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Great idea. think its a better idea than just havin someones landy that every one works on..... Im likin the fix a landy idea whoever thought of it.... i do think that if there is some of that goin on we are more likely to ave a lot more peeps that approach the stand... I also think that if possible we could be not as far down the showground as we was last year.. we was a bit out of the way and when you have peeps with families with little legs they may not walk so far to get to us. :D

Twas accys idea after we all mucked in to swap his intercooler last year.

Advantage of being on the edge is we had lots of room.......Normal set up is 3 vehicles with 10m frontage
Took him to help repair some lead-flashing last week.

Still confused as to how we came away with more than we arrived with :confused::confused::confused:

I couldn't work out how, while felting a roof, he ended up with a copper tank and a whole load of copper pipe stacked up.:scratching_chin::scratching_chin::scratching_chin::rolleyes:
Twas accys idea after we all mucked in to swap his intercooler last year.

Advantage of being on the edge is we had lots of room.......Normal set up is 3 vehicles with 10m frontage

Aye, we was the last stand tho and i did think we was a bit out of the way from most of the stuff that was goin on... jmho :D
Twas accys idea after we all mucked in to swap his intercooler last year.

Advantage of being on the edge is we had lots of room.......Normal set up is 3 vehicles with 10m frontage

Maybe a similar set up as last year but with a covered 'workshop' area in front of the main tent or in the place of the main tent/marquee. We could even have the main tent pitched length ways instead of width ways this time and possibly use the front section as the workshop.
Can we Have Convoy for Zeroes spot they had plenty of room. Accoustics were bad though Apparently?? Amplified the noise every fooker else was making :confused:
Can we Have Convoy for Zeroes spot they had plenty of room. Accoustics were bad though Apparently?? Amplified the noise every fooker else was making :confused:

That'd be a good idea. There's no low archways in their spot either.:cool::D
I couldn't work out how, while felting a roof, he ended up with a copper tank and a whole load of copper pipe stacked up.:scratching_chin::scratching_chin::scratching_chin::rolleyes:

Tis amazing the stuff ya foind in peoples roof spaces :5bangelsad2: :D
Maybe a similar set up as last year but with a covered 'workshop' area in front of the main tent or in the place of the main tent/marquee. We could even have the main tent pitched length ways instead of width ways this time and possibly use the front section as the workshop.

That could work, would need to be a fair size marquee though

It'll be fine :D

Although, I've got a very very long list of other jobs... I could keep the whole of LZ going for weeks :)

You're gonna nead to pedal like hell on yer bike to produce enough electrickery to power a welderiser.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
You're gonna nead to pedal like hell on yer bike to produce enough electrickery to power a welderiser.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

or i will just bring a massive generator with me :D

(there is always 12v stick welding too...)
or i will just bring a massive generator with me :D

(there is always 12v stick welding too...)

Your priorities are wrong. The genny will have to produce enough power for the numerous fridges, beer coolers, lights, urns etc annorl.:rolleyes:;):D
Your priorities are wrong. The genny will have to produce enough power for the numerous fridges, beer coolers, lights, urns etc annorl.:rolleyes:;):D

oh arse. I only drink cider.

can't we have a cider fridge too?

I do have potential access to very big genies... should be able to do all that and a welder... if it's going to get my landy sorted it's worth the effort :D (bit selfish i know :D )
The stands looked MHoosive! last year no fooker was there was very small compared to what I expected buit hey ho it should be a right laff!
Maybe a similar set up as last year but with a covered 'workshop' area in front of the main tent or in the place of the main tent/marquee. We could even have the main tent pitched length ways instead of width ways this time and possibly use the front section as the workshop.

Could get a Landy or two along with a fair amout of seating in this


Might need a bit of a wipe down after it's last outing though :eek:
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oh arse. I only drink cider.

can't we have a cider fridge too?

I do have potential access to very big genies... should be able to do all that and a welder... if it's going to get my landy sorted it's worth the effort :D (bit selfish i know :D )

It has to be above 200 deasyballs cos it'll have to be louder than fannies if we wanna upset the neighbours;):p
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