
New Member
Hi all, anyone know what gauge of steel the land rover chassis is made of? a bit of patching required me thinks . I have got the body off my 1978 109 estate/safari and as well as the chassis needing work the steel outer sills that the centre door post sits on are well and truely stuffed,do any later models shair the same sills, Regards J.
Hi all, anyone know what gauge of steel the land rover chassis is made of? a bit of patching required me thinks . Regards J.
Try 2mm plate, cut the bad stuff out of the chassis (easier if it's square/rectangular), make a template from some card, cut the new steel near to exact as ye can usin' said template, stick new bit into hole and tack it in place, once in flush... weld it proper like and buff it down with one o' them flap disk thingies for the grinder.
If ye've cut the new bit a wee bitty smaller, try tackin' a bolt or summit to it so's ye can hold it in place.;) :D
my series has just been plated over the holessssss, looks like I am going to be busy with the grinder :D, Like the bolt idea ;)
I use a couple of old magnets (from a loud speaker or a mobile phone stand or something) saves tacking a nail or anything on at all. :)
Not sure I should suggest this tip but a good supply of 2mm plate is and I take no responsibility in you blowing your self to kingdom come.
Is the empty disposable gas bottle's you get with MIG welders.
Just make sure its empty then drill a small to really make sure then cut the ends off and angle grind up the middle and flatten it out.
Hay presto 1/3 m square of 2mm plate.
What sills Series landies don't have sills?? well they do but there ally and if they're knacked it's easier to replace them then it is to try welding them.
Hi Redhand, not the ali outer sills the steel sills that the door piller sits on I intend to replace them not weld them I thought I may be able to get some off a later model in good condition. (maybe they dont call that part sills) . Regards J.
Not sure I should suggest this tip but a good supply of 2mm plate is and I take no responsibility in you blowing your self to kingdom come.
Is the empty disposable gas bottle's you get with MIG welders.
Just make sure its empty then drill a small to really make sure then cut the ends off and angle grind up the middle and flatten it out.
Hay presto 1/3 m square of 2mm plate.

That's a hell of a lot of hassle for something that'd only be a few quid to buy from a steel yard:eek:
Hi Redhand, not the ali outer sills the steel sills that the door piller sits on I intend to replace them not weld them I thought I may be able to get some off a later model in good condition. (maybe they dont call that part sills) . Regards J.

They're called channel assemblies or floor supports.

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