My 300tdi often smells hot at 70mph and doesn't have a cat fitted either so it rules that out.
So I generally back off to 60mph and it restores the equilibrium and karma my Discovery enjoys so much.
Lets be honest most motorway accidents are caused by hgv drivers who think they own the road.tailgating,lane swappin no looking or indicating.seen a family wiped out as hgv swapped lanes.too many hours,on the mobile,watching dvd players.the list goes on.
Lets be honest most motorway accidents are caused by hgv drivers who think they own the road.tailgating,lane swappin no looking or indicating.seen a family wiped out as hgv swapped lanes.too many hours,on the mobile,watching dvd players.the list goes on.

As apose to the car drivers in there one ton nothing's that think standing water is a sign to carry on at 80.
Never mind the endless cars that are on the hard shoulder in bits after the driver fiddled with his phone, stereo, **** nav or any other objects they can play with rather than watching the road and using there mirrors.
Your right must be lorry drivers who rubber neck and cause miles of tailbacks just cause some numpty has managed to get into a tank slaper with there caravan and doesn't know how to deal with it.
Lets be honest most motorway accidents are caused by hgv drivers who think they own the road.tailgating,lane swappin no looking or indicating.seen a family wiped out as hgv swapped lanes.too many hours,on the mobile,watching dvd players.the list goes on.

A fully laiden HGV is carry 20 odd tonne extra weight than the lorry weighs so the maximum at the moment is 44 tonne. Trying to keep up with the flow of traffic takes skill and forward thinking.
So consider an HGV travelling at 54 mph and comes across a happy yaris driver most likely someone such as yourself travelling at a lovely sedate 50 mph on the M6 for example the HGV driver either backs off the throttle and with in seconds is doing 40mph or anticipates a suitable gap in the middle lane to attempt to over take you or at least get half way along side and then you accelerate away leaving the HGV stranded in the middle lane.

I do appreciate a lot of left hand drive HGVs are causing accidents but to assume all drivers are either watching DVDs or driving like ****ers is incredibly arrogant and very irresponsible.

You might think that driving a HGV is the same as you swapping lanes, under taking and jamming your brake lights on when you drive out of your rear view mirror in your Prius but think again as it is very different.
I've done 97 in 3.9 disco once, straight road but the slightest steering input I made, I realised that there'd be no change of keeping it the right way up if I'd had to swerve. My gaylander on 215/80_15's is twitchy as hell at 95 so, again I don't do it. Each to their own, I've seen accidents, a chav doing 80 crossed white line and ran under a Waggon and drag, (120mph closing speed). It bent the merc actros front axle, pushed the steering column into the cab and destroyed the front quarter of the chav mobile. He lost his right hand, was in a coma for two weeks and broke most bones in his body.
Found this on you tube, standard series II disco hitting a deformable barrier at 40 msg...

YouTube - Crash Test 1999 - 2004 Land Rover Discovery II (Frontal Offset Test) Mfg after Oct 1998
OMG why are there so many people so happy to condem me for speeding.I,m sure that they are no angels. I,m sure and off road prepped disco will kill just as well at 35 in a built up area as a well mentained disco doing 95 on a clear motorway in good conditions. I thing a lot of people need to climb down off there high horse and think have I ever broken the speed limit before making a remark and slagging me off.And as I stated earlier I dont speed as a rule but this was a one off and the conditions were good.
Lets be honest most motorway accidents are caused by hgv drivers who think they own the road.tailgating,lane swappin no looking or indicating.seen a family wiped out as hgv swapped lanes.too many hours,on the mobile,watching dvd players.the list goes on.

Perhaps you'd like to ride shotgun with me in my artic one day and gain an informed opinion that's actually based on fact and experience.
I agree that there are some appalling truck drivers out there but the same applies to drivers of any motorised form of transport on the road.
i think thats why have speed limits so that when we make mistakes they are minimal

So having a crash at 60 or 70 mph is "minimal"? We have speed limits for a few reasons...

To reduce the speed differential between cars travelling on the same stretch of road

To reduce fuel consumption

To allow an easy and convenient method of gaining revenue through fines

Unfortunately the "Speed Kills" mantra tends to absolve people of their responsibility for their own decision making and actions, i.e "I'm travelling within the speed limit so I must be safe"

I tend to find that the quicker I travel, the more I concentrate. 50mph in one of my faster cars is boring and I find my attention wandering, far more dangerous than travelling at 90 mph with full concentration...

Fast in a Landrover, however isn't the same as fast in a BMW.

I'm staggered by the holier than thou attitude of so many people in this thread. Most of whom, I'm sure would be ripped to pieces if an ADI were to mark their driving....

From the car driver's perspective Lorry drivers and Motorcyclists seem to have something in common, they're either very good or very bad, there doesn't seem to be much in between.
If I'm in my Disco towing 31/2 tonnes I tend to find that by and large, lorry drivers are very courteous and try to help out with letting me back in etc. However when I'm on my motorbike, Lorry drivers scare the **** out of me.
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Well id be wrong to tar you all with the same brush. but ive had bad experiences with lorry drivers. i was behind a family wiped out by a uk hgv on my 37th birthday now theres a treat. hammering down slip roads onto motorways nowhere to go but push their way in cos the little cars are in the way and they dont want to slow down cos it takes time to get up to speed.know several lorry drivers and they all say the same were bigger than you you will soon get out the way.rant over and apologies if ive ****ed off responsible hgv drivers.
OMG why are there so many people so happy to condem me for speeding.I,m sure that they are no angels. I,m sure and off road prepped disco will kill just as well at 35 in a built up area as a well mentained disco doing 95 on a clear motorway in good conditions. I thing a lot of people need to climb down off there high horse and think have I ever broken the speed limit before making a remark and slagging me off.And as I stated earlier I dont speed as a rule but this was a one off and the conditions were good.

Maybe that as fans of discos,they don't like hearing of them having the bollocks thrashed off them or maybe because that even though they are not innocent angels, they don't go on public forums boasting at driving at stupid irresponsible speeds on public roads.

Every driver has fractured a law here or there but few boast about it or make light of it.

Just my 2p ;)
Well id be wrong to tar you all with the same brush. but ive had bad experiences with lorry drivers. i was behind a family wiped out by a uk hgv on my 37th birthday now theres a treat. hammering down slip roads onto motorways nowhere to go but push their way in cos the little cars are in the way and they dont want to slow down cos it takes time to get up to speed.know several lorry drivers and they all say the same were bigger than you you will soon get out the way.rant over and apologies if ive ****ed off responsible hgv drivers.

Hence why I drive my truck with the thought 'if I get it wrong, people die', subject closed chap, I'm not on here to rant :)
Whatever the speed, if you are racing on a public road, it's illegal. And let's face it, you and that Panda 4X4 were racing!

That'll get you an automatic ban and a whopping fine, even if you weren't prosecuted for dangerous driving as well.

Of course the police always struggle to prove someone was actually racing on the road, really they need the driver to admit it. So I think it's really kind of you to help them out on an open forum. Doh!

Will this turn around and bite you in the ar*e I wonder.
i hear a lot about cos your a trucker well done . I to have a hgv class one or c+e as it is known now and I to have racked up many hours on the road with no accidents and as a trucker ,yes you do learn to anticipate other road users movement but that does not make you a safer driver. So what I had a bit of fun on a clear motorway get over it. I would rather play on an empty motorway than drive to fast in a built up area. Or drive a poorly modded disco in the same area. Even at 20mph in a jacked up big winch disco you will kill a pedestrian. So why dont you lot get off your high horse and think about how safe you are before having a go.......
i hear a lot about cos your a trucker well done . I to have a hgv class one or c+e as it is known now and I to have racked up many hours on the road with no accidents and as a trucker ,yes you do learn to anticipate other road users movement but that does not make you a safer driver. .......

? :confused:
Lets be honest most motorway accidents are caused by hgv drivers who think they own the road.tailgating,lane swappin no looking or indicating.seen a family wiped out as hgv swapped lanes.too many hours,on the mobile,watching dvd players.the list goes on.

"lets be honest" thats absolute bollocks mate. most accidents on motorways are caused by inappropriate speed for the prevailing conditions. e.g. doing 95mph when its ****ing down. also lack of concentration and downright stupidness are major factors. as far as lorry drivers go, there are idiots in all walks of life but what really ****es me off is how ignorant non hgv drivers are about lorries, like how many blind spots an hgv driver has. been there myself- i wrote off a brand new alfa romeo (being delivered to the customer) cos he tried to undertake me. i coudn't see him. his fault, no question, and he admitted it at the scene. there should be compulsory lessons included about hgv's for learners
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