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Aye up Yella, I been checking out the results of my first ever trial. I came 3rd from bottom - room for improvement! but was chuffed wernt last though!! Hope to be doin anuva one this weekend.
I'll do my best to not nearly roll her over this time, (apparently it should be nigh on impossible to do that at an RTV) :eek: :eek: I had a few concerned faces round me last time - wernt helped by my co-driver yanking off the seat belt ready to bale on me. it wur a laff tho !! :)
sheet woman can ye no read????
he never said he had it he jist says it wur like it
mind you he's got a good memory for that stage of life
Eeeh I can remember those days oooh the things me and our Myrtle used to get up to in the old Austin seven when we was a'courtin! I won't embarass you by telling.
Did it have stains on the seats and a rear veiw mirror pionting downwards in the back, it could've been ours.
Nope, but it had a button to start it, sliding windows and sring to open the door bit like my 2a.
I once brought a car with scratches on the inside of the windscreen.
I couldn't work out how they happened until the first time I took me bird out.

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