
Active Member
Is it just me, or do Defenders seem to be the perfect habitat for spiders? I seem to have the national collection of them in my 90.

Can't keep them out.
They bloody love them - must be sensible creatures. Everyday I battle through webs between the beast and the fence. Then when I get inside I usually find one or two in the front :)
I made the mistake of taking a builders bag of cuttings and weeds to the tip and now the tratter is full of the little gits
Apparently peppermint oil made into a spray keeps them away as they hate it!

Seems to be working in our house so far as that's like spider central too!
My body has been in a damp corner of the farm for 3 months with a hole in the floor where the gearbox usually is. It is like something from a horror movie in there...
I don't mind them. To be honest, the size of some of the gaps around the doors and and some of the holes drilled in the bodywork, I keep expecting to find a stray labrador in there in the mornings.
Watching the one in the top windscreen corner catch the fly's then wrap and store them is in car entertainment. That plastic strip down the pillar is a perfect home for them.
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I,d have been happy with a wee spider. I found 2 bloody mice nests in mine under the bonnet insulation. Thankfully no one was at home when i called.
I'm really happy to have spiders in the 90, quite a few made their way in when I had the floors out...just concerned they don't have enough to eat
putting a few conkers around keeps them away!! still havent had a spider in mine

My daughter hates spiders and uses comkers about the house. It does seem to work as she never seems to have any around The only problem i see with conkers in the landy is that it,d cause a hell of a rattle every time you,d go around a corner
No, they're probably in the chassis now.

Not to worry on that point as the rear of the chassis was completely rotten. Too windy for them. If there are any left in it by now, their in for a rude awakening as i,m gonna pump burned oil into it soon. They could be the mice world equivalent of the Beverly Hillbillys for those of us old enough to remember
Get yer wellies on boys.
I'm sure they're factory fitted- must have been a man on the production line at Solihull with a box of spiders.
Thought it was just mine! I turf them out in the morning and next morning little buggers are back. Never killed them though. Treat them as mates now.

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