I will make a comment about the advertising of the event however. When I first joined, I created a bookmark to the Discovery forum, and never visited the Anything Goes forum or even the front page the LZ site for several months and because of this, I had no idea at all you guys and gals were organising an event. Is it possible to create a sticky fred in each of the individual forums just as a reminder to the members?
Just a thought. :)
All of the above could be valid. But another thing I have found with organising events is that it is important to check out what else is on on the same day(s).
Especially events that might be of interest to ones target audience.

A brief look at this will reveal their are 7 other landrover related events on that weekend. Including a premier event at Beaulieu, and a Comp Safari in Bedfordshire.

It would be good to know why members can't or don't want to come to the event. So, maybe the individual forum sticky fred option, or mass PM might get some feedback from members such as "Oh, I'd love to, but I can't because ....." and the like.
Sorry, I'm not trying to teach granny to suck eggs or anything, I'm just thinking of ways we can get this years event to go ahead, or if it does have to be cancelled, at least it'll be known why people didn't buy tickets.
It would be good to know why members can't or don't want to come to the event. So, maybe the individual forum sticky fred option, or mass PM might get some feedback from members such as "Oh, I'd love to, but I can't because ....." and the like.

Good idea ... gotta be worth a shot...
I think the dates came about mostly from what was available at the time we needed to pre-book the venue ...

I'll be really disappointed if it doesn't go ahead, but Juliet's already said we'll just bugger off to North Yorks, Wales or Derbyshire, camping instead!
If it does get cancelled. Any chance we could all meet up and do the off roading on the Saturday? Il just book a premier inn.

I have advertised it on the landrovernet forum aswell. Iv already had an event cancelled this year. Is it worth posting on facebook? Anybody against me posting on lr4x4.com? It's a cheap weekend off roading even if they're not part of landyzone or is this against everything?
A few of us have posted it wherever we also go .. even on the Glass forum .. :)

Too far for me to come just for the laning without it being a full weekend job ....
A few of us have posted it wherever we also go .. even on the Glass forum .. :)

Too far for me to come just for the laning without it being a full weekend job ....

If the GLASS forum is as lively as last time I was on there, that may not have em rocking in the aisles! :eek:
I might have talked some new members in, just to see what's what ... AND come to the show !!
It better had go ahead I've spent a fortune on camping stuff for this that I can't really afford and I might not be able get to another due to health issues Wtf so ****ssssed off
It better had go ahead I've spent a fortune on camping stuff for this that I can't really afford and I might not be able get to another due to health issues Wtf so ****ssssed off

If it does cancel, we're going to Derbyshire somewhere camping ... Join us and you'll see some fantastic lanes .. dunno about the good company, but we'll have beer, maybe .. :)
If it does cancel, we're going to Derbyshire somewhere camping ... Join us and you'll see some fantastic lanes .. dunno about the good company, but we'll have beer, maybe .. :)

Quite envious of that, Derbyshire is supposed to be pretty good, and I have never been laneing there.

If it is cancelled, why not try and reschedule for September time? Less competition from other events, a venue might be cheaper. And the roads will be less crowded for the long distance attendees.
Also, campers would not be woken at 4 am by the rising sun beating on their tents.

If it was to move to September, avoid the weekend of 16th and 17th, there is a good show on in Peterborough which a lot of people may attend.


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