Are cherished/private registrations:

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i think you need to give some idea of what it is you want to know what we think about what ever it is you want to know about what we think about
bollocks its a poll and i didn't even see it..what can i say ? too much falling down water perhaps
number plates huh! just another means of keeping track of your movments.
come let us rise up and crush the people who watch our every move
ive got 1 on my car, it was cheap and its as close to perfect for my nickname as i could get on a reg plate so i got it. i dont see the point in paying £1000's for 1, but for £250 inc transfer fee mine was a bargain.

ps its now also made me money, ive had offers of over double what i paid for it recently :D
that just means that your not as dumb as some. but it don't change the fact you got one. why????? its not like you can look at it while driving, you can only look at it when you are out of the car so does that mean you pull up a deck chair and sit in yer drive looking at the front of yer car. or is it so people will look and say" oh! he must be rich cos his number plate nearly looks like a name".
tell us why?? please??
I personally think they're completely gay and a waste of time.... I only got mine cos it's my name !!!!!!
so is A17 your first name then, if i were you i would sue your parents, any parent that names their child with numbers should be shot ;)
Classic plates, as in, plates that were the original registration on classic cars. I have an Austin Healey 3000 back home, and it has the registration "555 TSU" if that vehicle lost its registration (ie. a restoration) you would need to find a registration that was of approximately the right year. is it is, the registration we do have would probably be quite valuable to a subaru driver.
yella disco said:
so is A17 your first name then, if i were you i would sue your parents, any parent that names their child with numbers should be shot ;)

"I am not a number!!! I am a human being!!!"

[the prisoner]
its all beyond me. i just don't get it, will some one please tell me what it is with these things, be they personal, classic or perished plates? just what is the point of them? what do they do to improve the car? why? even chequer plate makes more sense, not much more but some.
i've heard tell of hundreds of thousands changing hands for the right to put 'n 013 end' on yer car bur surely you could just as easy get a sticker made up just for your car. it would be cheaper and you wouldn't need to worry about putting the rivets in the right place.
OK, I'll try and shed a bit of logic behind the reason for personal plates ;)

A friend of mine was starting his own business 18 months ago and sold his 110 County TD5 and his V8 off road racer (Forever England) to help finance startup costs, and buy a car suitable for his position and his wife to drive. He kept his 90 Station Wagon, and it's used for work and play still.

They ended up buying a 12 year old Merc 300 SL for a reasonable price, and as with all Athens Taxis, they run and run. To hide the age of the car they wanted a cheap £250 plate - a good idea imho, but never search DVLA online after 8 cans of stella or you end up with a plate like B4 SXE :eek:

I personally wouldn't get one however...

nah !! still don't see it a 12 year old merc is still a 12 year old merc and will still be even if you spend 12grand on a plate and that doesn't explain the rest with their 'N 013 END" plates

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