
Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

So in the "would you trust your awesomelander" thread I put forward the idea of collecting all the amazing information we've had in threads here over the years into one definitive guide. The idea being that when someone turns up asking about whether to buy a used Freelander, or are having trouble with one they already have, this guide would hopefully provide something for them to work from in addition to the Hayne's Manual etc.

Before I go on, I know I'm new here and I'm not trying to throw my weight around or anything or get on anyone's tits - the Freelander has become something of a new hobby for me and I just like writing about my hobbies, and if I can help someone out then I'll be happy. But feel free to flame/ban me if you see fit :D!

The motivation for this is pretty simple, when I started work on the Freelander I had the Hayne's Manual to go on, and although it is a maginficent work and is the definitove guide to taking it apart and hammering it back together, it provides little in the way of telling you what is likely to get toatsed, when it might get toasted and how to tell when it's about to get toasted, which we know all about. Also someone thinking of buying a freelander will be better armed to make a value judgement on a prospective purchase having read a bit of this guide.

Seeing as there's such an enourmous wealth on info in archived threads, this job will be more about compiling, editting and checking than original writing as such. And if a few volunteers were to help me write this then it would be even better - dredging up necrothreads is an involved process, and input from experienced posters would be invaluable as well.

The first job is to identify what areas need to be written about, and contruct a chapter plan, then we can go about hunting down the content. So far this is what I have but ofcourse there is TONS more to add so please do contribute. The aim is to get it to a stage where we can put everythig into a downloadable PDF and then work on it as and when is needed.

Chapter plan so far:

Caring for your Freelander: a Practical guide to owning, operating and maintaining the Land Rover Freelander 1.

1. Introduction to the Freelander 1:

1.1 Basic info, stats and history.
1.2 Is the Freelander right for me?

2. Design Strengths and Weaknesses:
2.1 What Landrover did well.
2.2 What Landrover could have done better.
2.3 What Land Rover really screwed the pooch on (jk :D)

3. Driving for long service life and safety.
3.1 Essential Safety Equipment.
3.2 Good general driving practice.
3.3 How to maximise MPG.
3.4 Harmful driving practices to be avoided.
3.5 Freelander Off-Road Driving

4. What to look for in a used Freelander:

4.1 What to ask the seller.
4.2 Acceptable service history.
4.3 Engine Inspection.
4.4 Transmission Inspection.
4.5 Tyre Inspection.
4.6 Electrical Inspection.
4.7 On the test drive.

5. Exisiting Resources and basic servicing.

5.1 Using the Hayne's Manual.
5.2 Choosing Service Items.

6. Caring for the 1.8 K series Engine and what to watch for:

6.1 An introduction to the K series engine.
6.2 Engine strengths and weaknesses.
6.3 The cooling system, how it works and how it could fail the engine.
6.4 The Head Gasket Failure, detection, causes and prevention.
6.5 Essential Upgrades.
6.6 Good Driving Practice for the K.
6.7 K series troubleshooting and common faults.

7. Caring for the TD4 Diesel Engine and what to watch for:
Need input here, know very little.

8. Caring for the V6 Petrol Engine and what to watch for:
Again know very little.

9. Caring for the Transmission System and what to watch for:
9.1 An introduction to the transmission.
9.2 What is the IRD and how can it fail?
9.3 What is the VCU and how does it fail?
9.4 Caring for the rear differential.
9.5 "What's that noise?" Diagnosing and fixing problems.

10. Electrical System, common faults and fixes:
This could be a big chapter, could use input on it.

11. Parts Suppliers, UK and overseas.

12. Freelander Specialists and trusted garages, UK and overseas.

13. Fun things to do in a Freelander.

So that's what I have for now, of cours it needs alot more, so if we can identify bits that are missing and need to be addressed then we can start filling in those blanks.

Thanks in advance for your support :)!

I agree completely with what you are trying to achieve here, WLJ. I do think, though, that maybe you could set up a link from here to set up your own webpage, with all the detail you have here, on there. The only reason I say this, is that it would pretty much make this section of the site defunked, because as you have read, people like to have a whinge and moan about their motors here, and I'm afraid what you'd be achieving would be far too informative!! ;) lol
But I tip my hat to you, and will also assist you when I can, as and when parts are replaced on my FL. If the Haynes manual was clearer in its photographic descriptions, it would make everyone's lives a bit better when performing surgery on their beloved cars.
Hmmm, that could take a while! ;)
Mines great! Never gone wrong, never broken down, best Land Rover they ever made! Ha! Ok I'm lying, your list isn't big enough:):):) still like the thing tho. W
I do think, though, that maybe you could set up a link from here to set up your own webpage, with all the detail you have here, on there.

There's no reason why not, I've made websites before. If I could find some sponsors or ad space just to pay the bills then I would consider it. There are websites out there that sort of try to do the same thing but they aren't very good I don't think. But still as this is where 99% of people with Landy problems end up it would make sense if it was accessible from here.

There are lots of chapters/sections to add if anyone has ahy ideas :).
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I agree completely with what you are trying to achieve here, WLJ. I do think, though, that maybe you could set up a link from here to set up your own webpage, with all the detail you have here, on there. The only reason I say this, is that it would pretty much make this section of the site defunked, because as you have read, people like to have a whinge and moan about their motors here, and I'm afraid what you'd be achieving would be far too informative!! ;) lol
But I tip my hat to you, and will also assist you when I can, as and when parts are replaced on my FL. If the Haynes manual was clearer in its photographic descriptions, it would make everyone's lives a bit better when performing surgery on their beloved cars.

no-one will read it :mad:

if peeps cant find the search button - they wont look. they will expect yu to answer their questions and not point them to a resource.
no-one will read it :mad:

if peeps cant find the search button - they wont look. they will expect yu to answer their questions and not point them to a resource.

That's a fair point, it happens alot. Nowt wrong with the FAQ section, but I don't see it in the stickies but maybe I'm guilty of missing things as much as any other newb ;). Folks just seemed to think it was a nice idea in the other thread but if it ain't needed then I won't feel bad about it.
I had seen that. What I was talking about is somthing like a sticky where people could point the newbs - something here on Landyzone. Ah it doesn't look like there's alot of point in this, an awful lot of effort if it's not going to be useful :rolleyes:.
I see the point of doing it and think it's a good idea. I offered to do similar before: grouping together info and putting links to different freds members have wrote. Didn't really get the support required. Also tried doing things like the "safe mode" write up but not enough response to answer questions from none v6 owners. So I’ll video mine and dump it on you tube at some point. I can see the down side to it too. Fewer peeps asking questions about stuff means the Freelander forum would have less traffic. Also I frequently hint to peeps they can test their vcu to get a feeling for it. Many miss the numerous freds on here which cover the vcu. Stickies as well as the How To section vcu replacement fred I did. Having said that I still think it’s a good idea to somehow index information, either as an index or a general write-up like below.. Freds like the auto gearbox oil change were built from many members putting in their time to research and test the method needed. It’s a benefit to those who follow it there on. Having thought about Freelander 2 ownership I would like to see more stuff on here. Whether it’s links to other sources of info or home grown info. Currently I’m collecting my own info and links as I come across them. Just in case I need it in the future.

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Was gunna do a write up about the mith of the doors fallin orft wen wet. . . . . . . .but its raining and young Porky[eeze er furra bread] jist teld me one ah ma friggin doors just fell orft :(
Just been looking at some of the links, some of you guys have put a hell of a lot of work in to them. I'm well impressed, very factual and informative. Must admit it would be good in one place that's easy to find, it may reduce the repeated questions which appear to be an issue! But for now I'm saving this page:)
hence my comments about looking in the FAQ section and the fact that most peeps want the answers spoon fed to them.

that lot is just the tip of the iceberg.
Hmmm I think there's a lot of challenged people out there! I've never asked a question on a forum just sticking it in google usually brings it up and brings you here! Don't really see what the problem is! I think it goes beyond spoon feeding, there's a lack of common sense. Some people ask the most bizarre things then tell you you're wrong when you answer it! So why ask? Beyond me:) at least there are still some sane people out there!!!!
Could we just stick those links into a sticky thread? Might help 1/10 people but that's something.

I think a big part of the problem is that most people don't have a frame of reference. All they can say is "me Freelander ain't wekkin!" because they have never heard of a head gasket, and don't know what a head or a gasket is as seperate terms. Pretty hard to address that - means they have to read and be patient. Not somethingt everyone wants to do I suppose.

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