Took it up the woods for a little test run yesterday, I was wrong hd springs were a stoopid idea, now I have to change them or risk being shaken to pieces

Just think of it as though it's a series on leaf springs, all part of the character!
Cheers guys,

got a bit of a roof leak!

When I say a bit of a roof leak I mean it drowns me every time I go down hill in the rain( if I go up hill it just fills the back up, which I can live with, but I've got to go downhill to get off the driveway)

I assume its a common problem as I've seen it mentioned a few times, do you think siliconing the crimp holes in the external gutter will fix it? as I can only guess that's how the internal gutters are filling and showering me
For soundproofing you can get some thick underlay from somewhere like carpet right and coat everything in it , doing 2 layers of foam with foil between in a few places and then carpet on top. Cheaper than buying the proper soundproofing and its sort of the same stuff :)
Closed cell foam from a show better as it will not absorb water.

Looking to quieten mine down
Looks great lots of hard work into it, wish i had your welding skills new chassis for me :-(, looking forward to see you finish off the last details
Did a bit this morning,

Silicones the driver side gutters, hopefully this will stop the flooding! ( the silicone looks ****e in the pic, I promise its ok in real life;))


And fitted a bit of the fancy roof membrane I acquired from a roofer on site for my new tub floor covering


I working away for a few weeks so I will have a crack at making a cubby BOX when I get time
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billy baby wipes that have citric acid in them are very good for removing silicone and making it look neat wilkos cheapo yellow packet ones are good
Took her on her maiden laning voyage today under the tutelage of turboman.

Best part of 200 miles covered without any funny noises, some lanes that were slightly more challenging than I expected on my first go, but all in all a bloody good day

Will post some pics on another Fred when mrs B comes back from the shops with the camera( and my tea)
Billy what an absolutely amazing thread top job mate don't really like green fenders and don't normally like steel wheels but this build has made me see the light. top build top fender top bloke for getting it done especially outside.
Bastaaaarrd!!!!, just gone to pick up fish and chips and it feels like the clutch has pegged it, limped home in 3rd:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Will investigate tomorrow
Not loving land rovers today, the 90 needs a new clutch and the disco needs new rear discs and calipers as the old brake pad has worn through the disc
Fitted the new clutch today, after seeing the state of the old one I'm amazed it ever moved, will try to upload some pics if photobucket lets me!!!
Sounds like you should have changed the pads a bit earlier :p

I was thinking about clutch for mine earlier too, since I have it apart. What clutch did you get?

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