Funny you mention the 'Bouncing Bakewell'. I did try to arrange it a few weeks ago, but the original venue and other alternatives were already booked. I will do something about it soon ... ;)
That would be great paul. Do you know if the original routes are still usable?
That would be great paul. Do you know if the original routes are still usable?

I have the routes and will drive them within a couple of weeks. Thankfully they're NOT TRO'd yet ... ;) They will need tweaking I think, depending on the venue, but mostly all that will change will be the start/finish .. ;)
I have the routes and will drive them within a couple of weeks. Thankfully they're NOT TRO'd yet ... ;) They will need tweaking I think, depending on the venue, but mostly all that will change will be the start/finish .. ;)
It would be nice to get the last venue if possible, the pub/campsite was ideal. When were you thinking of planning it for?
Whenever it's available for a group ..

The other venues are also pubs with rally fields and close enough to the previous routes that hardly any changes need doing. I'm hoping for before September now.
"Landyzone **** up 2018, 14 of a series of four so far .. or has it been three?"

Catchy enough, I think ...
Anyway....nearly March, and I've not heard nuffin about this years gathering... will there be one after lasts years cancellation? o_O
OK, I'm beginning to think that we're not having an LZ shindig this year? :(

I need to book some holidays before my"manager" books his....
Hi all! I attended the 2016 event (I think), it was totally awesome! My first real weekend greenlaning and you were all really welcoming and friendly. I was gutted that last years event was cancelled and was really hoping that something might be happening this year.

Is there any news on this years event? Is it likely to happen?

Thanks all :)

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