You have an accident at 65 in a Disco you're just as dead as an accident at 95.

Keep thinking that... but please keep off public roads with those kinda thoughts, i'd hate for you to take someone else out when you realise you're wrong.

There are so many documented and videos online of crash tests of vehicles at different speeds (5th gear did some too) and there is a huge difference between crashing at 95 and at 65.

No matter how much of a 'good' driver you think you are there are so many un-controllable varaibles on the road you can't accounter for - a diesel spill on the road, an animal running out in front of you, a crash on the other side of the road throwing debry across or a malufnction of a key component, even on a very highly maintained car - Just look at F1 - they spend millions on their cars and are by far and away better maintained than any road vehicle, yet, they can still have mechanical failures and crash.
Keep thinking that... but please keep off public roads with those kinda thoughts, i'd hate for you to take someone else out when you realise you're wrong.

There are so many documented and videos online of crash tests of vehicles at different speeds (5th gear did some too) and there is a huge difference between crashing at 95 and at 65.

No matter how much of a 'good' driver you think you are there are so many un-controllable varaibles on the road you can't accounter for - a diesel spill on the road, an animal running out in front of you, a crash on the other side of the road throwing debry across or a malufnction of a key component, even on a very highly maintained car - Just look at F1 - they spend millions on their cars and are by far and away better maintained than any road vehicle, yet, they can still have mechanical failures and crash.

These uncontrollable variables apply to every aspect of modern life, not just driving.
When your numbers up, it's up, that's it, game over!
These uncontrollable variables apply to every aspect of modern life, not just driving.
When your numbers up, it's up, that's it, game over!

Not really - if you hit an uncontrollable variable at 95mph - your game is up, if you hit it at 65mph it might just be game up for your vehicle of choice.

I agree there is no point going through life wrapped in cotton wool the whole time, but, equally there's no point playing Russian Roulette each night with a loaded gun.
Must admit, mine got a bit 'light' at speeds, so limited it to the standard 155mph....

Not really - if you hit an uncontrollable variable at 95mph - your game is up, if you hit it at 65mph it might just be game up for your vehicle of choice.

I agree there is no point going through life wrapped in cotton wool the whole time, but, equally there's no point playing Russian Roulette each night with a loaded gun.

I dunno, when life is dull, monotonous and a downright chore (it often is) then more extreme amusement is necessary to give the thrill and adrenalin to doggedly carry on with this living hell called 'life' ;)
It certainly works for me from time to time! :D
it smells like somethin is getting really hot at 95mph but disapears when I slow down. engine temp is normal and I cant see anythin leaking onto turbo or exhaust. any ideas....:smokin:

I'm just impressed you think that telling us you did 95 is clever !! May well be the tyre's that are getting too hot . 95 mph , Dr Dumbass !
i cant see the issue ,its driving inappropiatley thats dangerous not actual speed

I can see where yu are coming from - but the problem with that is the unexpected :eek:. Yu only need to find a doozil spill on a bend yu are taking at the limit.......

there was a guy on here a week or two back - lzir - got fixed and lost it on a bend due to a doozil spill - writeoff :(.
id only consider 95 on a clear motor way etc ,there are many clear roads(low traffic)round here but high accident rate as people dont consider ,someone pulling out ,or blind corners etc its a big subject just saying 95 is dangerous isnt looking at the complete picture ,as said before 95 in my std disco is safer than 50 in many modded landies
i cant see the issue ,its driving inappropiatley thats dangerous not actual speed

I sort of agree , however is it a clever thing to do ? No it's not and yes I am guilty of speeding myself .

It's the sudden stop that kill's !!!
What no-one seems to have mentioned up to now is the fact that the Disco in it's 1 and 2 forms weighs between 2100 and 2300kgs - before any additional offroady bits are added.

This is itself creates significantly safety issues and they brake nowhere near as well as a normal (mondeo-ish) car which weighs approx 1500kgs.

When you add into the mix such items as, AT tyres; lifted suspension (raises an already high C of G); Winch bumpers and winches; underbody protection; HD rear bumpers; etc etc you have a vehicle that could weigh 2600kgs - and was pretty crap at braking even when new!!!

I remember seeing a braking test on Top Gear many years ago (before it turned into Childrens Playtime) testing a Mondeo against a DII and the difference was enormous. Both vehicles were shod with their own std tyres. The DII took approx twice the distance to stop at 50mph and apparently the higher the speed the greater the differential - and that was with brand new cars.

So you can possibly imagine the outcome with a fully tooled-up offroader DII - disaster that's what.

Anyone remember "The Elk test" when offroaders were being vilified for being unstable, imagine for a second a fully tooled up DI or DII tootling down the outside lane of a nearly empty M1 doing 90mph, there is a car plus caravan in the nearside lane 55mph and the caravan has a puncture. He is now all over the road out of control, Disco driver heaves all on with his brakes and tries to steer around said careering caravan ensemble. The weight transfer on the Disco is enormous, the C of G is throwing the car all over the shop and it rolls.

A lorry behind the Disco panics and creates a mobile road block which captures three following cars and a white van.

7 people are killed, in part because the Disco driver was driving outside the envelope of his much modified vehicle.

Police arrive and after dealing with the bodies and the injured start looking at the mods on the Disco - 2" lift, 235/85/16 tyres, loads of extra weight hanging in front of the front axle "This looks like it has contributed to the accident to me, I'll include this in my report and he was speeding excessively"

Disco drivers insurance company gets wind of Police report and even though the mods were notified, decided not to pay a penny because the mods were done by the owner, not a qualified modifier.

The families of the dead and injured get wind of the Police report and sues the Disco driver, who loses his house to pay damages. His wife leaves him and takes the kids screaming "I told you that thing was a death trap!"

Driving one of these vehicles safety requires you to take these factors into account - "Seeing how fast it'll go" does not suggest that sufficient care is being taken.
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Ok so i was in the car yersterday when it hit 95. The car has had new springs,shocks,and polly bushes(i helped fit them). It is totaly standard. Its got 255/65/r16 road tyres fitted. The motorway when clear and the road conditions were very good. Couldn't check the level of friction as i left the tester at home. It felt very stable,and apart from the smell you wouldn'y even know it was going that fast. The braking system is in very good order, and the steering is very good, no play at all.
Ok so i was in the car yersterday when it hit 95. The car has had new springs,shocks,and polly bushes(i helped fit them). It is totaly standard. Its got 255/65/r16 road tyres fitted. The motorway when clear and the road conditions were very good. Couldn't check the level of friction as i left the tester at home. It felt very stable,and apart from the smell you wouldn'y even know it was going that fast. The braking system is in very good order, and the steering is very good, no play at all.

you point being?

it is still illegal and totally irresponsible!

it may have new springs,shocks a good braking system and no play in the steering BUT a 2 ton brick doing 95mph producing a burning smell doesn't fill me with confidence

but hey you beat a fiat panda and have the bigger willy so well done!
you point being?

it is still illegal and totally irresponsible!

it may have new springs,shocks a good braking system and no play in the steering BUT a 2 ton brick doing 95mph producing a burning smell doesn't fill me with confidence

but hey you beat a fiat panda and have the bigger willy so well done!
Did i at any point say it was big or clever,erm no i did not. My point was that i was answering questions brought up before your comments
Travelling at 95mph in a disco and your asking for disaster.
I see accidents every day nearly and most of the vehicles don't weigh as much as disco yet the damage done is horrendous.
You may feel safe in a big disco but lose control at around 70mph and your dead meat especially if you were to collide with me driving a lorry weighing 20 the weight of your disco.
In the last bout of fog we had a few months ago driving round the m25 a driver of a large vehicle thinking it was safe because there was not much traffic on the road at 03:00am lost control hitting two lorries, there was not much sign of body work or panels but there was an engine block laying on the floor of the middle lane.
Oh yea forgot to mention a body wrapped around one of the lorry axles.

Sobering thought me thinks.

if your all so worried about a std disco on a clear motor way ,wouldnt you be better putting any modified ones back to factory spec ,or trailering them about

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