The registered keeper is responsible for paying any fine the vehicle collects on public roads. That is why when you hire a car you sign a getout clause to accept responsibility for the time of the hire. It was at one time get roundable by saying someone else was driving. It is not now, the registered keeper has to say who was driving or pay the fine. Also a fine for none disclosure if he won't say who was driving.
The registered keeper is responsible for paying any fine the vehicle collects on public roads. That is why when you hire a car you sign a getout clause to accept responsibility for the time of the hire. It was at one time get roundable by saying someone else was driving. It is not now, the registered keeper has to say who was driving or pay the fine. Also a fine for none disclosure if he won't say who was driving.

Not in the country I live in it ain't!:D

This thread was always about a parking ticket received in England, just because the law differs in Scotland doesn't make any of your statements any less wrong.

:your_wrong: and apologise :p
And what they do in Englandstan does not concern me so Feck Off..!

You are a pleasant little fellow are you not? You won't last long, see you've upset almost everyone everywhere that you have been on here. Another cock up on your part, as stan also means land can't see that englandland makes a lot of sense. :doh::doh::doh:
I am Scottish, so I was stating laws where I come from....:)
I did not know parking laws were different in England.:eek:
As the OP is English (or the ticket was issued in England) my replies are wrong, according to the regulations Barmatt posted.
Disregard my replies Odyssey, apologies.:doh:
The only advice I could offer is that councils nationwide are so disorganised it is likely they may not follow up your ticket.
You maybe able to ignore it, but if you get a reminder...tough luck I'm afraid.
You are a pleasant little fellow are you not? You won't last long, see you've upset almost everyone everywhere that you have been on here. Another cock up on your part, as stan also means land can't see that englandland makes a lot of sense. :doh::doh::doh:

You're a strange lad...! That post was directed at you but since many of my friends are English I edited immediately to a smiley.

What is your point silly man?

Better if I just stick you on my ignore list, headed - arsehole!
You're a strange lad...! That post was directed at you but since many of my friends are English I edited immediately to a smiley.

What is your point silly man?

Better if I just stick you on my ignore list, headed - arsehole!
why dont you put landyzone on your ignore list?
You're a strange lad...! That post was directed at you but since many of my friends are English I edited immediately to a smiley.

What is your point silly man?

Better if I just stick you on my ignore list, headed - arsehole!

You started the attack on me friend trying to defend the indefencable.
You have just proved you can be reasonable, why not continue in that manner and forget the big hard jock image. I know a lot of jocks who are very decent lads, you came on here guns blazing and look where it got you. No bloody need for it.
Well. . . thanks for all the many and varied thoughts & opinions.

Thought I'd let it sit for a day or two while I cogitate and view the sage advice from the worthy members hereon (sorry - must have been hit on the head by a dictionary).

It was an on street 'pay and display' parking bay and a genuine council warden.

In usual circumstances I would probably bite the bullet and 'do the time', but I'm feeling particularly dischuffed as I've just paid the council nearly £70 for permits to park outside my own house.

In light of all the offered advice I will call said council tomorrow and appeal to their better nature/spirit of Christmas, etc.

No not bollocks, true. Check up if you like.
Ok got the date wrong it's 1689.

BWMA/Parking ticket campaign


In law, desuetude (from the Latin word desuetudo: outdated, no longer custom) is a doctrine that causes statutes, similar legislation or legal principles to lapse and become unenforceable by a long habit of non-enforcement or lapse of time. It is what happens to laws that are not repealed when they become obsolete. It is the legal doctrine that long and continued non-use of a law renders it invalid, at least in the sense that courts will no longer tolerate punishing its transgressors.

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