
Active Member
Got a parking penalty on Saturday, overstayed the hour I'd paid for by 18mins (long queue waiting to pay in a shop). Got back and the warden was down the road 'doing' another car.

Cursed a bit (£50 or £25 if paid in 14 days)and drove away.

Looked at the printed out ticket later, and he'd missed off one of the digits on the reg. number. The ticket also quotes the tax disc number.

I'm fairly sure the ticket is unenforcible as the warden got the reg wrong, but the question is - do I appeal on those grounds; ignore it on the basis they will try and follow up the wrong reg, but will no doubt be able to trace me through the tax disc.

Or just pay the £25 . . .

Got a parking penalty on Saturday, overstayed the hour I'd paid for by 18mins (long queue waiting to pay in a shop). Got back and the warden was down the road 'doing' another car.

Cursed a bit (£50 or £25 if paid in 14 days)and drove away.

Looked at the printed out ticket later, and he'd missed off one of the digits on the reg. number. The ticket also quotes the tax disc number.

I'm fairly sure the ticket is unenforcible as the warden got the reg wrong, but the question is - do I appeal on those grounds; ignore it on the basis they will try and follow up the wrong reg, but will no doubt be able to trace me through the tax disc.

Or just pay the £25 . . .


not sure on the law but is the **** worth £25 ? :rolleyes:
Technically it maybe wrong. But you were guilty hold your hand out an get it slapped. According to an ancient law all fixed penalty tickets are illegal anyway. But the govenment don't see it that way. Unfortunatly.:D:D:D
I got off a speeding ticket once because the copper had put the next days date on it. Phoned them up and said about it and they told me to tear it up and they would cancel it their end...even before I had asked. So I did and never heard a thing.:)
I'd either pay the £25, or maybe worth a phone call........ "wots this ticket on my car but not my reg?" They just might cancel it........just a thought :rolleyes:
Don't forget, the little rodents take photo's these days, thay even take one of your tyre valve, so if you say i've not overstayed, but been away and returned, hey presto, pic of tyre valve in same spot, pay the pony and enjoy christmas without the stress.
I got one last saturday £70 or £35 early pay... i noticed there were no t bars across the yellows so i appealed, they wrote back saying the road has recently been resurfaced (10 months ago) and they havent had time to do the t-bars and the ticket is enforceable, im deciding whether to take it further
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Send a cheque for the £25 quid but also include a letter asking them to confirm that the ticket is valid as you believe that it isn't.
Chances are they will return your cheque - they would in Scotland anyway but Englandshire is a completely different ballgame.

Clampers even on private property, not is Scotland where its deemed as extortion.
I got one last saturday £70 or £35 early pay... i noticed there were no t bars across the yellows so i appealed, they wrote back saying the road has recently been resurfaced (10 months ago) and they havent had time to do the t-bars and the ticket is enforceable, im deciding whether to take it further

This has already been tested in law. The markings are illegal and 10 months is plenty of time to get them painted. Different if they have been damaged by recent road works. But 10 months is not recent to me. But to a court. Who knows. Further to this you may argue in court that if they have had time to paint two yellow lines down say a 200 foot road. Then surely a couple of ten inch ones to make the markings legal should not have taken this long.
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Its not one of those private parking notices, its a gen local authority ticket , so dont waste your time thinking 1 digit is going to cut it , pay the £25 quid and buy yourself an alarm wristwatch for christmas :doh:
I once got one where they had got the reg number wrong by one digit, ignored it and never heard another word:) That was a good few years ago when councils were just incopentent, as opposed to totally f*****g incopentent like they are today, so they didn't hound unsuspecting motorists with their stealth taxes to help balance the books quite like they do nowadays. It was probably before the days of digital cameras aswell!!
Personally I believe if either the registration number is wrong or the lines in the road are incorrect after 10 months, then the ticket is unenforcable. Me? I would argue the point by sending a recorded delivery letter pointing out the reg/lines are wrong. If you hear nothing within the appointed time for the low payment, go in personally cheque book in hand, write cheque but tell them if they take it you will take matters further.
Personally I believe if either the registration number is wrong or the lines in the road are incorrect after 10 months, then the ticket is unenforcable. Me? I would argue the point by sending a recorded delivery letter pointing out the reg/lines are wrong. If you hear nothing within the appointed time for the low payment, go in personally cheque book in hand, write cheque but tell them if they take it you will take matters further.

Data you have been away from this country for too long. I know in France the peasants would revolt.

If you walked into your average council office armed with a cheque book looking for justice, the numpty behind the counter would look at you as if you were from outer space or France!!
Are you sure it wasn't a wind up?

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