great to see all these comments now, last year worked well with posh toilets mobile bar and food van, people enjoyed it and the raffle also. And everybody turned up. So this year was a no show it happens, lets see what happens next, will there be LZ14 or display stands at shows who knows.
As the event had already been organised it would have been counterproductive to advise change. I do remember a lengthy thread on how to get more people involved after last years meet but with a massive on line membership it was plainly obvious that everybody didnt turn up but stayed away, making it not work very well at all.
As a single attendee, I would expect to have spent £50 for entry, £20-£30 a day on food, £25+ on each evenings anesthetic, £50+ on fuel and a float of £100 for unexpected purchases. Now I was very happy to spend that on the weekend but many people would rather not. Especially if laning isnt their bag. Its quite a commitment if you just want to say hello and have a pint with the faceless members you have been chatting with all year. Its not an easy event to pull off if we need numbers and pre booking.
Perhaps a show would be the best option and with a enough notice to the organisers we might be able to beg a single corner of the camp site to invade.
The only issue with that is it will no doubt be even more expensive for a full weekend but will at least benefit those just wanting to pop along and say hello. One things for sure............your going to get a lot more than 30 people along.
As the event had already been organised it would have been counterproductive to advise change. I do remember a lengthy thread on how to get more people involved after last years meet but with a massive on line membership it was plainly obvious that everybody didnt turn up but stayed away, making it not work very well at all.
As a single attendee, I would expect to have spent £50 for entry, £20-£30 a day on food, £25+ on each evenings anesthetic, £50+ on fuel and a float of £100 for unexpected purchases. Now I was very happy to spend that on the weekend but many people would rather not. Especially if laning isnt their bag. Its quite a commitment if you just want to say hello and have a pint with the faceless members you have been chatting with all year. Its not an easy event to pull off if we need numbers and pre booking.
Perhaps a show would be the best option and with a enough notice to the organisers we might be able to beg a single corner of the camp site to invade.
The only issue with that is it will no doubt be even more expensive for a full weekend but will at least benefit those just wanting to pop along and say hello. One things for sure............your going to get a lot more than 30 people along.

Pretty much agreeing with all of that. The previous events looked great for those that want to go laning, camp, or drink beer.
For those that want to just pop in and have a chat, and a bit of a social, it was lot of money.

The Peterborough show is actually reasonably priced. Starting at £14 for a single adult, obviously people would have to arrange their own transport and accomodation as desired by the individual. There is a separate off road event elsewhere for those who want to do that.
As the event had already been organised it would have been counterproductive to advise change. I do remember a lengthy thread on how to get more people involved after last years meet but with a massive on line membership it was plainly obvious that everybody didnt turn up but stayed away, making it not work very well at all.
As a single attendee, I would expect to have spent £50 for entry, £20-£30 a day on food, £25+ on each evenings anesthetic, £50+ on fuel and a float of £100 for unexpected purchases. Now I was very happy to spend that on the weekend but many people would rather not. Especially if laning isnt their bag. Its quite a commitment if you just want to say hello and have a pint with the faceless members you have been chatting with all year. Its not an easy event to pull off if we need numbers and pre booking.
Perhaps a show would be the best option and with a enough notice to the organisers we might be able to beg a single corner of the camp site to invade.
The only issue with that is it will no doubt be even more expensive for a full weekend but will at least benefit those just wanting to pop along and say hello. One things for sure............your going to get a lot more than 30 people along.
Don't forget the pike meet in August. Just a meet with a beer downt road ;)
As the event had already been organised it would have been counterproductive to advise change. I do remember a lengthy thread on how to get more people involved after last years meet but with a massive on line membership it was plainly obvious that everybody didnt turn up but stayed away, making it not work very well at all.
As a single attendee, I would expect to have spent £50 for entry, £20-£30 a day on food, £25+ on each evenings anesthetic, £50+ on fuel and a float of £100 for unexpected purchases. Now I was very happy to spend that on the weekend but many people would rather not. Especially if laning isnt their bag. Its quite a commitment if you just want to say hello and have a pint with the faceless members you have been chatting with all year. Its not an easy event to pull off if we need numbers and pre booking.
Perhaps a show would be the best option and with a enough notice to the organisers we might be able to beg a single corner of the camp site to invade.
The only issue with that is it will no doubt be even more expensive for a full weekend but will at least benefit those just wanting to pop along and say hello. One things for sure............your going to get a lot more than 30 people along.
Don't forget the pike meet in August. Just a meet with a beer downt road ;)
The advantages to the show meet arrangement have all been stated and are absolutely right...but...what i found on the two occassions i went was that although you did have a passing through of a few members to the stand you generally got a few core members there and you certainly didnt get the social side quite like was experienced at LZ. That said i am nothing but pragmatic in life....if what i liked doesnt work for others you just have to roll with it and try to make alternatives work.
Sad bit for me is Rob will be in Malawi when Peterborough show is on so that's out . We're able to go to Kelmarsh but its a bit too soon to be sorting out a club stand i fear ...maybe next year for us :(
I hadn't bought tickets this year as I was waiting to hear about my bi-annual arse check fer thems nasty possible infecticated polyps plus a more pressing thing... the father in law's lightweight still in't proper built yet!

I has my appointment and its fer in the days after the do would've been, so I wouldn've been able to drink or eat proper as I'd have been on 'wind down' diet ready for prepping on the actual weekend of the do - so I'dve personnally taken up residence in posh bogs and not come out.

Which would've been a bit **** - literally!!
I'd personally like to a proper LZ gathering next year as apposed to a general event meeting. :) It would be just like an open air LandyZone forum, but with no keyboards.
Woke up this morning, looked at my Calendar...................what did I see.....???...........:(:(................sad day for me......

:( it's sad that the event didn't go ahead - I was very much looking forward to going, meeting all you nutters for the first time and generally having a good weekend, getting the truck all muddy and sampling the much-discussed food and beer (and those cakes that kept being mentioned .... mmmmm... I like cake!!).

But as we had the dog booked into kennels (more like a luxury spa weekend for dogs!!), the kids arranged to go to Grandma's and the caravan arranged to take out of storage for the weekend, we're gonna bugger off to Cornwall / Kernow for the weekend - to sample to food and the beer! (mmmmm...... I like food and beer!!!).

So, although the weekend is a sad and sombre even, I will be raising a glass to those fellow LZers who had bought tickets and are in mourning over this year's event cancellation and also in thanks to the organisers for working to damn hard to try and make the weekend happen. CHEERS ALL.

Needless to say, i'll also be sampling the pasties, cream teas (Cornish style of course!) and possibly enjoying breakfast tomorrow morning at the Hotel and Restaurant overlooking Lands End, then dinner at my mate's restaurant in Perranporth (Funky Fish) followed by a sampling session of the local beers and ciders! So all is not totally lost for this weekend - for us anyway.

Hope everyone else manages to find something to take their minds off LZ13 and have a good weekend.

If anyone want's me, i'll be in the Disco 2 broken down on the side of the A30 because I tried to drive much further than any sane person ever should in a Land Rover. Hopefully Mayday Breakdown won't take tooooooo long to get to me!! :D
:( it's sad that the event didn't go ahead - I was very much looking forward to going, meeting all you nutters for the first time and generally having a good weekend, getting the truck all muddy and sampling the much-discussed food and beer (and those cakes that kept being mentioned .... mmmmm... I like cake!!).

But as we had the dog booked into kennels (more like a luxury spa weekend for dogs!!), the kids arranged to go to Grandma's and the caravan arranged to take out of storage for the weekend, we're gonna bugger off to Cornwall / Kernow for the weekend - to sample to food and the beer! (mmmmm...... I like food and beer!!!).

So, although the weekend is a sad and sombre even, I will be raising a glass to those fellow LZers who had bought tickets and are in mourning over this year's event cancellation and also in thanks to the organisers for working to damn hard to try and make the weekend happen. CHEERS ALL.

Needless to say, i'll also be sampling the pasties, cream teas (Cornish style of course!) and possibly enjoying breakfast tomorrow morning at the Hotel and Restaurant overlooking Lands End, then dinner at my mate's restaurant in Perranporth (Funky Fish) followed by a sampling session of the local beers and ciders! So all is not totally lost for this weekend - for us anyway.

Hope everyone else manages to find something to take their minds off LZ13 and have a good weekend.

If anyone want's me, i'll be in the Disco 2 broken down on the side of the A30 because I tried to drive much further than any sane person ever should in a Land Rover. Hopefully Mayday Breakdown won't take tooooooo long to get to me!! :D

Watch out for the Glastonbury traffic on the M5! :)

Off to Lunnon myself, Ansum! :)
We're off camping in Derbyshire, Hope valley somewhere next to a river and a pub. Don't intend doing much at all.

Sadly not in the Landy which needs a new steering box :(
I'm at home all weekend, fed up and with nothing now to distract me from the fact we have a cqc inspection at work next week. :(
Never short of something to do ;)

Beaulieu next weekend, then Lincoln then Kingsfold, we are not long back from Holland.

Bought another engine while out in Holland, fortunately it's over here, but weighs a couple of tons...

I really wasnt aware it had been cancelled until this week! I would have loved to have gone but i wonder if many, like myself, were holding off buying tickets until they could confirm they could make it. I really wanted to go but childcare was the issue, and we couldn't be sure until nearer the time. If i had known holding off could potentially have led to cancellation of the event, i would have bought tickets anyway. I was really disappointed at not being able to go, so i imagine its even more disappointing for those who bought tickets.
Just thought i might throw in a suggestion... considering the work involved in organising events, how about reviving one of the previous successful LZ events like the "great dorset chippy run" or the "bouncing bakewell run"? Both were great fun and the routes 'exist'. Not sure if anyone still has the routes or if they are still usable now. Another issue might be that many members who went to/organised these events, don't frequent landyzone any more. However, i do know someone who has a great field for camping..... @blue beasty
Funny you mention the 'Bouncing Bakewell'. I did try to arrange it a few weeks ago, but the original venue and other alternatives were already booked. I will do something about it soon ... ;)

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