I'm so saddened that you'r website is so sexist. So I don't know much about cars, but I had now idea that I would be abused the way I have. Fcking disgusting.

Read my last post.

Further additions from you will suggest you're trolling, and might have been all along .. which, I suspect, some of us already suspected .. :)
So do I. It involves saving lives. A job made easy by having a working Range Rover. ;D
's funny how soon they crack and revert to swearing and ad-hominem .. even high-class RR drivers .. well high class wannabee RR drivers .. ;)
Defo troll....received plenty of helpful posts and genuine questions. You'd have to be pretty blonde (I should know :p) to ask what ATF was instead of googling if you really didn't know........ :rolleyes:
I'm so saddened that you'r website is so sexist. So I don't know much about cars, but I had now idea that I would be abused the way I have. Fcking disgusting.

At the begining you did not answer the question to help you, and evasive to the one you answered.

Oil change once a year, and asked how many miles was that, there is a reason that was asked. Mileage is what maintenance is based on.

There are several women on here that did not know squat about a damn thing. But by answering question to there problems they are fixing things and putting on accessories. And if it is beyond what they want to do They get together on a week night or weekend with a couple of the guys and get things fixed. And being the nice women they are, offers of cake and tea are accepted. It is like a big family thing here. Yes we have our moments between us, we still help one and another. So no sexist abuse here. It is your lose

Has any one ever told you NO or something you did not want to hear? Have all the men you met quivered when you graced them with your blonde hair when you entered the room? You sound like a very stuck up person rather you is a blonde or not, bet 20 quid it is a bottle blonde:rolleyes:

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