
Active Member
Good evening peeps
Long time no post BUT........
Right start at the beginning. Last time i used the car (car being a 2001 D2 TD5) all was good, Got home locked the car with the fob outside my house and all locked up great.

Then today went out to it and tried unlocking with the fob and nothing. So unlocked it by the key opened the door, Alarm going off. So relocked the car with the key alarm now reset. So unlocked again by key off goes the alarm shut door relock alarm reset.

Right out with the EKA turn this way turn that way wait 5 min open door key in and away we go.
Now we get to the shop stop the car and lock with fob and bingo it locked up, Came back to the car after around say 10-15 mins pressed the unlock on the fob and hay presto it unlocked, Got in and away we go home. Get home and go to lock it nothing. So i then start to think P38 and Wi-Fi so drive down the road a bit and tried the fob and yep it locked and unlock so yeah bloody Wi-Fi so got back home and locked it with key,

Went to pick my son from work unlocked the car with key, opened the door and off goes the alarm. So EKA again, Off we go stopped at this work turned the car off pulled the key out shut the door (not locked) treid fob nothing so left it unlocked away for around 5 mins came back put key in ing and nothing its immobilized. So EKA again and away we go.

So what is the out come:-
Seems that the alarm is not receiving the signal, But the fob has a new battery in it.
Some one has turned the passive immobilizer off, But still left the alarm on when unlocking with key.

So can some one help as i need to keep putting the EKA code in to turn alarm off and immobilizer off

Please help??????

Why do you think someone has turned the passive immobiliser off? have you checked it was done?

Changing the alarm to be switched off with the key, is easy to do with a nanocom.

Double check your RF receiver, they start to fail intermittently.


Why do you think someone has turned the passive immobiliser off? have you checked it was done?

Changing the alarm to be switched off with the key, is easy to do with a nanocom.

Double check your RF receiver, they start to fail intermittently.

Hello mate you from
Because there is no transponder in the key fob, When i went to get a 2nd key from Timpsons he said theres not code coming from it. And when i put the key in and try to start it when away from it for a time (left unlocked) it wont start.
The passive immobiliser only kicks in after 30 secs.

this means you HAVE the passive immobliser set up on your car,it is asking to see it, BUT you do not have the chip, in your fob.

If you unlock the car normally using the fob, then within 30 secs it will start, after 30 secs the immobiliser will have kicked in, the red led on the dash will start flashing.

If you had the chip in your fob it would override it and allow the vehicle to start. Using the Key to unlock only works if you have the chip, because the 30 secs window does not count. The car needs to see that chip talking to the igntion straight away.

The passive immobiliser only kicks in after 30 secs.

this means you HAVE the passive immobliser set up on your car,it is asking to see it, BUT you do not have the chip, in your fob.

Sorry mate my bad
When it was working ok (locking and unlocking with the fob) the immobliser worked ok nother had any probs. But now it just seems to be playing up and when i lock and unlock with the key the alarm goes off and when i put the key in to start it nothing. I got to close the door lock it to reset the alarm then do the EKA.
What you have said above is normal.

That is the way it is meant to work, unless you have someone play with it on a nanocom.

If you unlock the car normally using the fob, then within 30 secs it will start, after 30 secs the immobiliser will have kicked in, the red led on the dash will start flashing.

If you had the chip in your fob it would override it and allow the vehicle to start. Using the Key to unlock only works if you have the chip, because the 30 secs window does not count. The car needs to see that chip talking to the igntion straight away.

Ok but when things were ok lock unlock with fob i could unlock the car open the door then close the door go into the house come back out to the car and put the key in and start it????????
Well, something has changed.

when you changed your battery did you put a good quality one in, or one from the poundshop?

Also have you tried standing by the rear sunroof and trying to unlock it?

Well, something has changed.

when you changed your battery did you put a good quality one in, or one from the poundshop?

Also have you tried standing by the rear sunroof and trying to unlock it?

Hi mate
Yeah its a good one its a new Panasonic battery plus the red light on the fob is nice and bright. And yes been all around the car and nothing. So are we saying the receiver has packed up....?
Thanks mate
Hold on, back in a minute, I think it may be from door opening you have 30 secs. NOT unlocking. Going to go and try it.
Made no difference, still was immobilised.

Unlock, openn door, close door, leave 30 secs, led flashes, open door try to start and nothing........ lock with fob , unlock and hey presto starts up.

Do you know anyone with a naoncom? if not , do you know anyone with another D2? if you do, ask them if you can borrow their RF receiver, it is only a 5 minute jib to whip it out. Plus it is plug and play.

Made no difference, still was immobilised.

Unlock, openn door, close door, leave 30 secs, led flashes, open door try to start and nothing........ lock with fob , unlock and hey presto starts up.

Sorry for that mate
Did you unlock 1st with the key? Becouse if i do then the alarm goes off even if i lock it with the key...
No, I used my fob. trying to replicate what you said you did before your fob stopped working.

I have set mine not to set the alarm off If I use a key. Saves upsetting the neighbours if my RF receiver stops working.

Sorry Neily
I did know some one with a nanocom (dogsbody) but i think his not on there now plus it was for a P38. As for another TD5 no. I think i will have to just go and buy a new rf off fle-bay.
Thanks for your help mate
Hope it works for you, there are a few different types of RF receiver, ( earth cable change) from what I remember.

Or you could try the LZ international map, it shows some owners of diagnostics.

Hope it works for you, there are a few different types of RF receiver, ( earth cable change) from what I remember.

Or you could try the LZ international map, it shows some owners of diagnostics.

Thanks mate
Its just going to be a pain in the a** tomorrow at the bloody hospital doing the EKA. But still thanks mate
It might be worth getting to the rf receiver, just to see if there has been water infiltration on the connectors.

Could save you a few quid if it is just corrosion.


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