when he doesn't know the vehicle, paper work or anything about my family and our integrety. It is most unfair to have his posting and the ebay link to our landy when his remarks are made so sweepingly and are not balanced or correct for this Landy.

I wouldn't worry it's a healthy enough conversation and mostly your Landies are being defended as (without knowing facts) probably legit.

The real issue is ID swapping.....sometimes for tax free status which upsets some......and sometimes to sell a stolen vehicle which upsets everyone :mad:
You should clean up your language - it doesn't do you any favours or give you any credability at all. Just reflects badly on you.

He's talking about a different Landy that in all probability IS stolen so it doesn't reflect on you at all.

What JC says is his own business and nothing to do with you whatsoever :rolleyes:

Guessing you won't be hanging around for long :p

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