Nicely titled and useful thread :)

I've only had my 300 tdi Defender for 5 months and haven't really done a great deal to it apart from change all the fluids, and had it MOT'd this weekend.

Over the last few weeks it has really struggled to get up to temperature in the morning when it's below 10 degrees. Even after 13 miles it wouldn't get to the optimum mid point on the coolant temperature gauge, one morning it barely got over the white mark. Everyone at work says "yeah all old diesels are like that" or similar, so I had started looking into radiator muffs' on eBay, but was a bit reluctant seeing that the ones I liked the look of cost £60-80. Decided to opt for the cheaper option first and spent £5.95 on a Bearmach thermostat as some have suggested in other threads about struggling to get up to temperature.

End result, the coolant gauge now starts moving within 1.5 miles and is up to the mid point by 3 miles, and stays there abouts until I turn it off. The air emitted from the vents is also a lot warmer, almost too warm to hold your hand right next to it, double bonus!

I'd do the bottom 1/3rd of the rad if I think it needs help, on a TDi the oil cooler lives inside the Rad, right hand end tank, so just be aware of that too.
Screw them haters Tim :)

Plus you can always remove it when summer comes around ;)

To be fair, yes you could make a better one. But, as already said, it serves it's purpose for the few weeks/months it's needed and can be wiped off easy.

...and let's be honest, it almost looks factory fit :)
Screw them haters Tim :)

Plus you can always remove it when summer comes around ;)
Oh you have spoiled it now suggesting I remove it. My pride and joy all the training I did all the skills I developed to be able to make a demister.
Actually I made it 2 years ago in the middle of winter so that I could at least see to use the door mirror but it worked well for a lash up.
I have since replaced it with a piped system and the warm air now comes through a vent in the side panel of the dash. Looks much better.
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Screw them haters Tim :)

Great work Tim a little improvisation never did anyone any harm & it works
Adaptability is wot landys are all about :)
Yes you would think so BUT.
The very next post advised I can remove it at summertime GUTTED just GUTTED :(:(

Now, now... don't take my words out of context, I said
you can always remove it when summer comes round

By doing that I was leaving the decision in your super-DIY capable hands.

I didn't say "remove that thing when summer comes" - that would have been a clear instruction to remove it :p
Now, now... don't take my words out of context, I said

By doing that I was leaving the decision in your super-DIY capable hands.

I didn't say "remove that thing when summer comes" - that would have been a clear instruction to remove it :p
Ok so your forgiven, I was sobbing my heart out I thought I had lost a supporter.

Do you want to see what I replaced it with?

Go on ask me to show it to you go on pretty please.;);)
For the passenger window wiping could you get a mop and cut down the handle then just flail it about at the side windows as you drive? Would prob work for the rear window if your screen heater is bust.....

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