It's funny, it's the big stuff that's daunting.
The fiddly stuff is where the fun comes in.
Hours studying the best way of doing it then applied logic to make it happen.

I'm a carpenter by trade and love the challenge of awkward jobs.
It's it's easy it's boring.

Logic may not help much when it comes to Land Rovers, they are illogical by their nature!

If you enjoy awkward jobs, you should really be working on boats! :D
From experience, BOAT is an acronym of bring out another thousand£:D
Mine is pretty good value. Much cheaper than a house, I can live on it, travel on it, go on holiday on it. I can do everything myself, except lift it for blacking and anode replacement.

Cars and houses, I find are money and time pits, so I avoid them if at all possible.

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