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Is that a '' I'd love to help run a LZ club stand at Eastnor for the weekend''?

Don't mind giving a hand but I couldn't run a bath let alone a club stand :lol:

The misses says she don't mind me going to both if I take her out before hand maccie Ds here we come "whoop" :Lol:
Don't mind giving a hand but I couldn't run a bath let alone a club stand :lol:

The misses says she don't mind me going to both if I take her out before hand maccie Ds here we come "whoop" :Lol:

Me an Mr Muds will be there ...

Jus so we is all clear.........:eek:

What we's after is a list of folk who want to get a vehicle pass, camp for the weekend, help run a stand, scowl at any members of the public that come too close (accy was very clear about not leaving the stand unattended for this reason), start a feud with other clubs.....and rescue Deasy on the way home (optional).

Members who will be there anyway and may wish to visit the stand to help and bring extra supplies of beer/cake/bacon are of course welcome but we don't need your names yet
Is that Bath & West, Eastnor or both?

ooh just the Bristol and west show - never been before so i shall buy my tickets soon as i think your first linky says discounted tickets if bought early? but i may be wrong should go and have a look i s'pose..:rolleyes:
Jus so we is all clear.........:eek:

What we's after is a list of folk who want to get a vehicle pass, camp for the weekend, help run a stand, scowl at any members of the public that come too close (accy was very clear about not leaving the stand unattended for this reason), start a feud with other clubs.....and rescue Deasy on the way home (optional).

Members who will be there anyway and may wish to visit the stand to help and bring extra supplies of beer/cake/bacon are of course welcome but we don't need your names yet

ahh ok then , sorry ..
Jus so we is all clear.........:eek:

What we's after is a list of folk who want to get a vehicle pass, camp for the weekend, help run a stand, scowl at any members of the public that come too close (accy was very clear about not leaving the stand unattended for this reason), start a feud with other clubs.....and rescue Deasy on the way home (optional).

Members who will be there anyway and may wish to visit the stand to help and bring extra supplies of beer/cake/bacon are of course welcome but we don't need your names yet

Lol, I'm much more capable now with mechanicy stuff these days :D

Thanks for the help tho!
Freddy 007...... B&W (maybe Eastnor)
BB ............Both, B&W/Eastnor
robint.............. B&W
redhand & minty .............BOTH
Bump B&W
200tdi ayre
Deasy.... B&W

Mrs Deasy has just informed me that we shall be on our olidays whilst eastnor is on

As far as vehicles to work on... if anyone going can weld I can supply lots of metal and a very holey series to be welded up.

go on.... you know it would be fun (and save me lots of money at the garage)
Going back to the 'build a wreck' or 'fix a landy' idea why don't we sort it out so that everyone who has a vehicle on a stand brings parts to fix say two things on their landy. For those who don't have any actual faults they could simply bring a service kit for their vehicle.

Maybe 110woman would like some of the 'niggles' sorting out on her landy (if there are any still present) so she could bring parts (or list the faults/parts needed and see if anyone can supply em FOC or for a minimal fee) and we can try and fit em or rectify problems for her?

Maybe someone wants a snorkel or spots fitting and doesn't know how to do it or lacks the confidence to do it?
shame dr evil isnt coming down otherwise you could have sorted his V8 for him, oh bugger just remembered its only a 2day show not 2 months:D
Going back to the 'build a wreck' or 'fix a landy' idea why don't we sort it out so that everyone who has a vehicle on a stand brings parts to fix say two things on their landy. For those who don't have any actual faults they could simply bring a service kit for their vehicle.

Maybe 110woman would like some of the 'niggles' sorting out on her landy (if there are any still present) so she could bring parts (or list the faults/parts needed and see if anyone can supply em FOC or for a minimal fee) and we can try and fit em or rectify problems for her?

Maybe someone wants a snorkel or spots fitting and doesn't know how to do it or lacks the confidence to do it?

:hysterically_laughi Good one rats :D
As far as vehicles to work on... if anyone going can weld I can supply lots of metal and a very holey series to be welded up.

go on.... you know it would be fun (and save me lots of money at the garage)

Only trouble with that is welding int really a spectator sport :eek:
Going back to the 'build a wreck' or 'fix a landy' idea why don't we sort it out so that everyone who has a vehicle on a stand brings parts to fix say two things on their landy. For those who don't have any actual faults they could simply bring a service kit for their vehicle.

Maybe 110woman would like some of the 'niggles' sorting out on her landy (if there are any still present) so she could bring parts (or list the faults/parts needed and see if anyone can supply em FOC or for a minimal fee) and we can try and fit em or rectify problems for her?

Maybe someone wants a snorkel or spots fitting and doesn't know how to do it or lacks the confidence to do it?

Great idea. think its a better idea than just havin someones landy that every one works on..... Im likin the fix a landy idea whoever thought of it.... i do think that if there is some of that goin on we are more likely to ave a lot more peeps that approach the stand... I also think that if possible we could be not as far down the showground as we was last year.. we was a bit out of the way and when you have peeps with families with little legs they may not walk so far to get to us. :D
pikey has asked if everyone can bring a roll of lead for him so that he can re do the lead on his landys roof.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Took him to help repair some lead-flashing last week.

Still confused as to how we came away with more than we arrived with :confused::confused::confused:
Going back to the 'build a wreck' or 'fix a landy' idea why don't we sort it out so that everyone who has a vehicle on a stand brings parts to fix say two things on their landy. For those who don't have any actual faults they could simply bring a service kit for their vehicle.

Maybe 110woman would like some of the 'niggles' sorting out on her landy (if there are any still present) so she could bring parts (or list the faults/parts needed and see if anyone can supply em FOC or for a minimal fee) and we can try and fit em or rectify problems for her?

Maybe someone wants a snorkel or spots fitting and doesn't know how to do it or lacks the confidence to do it?

I think that's a good idea Ratty..
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