Are cherished/private registrations:

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Try ****ing, works a treat:D
I must also be a sad ****er as I have a personalised plate on my Gaylander - I am also a sad ****er who has made money from personalised plates on two occasions now I have sold motors for wayyy over the odds just because of the plate that was on them. Mine is S70 HUB - S for Stuart 70 the year I was born and Hub for my surname Hubball - cost me 250 notes from DVLA and I could flog it on ebay for 500 on a Buy It Now if I wanted - dont seem too bad a deal to me. If you took two cars of the same model, age, mileage, colour etc and put em on a dealers forecourt, one with a cherished plate and one with the correct age related plate, its the cherished plate one that would sell for more - fact, ask any trader!!

What is sad is when people either add a little script underneath to explain what the initials stand for (makes me **** myself laughing that one) or when people try and change letters and numbers etc. - i.e, adjusting an '8' to look like a 'B' - its fookin illegal and you know full well it is yet people whinge when they get a tug off the old bill and are served with a rectification notice.

Cherished / Private / Personalised Plates are far far more common these days (not sure why - I know DVLA issued a shedload and are slowly letting more go) In my opinion, this 'hatred' of em is just inverted snobbery.

I am right and all you lot are wrong on this one - get used to it and get over it - that way you will feel a whole lot better and it will do wonders to massage my ego which is so fragile I need to buy a personalised plate to boost it ;-) ;-)

Pass the Vaseline!!!
what a load of bollocks, just cos some nobends are daft enough to part with cash for a thing that is no use, that you can't really look at, has no practical purpose,doesn't prove that they are a good thing. it just proves what a load of sad ****ers there are going about these days.
i've no doubt a car with one will sell for more than one without. (car dealers have more than one way of getting cash away from wallies),but i wont be buying it, i'll buy the one without and have 500squid to spend on an automatic self stacking bong.
Next "Stu" you will be telling us your really into Internal Partitions, Acoustic Movable Walls, Folding Screens, External Glazed Doors and Vinyl Concertina Partitions.................

However i digress.

The absolute total nob facto0r of plates IMHO is the ones that tell you what the car is, just below where the manufacturer has put there mark.

A10 TVR..............H63 XJK............FFS we can read the bit on the boot no need to pay out silly money to tell us again in case we missed it.
i have to say i now have a personalised plate............
my daughter bought it for me and it says "my dad is great"
i don't think she knows your dad, and if she did why would she give me a plate about him?

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