thing i used to find so funny was how we found code names for our location/town/village (incase buzbie was listening in :D :D)
in them days we had different types on there the southern state side sort the 10 code guys and sb users Q code and ****s!
I dug out some of my old CB kit a year ago and set it up (I've still got quite abit of kit) - trouble was, all I could find was a set of old blokes who daily come on and chat (nothing wrong with that, but since I don't watch come dancing or keep pigeons or know anyone called "Sid with the wooden leg", then it wasn't very interesting to me) and on channel 19 it was very quiet apart from when some totaly foul mouthed truckers came into range who seem to be working on a run which comes back and forth through our location several times a day (it was the same guys every time) - not really good when your kids are in the vehicle with you. The good crack that used to be there seems to have all gone sadly. Still, since there is that friendly aspect where all older Landys* drivers give each other a wave, then if we all had CB in, we could pass the time of day......

(*I say older Landys because I've yet to see this from any of the immaculate shiny ones I see).
DO ANY OF YOU QSL? :confused:
is that right that there is nobody using the fm 40 anymore OMG ! last time i switched mine on there were so many on each of the 40 you could'nt get a word in edge wise :D
now looks like i'd have the whole 40 all to myself :(
DO ANY OF YOU QSL? :confused:
is that right that there is nobody using the fm 40 anymore OMG ! last time i switched mine on there were so many on each of the 40 you could'nt get a word in edge wise :D
now looks like i'd have the whole 40 all to myself :(

i got one in me landy only used to take the **** when off roading !!!!!:D

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