Maplin.........."the" place to shop for anything and everything electronic in the 80's and early 90's, great prices, great variety, great shop ( mail order only in the old days only I believe ? ), The modern day high street store Maplin however is MASSIVELY overpriced, often charging double what you can find if you shop around, such a pitty..............
Is £60 such a huge amount of money? Granted if you shop around and buy from the internet you can get much better rigs for less. But if you want to just go out and buy one whats wrong with them?

GamekeeperJames said:
the maplin ones arent great

Why? what's wrong with mine? Worked last time I checked :p
have you checked the swr (single wave ratio) on the twig(ariel) if you have'nt just key your mike and if the the meter dose'nt go all the way up then you should get it done .


Change your avatar pointing guns at people even in pictures, IS BAD ****

Av just smacked me chin on the desk, when I ducked to avoid having me heed blown orf...

Change your avatar pointing guns at people even in pictures, IS BAD ****


don't be a nob. loads of the avatars are "alternative". looks like two pieces of 25mm galv conduit taped together to me, honest officer.

and I was reet frit, 'cos I thought the landy in your avatar was gunna swerve and run me over.
Av just smacked me chin on the desk, when I ducked to avoid having me heed blown orf...

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :D reminds of a time a mate of mine :rolleyes: was manager of a hotel/nightclub and as a new brush tried to clean the place up, banning the drugs and lowlifes what have ya , well the **** bags revolted as they do and a `threat` from a prominent gangster had him a tad nervous (as it was his patch) , so any ways having arranged a day out diving we agreed to pick im up one sunday morning at 6,am (three hours sleep if he had a quiet night :rolleyes: he he ) so me other mate thought it might be a funny prank to knock on his door and put the barrels of his gun through the letter box as he came down the stairs :mad: :eek: :eek: :D :D :D

:eek: fookin hell :eek: :D :D he only had a loaded crossbow in is hands shooting a bolt through the door winow :eek: :D :D :D :D

so dont fook around with guns loaded or not :cool: :D :D

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