Bugger this, I've got better things to do with my time if all I'm gonna get for trying to contribute is a flaming.

Well done guys.

A newbie with excellent intentions, gets the usual treatment.

So, because of you, we still have to trawel through the crap/banter/insults to find the answers.


We all drive the same brand for Christ's sake!

Show some original thinking and stop following the herd.....

No doubt you'll turn on me next?

I have but one thing to say if you do...DILLIGAF :cool2:

Sorry WLJayne, you tried. Valiant effort. As my old gran used to say "You can't educate pork"
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gotta agree with CB40, after all this bloke wanted to do something positive on the forum and make things a little easier for people to find.

This is in the freelander section NOT anything goes.
Firstly...I don't think he got that much abuse so i'm surprised he buggered off..

Secondly..I think his 1st post was actually quite a useful attempt at collating info..i know the FAQ section and search are also good tools but a lot of threads are very vague in their title..loads say 'help' and the problem is described in the post..The problem with the advanced search is that if you search in ''thread titles'' it will not pick up the info..or if you search the ''in posts'' you get millions of hits and its difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff..

Maybe if he is willing to create a template it would soon be apparent if it will be of value or not..
Cheers Series71 & Storm99.

Nice to see I'm not in the minority.

WLJ .... keep going bud.
Thanks guys, had a ****e day at work yesterday and had no tolerance for griefing and lost me net temper a bit. I've had worse before hehe.

To put this all in context, I am on another forum dedicated to RC modelling which has well over 1 million posts now. They did something similar in various sections a while back, when someone posted an excellent how-to or gave a good answer it got linked to in a sticky and a whole bunch of people sifted through archive threads to find that gem that they remembered seeing months back. The good thing is that all the links were put into easy to search topics on the main thread and were clearly titled - it went down a treat and it actually did go some way to reducing repeat threads and the members were all alot happier. We've got some really excellent stickies covering alot of topics already, and anything more can only help I suppose. Not saying that it will be the same here, but nothing ventured nothing gained.

I'm going to start having a look round and searching for content. If anyone wants to join in, pick a section and join in :).
Thanks guys, had a ****e day at work yesterday and had no tolerance for griefing and lost me net temper a bit. I've had worse before hehe.

To put this all in context, I am on another forum dedicated to RC modelling which has well over 1 million posts now. They did something similar in various sections a while back, when someone posted an excellent how-to or gave a good answer it got linked to in a sticky and a whole bunch of people sifted through archive threads to find that gem that they remembered seeing months back. The good thing is that all the links were put into easy to search topics on the main thread and were clearly titled - it went down a treat and it actually did go some way to reducing repeat threads and the members were all alot happier. We've got some really excellent stickies covering alot of topics already, and anything more can only help I suppose. Not saying that it will be the same here, but nothing ventured nothing gained.

I'm going to start having a look round and searching for content. If anyone wants to join in, pick a section and join in :).
what rc models do you have ?
Slope soaring gliders mostly, but a few electric power models as well. I scratchbuild most of them or sometimes a built-up kit if I fancy it. One thing the freelander is exceptionally good at is transporting big planes! To be honest the most fun you can have is slinging the bouncy EPP ones around:

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Slope soaring gliders mostly, but a few electric power models as well. I scratchbuild most of them or sometimes a built-up kit if I fancy it. One thing the freelander is exceptionally good at is transporting big planes!
i'm into the nitro cars myself and I could fly aircraft reasonably well but couldnt land them !
Isn't just Hippos that could do with a collated definitive guide of useful info and tips, all the other Solihull products have 'issues' which aren't covered by Haynes or Rave.
Hats off to you for trying chap but don't forget to do a specific section for doors falling off
Isn't just Hippos that could do with a collated definitive guide of useful info and tips, all the other Solihull products have 'issues' which aren't covered by Haynes or Rave.
Hats off to you for trying chap but don't forget to do a specific section for doors falling off

A. What is the Rave? Never heard of it :).

B. Where on earth did the doors thing ever come from :D?
A. What is the Rave? Never heard of it :).

B. Where on earth did the doors thing ever come from :D?

Rave is a free downloadable Land Rover repair guide in PDF format.
And the doors thing is I think a legendary rumour that has evolved over time that implies that the doors of a hippo fall off if exposed to large quantities of water
Ha yeh I thought that was it - unlikely unless the hinges are made of potassium or simlar :D.
Don't get me wrong, WLJ. Yu go for it. I was just pointing out that there is a huge amount of info here already and peeps WON'T search :mad:. It isn't a pop at you, it's just a realistic assessment.

Doors falling off in water - it stems from a guy that washed his freelander and then reversed out of his drive. Had forgotten that he left a rear door open and ripped it off in a lamppost. Hence - if yu get the car wet, the doors fall off.:)

There's a couple of things that go back into lz history - red defenders not going up hills is another one ;).
AAARGH i just wrote a massive reply and pressed the wrong button and deleted it :drama:

I dont have the patience to write it all out again but i shall say the important bits:

First of all i think the idea is a brilliant one benifiting new users and more experianced ones. It puts all the information in an easy to see place where you would stumble accross more solutions than you would normally.

Many people find this forum by doing a similar thing as me: Search your fault in google and it comes up with several 4x4 forums and this forum is the one that covered my answers so i stuck about. I spent a long time as a guest looking for more solutions to my ever breaking hippo untill i had a few questions that i could not find answers to so i signed up and posted my first thread. As you can imagine having my first thread as a question i was greeted with several responses with the word search in them.

Now if all the information was in one easy to read thread this would direct all the google searchers into one area where they would find all the answers they need. I was unaware of rave untill i came here and i still dont have it because my computer melts if i try to download anything. yes you can get information from rave and yes you can get it from a haynes manual and yes you can get it from the search button but if everyone did then do you think we would be having this discussion.

I say go for it, get all the information in one easy to read place so it can be found easily, read easily, clear up the stickies and hopefully it will lessen the newbie threads and the hostility towards them
That's the ticket, glad you behind it mate :). What I think would be the best format to aim for would be summat like this: RCGroups Slope Soaring Section Sticky. As you can see, they've got topics with a series of link under them, simple, robust and easy to navigate. So for eacdh section or topic, we find some threads which have useful information on them and post the link. I suggest that if a thread has dozens of pages with only a few relevant posts in it we either link to the post directly or re-write it and post it up as a new thread to link to.

If you have some luck sniffing down a thread or post, stick the link here or PM it to me and I'll add it to the list :).

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