And don't forget that the more you stick on here and learn the ways of the forum you'll hopefully make some good knowledgeable friends from whom you can glean huge amounts of useful information;)
Hehe that's the plan. I think I'm getting to know the tides and currents of this place, you've got to have a bit of a thick skin especially if you're a Hippo driver :D!
Hehe that's the plan. I think I'm getting to know the tides and currents of this place, you've got to have a bit of a thick skin especially if you're a Hippo driver :D!

Yep, you'll soon get the hang of things.
It's traditional to hurl abuse at noob Freelander peeps:D
Hehe that's the plan. I think I'm getting to know the tides and currents of this place, you've got to have a bit of a thick skin especially if you're a Hippo driver :D!
I would like to point out as we have discovered you have a sense of humour.

the following statement should be remembered.

PC word for homosexual is gay

PC word for gaylander is hippo
I would like to point out as we have discovered you have a sense of humour.

the following statement should be remembered.

PC word for homosexual is gay

PC word for gaylander is hippo

whats the PC term for old fart in a Matiz/series :p
way ahead of that particular eventuality, i's got me a spare that i've rebuilt;)

Well said that man. I was gonna get one from a scrappie to tear to bits before the one that's in there goes bang - just so's I know the arse end from the elbow end.

......of course when I say tear apart, I actually mean lovingly and tenderly overhauling and restoring it to a better than factory condition - which shouldn't be hard if we're going on Longbridge Zoo standards :rolleyes:.

Well said that man. I was gonna get one from a scrappie to tear to bits before the one that's in there goes bang - just so's I know the arse end from the elbow end.

......of course when I say tear apart, I actually mean lovingly and tenderly overhauling and restoring it to a better than factory condition - which shouldn't be hard if we're going on Longbridge Zoo standards :rolleyes:.


oh yes i was very tender with the strip down and took my time putting it back together.
i've some spare driveshafts and props too.................well you never know whats round the corner. ;)
'Ere Freelaner when you were messing about with the engine, did you notice two big old bolt holes in the bottom of the sump and a matching breacket on the chassis? About M10 or M12? Because there are no bolts in mine in the car o_O! Wondering whether that might be a problem...
'Ere Freelaner when you were messing about with the engine, did you notice two big old bolt holes in the bottom of the sump and a matching breacket on the chassis? About M10 or M12? Because there are no bolts in mine in the car o_O! Wondering whether that might be a problem...

i'll have a look on it tomorrow. I can't remember seeing the underside of the sump tbh.

i know that metros with the k series 1.1 had a stabiliser under there but don't know if they're fitted to Freelanders.
Just looks like someone took them out and forgot to put them back in again, easy to pick some up if that's the case. There are all kind of superfluous holes in it because it went in so many model I suppose.
i didn't take the engine out so sorry to be a bit vague about it.

i may have to get up close and personal with my sump soon as it has constantly leaked since I got it but was too lazy when i did the hgf to change the sump gasket at the same time:doh:

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