
Active Member
well started driving to edinburgh airport this morning at 9am to meet the guy from the plane that bought it on ebay last week and about 8 miles along the road temp gauge started rising!!
so pulled over on the motorway as being cautious to see what problem is and heres coolant ****ing out expansion tank overflow and forcing its way out coolant bottle cap which is brand new 4 days ago!!
opened oil filler cap water on inside!!
not looking good literally the worst few months of my entire life looks like head gasket again its sitting at the garage just now there gonna pressure test it in morning but it was like a back up of pressure!! not getting through engine somehow and finding the weakest spot obviously the coolant bottle :(:(:mad::mad::(:confused::mad::(
well started driving to edinburgh airport this morning at 9am to meet the guy from the plane that bought it on ebay last week and about 8 miles along the road temp gauge started rising!!
so pulled over on the motorway as being cautious to see what problem is and heres coolant ****ing out expansion tank overflow and forcing its way out coolant bottle cap which is brand new 4 days ago!!
opened oil filler cap water on inside!!
not looking good literally the worst few months of my entire life looks like head gasket again its sitting at the garage just now there gonna pressure test it in morning but it was like a back up of pressure!! not getting through engine somehow and finding the weakest spot obviously the coolant bottle :(:(:mad::mad::(:confused::mad::(

What happened to the poor buyer??? Is he still sat there:D
was phoning each other at airport he wanted to stay the night to see what the garage says tomorrow i have tried phoning him a few times since and he has either got his phone switched off in airport or has thought better of it would have been expensive for him all that for nothing and i feel sorry for him but i feel more sorry for me after all the time and money i have poured in to it dont know what to do now but another head gasket kit or just sell it as a non runner this thing has turned my life upside down over the whole summer
I understand how you are feeling, I guess it isn't but have you replaced the thermostat.
i went through the same ****e with a new h/g set, rebuilt it only to find exactly the same as before i started, turned out liners had slipped!!!

had to source a new engine, took a couple of months and captain bargain to get a top hat linered bottom end that was cheap enough and reliable.

to date no more issues, i know one thing, i'd buy another rangie without hesitation but i would seek to replace the engine with top hatted one as soon as i could, even swapping engines with mine then selling it!!

hard luck mate, hope theres some light at the end of this very dark tunnel for you!!!
no never replaced the thermostat i suppose if it wasint opening it would cause this same thing of back up and forcing itself out coolant bootle lid/overflow might just replace it anyway thats another thing it cant be lol just like everything else i done
im sure the liners looked ok gave when it was in bits and i posted the pics for you AL i suppose they might have now though eh i think if thats the case ill cut my losses as i aint got the cash to be spending on it anymore that was near 2 grand a few ago doing all that but never mind would have only been wasting away in the bank lol
they did look ok, but maybe they were on thier way out??? it might have just blown the gasket, maybe. i would look at chucking a gasket set on first, see if it cures it then sell asap!
Karma thing...... i reckon......
Were you ever an estate agent? Insurance Sales Man? Pensions Adviser? or Lawyer, by any chance? Are you a lapsed Catholic? Inherent guilt of that religion's built on, accumulates over time and manifests itself in the same way as bad Kharma...... until you have kids, a crisis of faith, and go to confession again..... or convert to Bhudism!
which is a bad idea.... becouse you then carry over all your inate training in self doubt and guilt, and start worrying over all the insects you might have ever trodden on in your entire life-time.......
Back to the Kharma thing..... didn't pull a lot of legs of spiders when you were a kid did you?
Sorry, about as helpful as a liberal politician, in eye!
Tell you what; give your self a P38 holiday!
Go park it somewhere out of sight; like your father-in-laws or hide it round the back of the works car-park and take a taxi home.....
Try and forget it ever existed for a month...... preferably six or even eight weeks...... so you get a couple of bank statement / credit card bills without any reference to rover Repairs on them.........
THEN; when you have regained some semblence of transindental eqilibrium........ brave a peek at it......
Your nervouse system, will, after a period of 'cold turkey' give an instant reaction, by which you should judge what you ought to do next;
Either, you will look at it, and your shoulders will sag, your stomough will fall to your knees, and your feet will try to resist all efforts to get any closer to it.....
In which case, what you ought to do, is find some inocent passer by, and offer them they keys and log-book, and walk away........ OK, so you loose a bit of money, but that's nothing compared to your health.... look at it as an offering to Karma......
OR, you will look at it, and your head will tilt, and you'll have an 'idea', something like.... "Well how much worse can it get" or "I'd forgotten how pretty it looked....."
In which case, you are, I'm afraid a 'lost cause', and what you'll have to resign yourself to is the fact that fete intended you to have a long and expensive relationship with this mota, and you better just get on with it! Look on 'faults' as new opportunities for inprovement, and the difficulty in finding the money for those improvements, simply the sacrifice needed to keep the fetes happy, and stop them giving you more difficult problems in other areas of your life.... ie its kind of like Karmah Insurance........


Bring it to Coventry, book your self a room and meal in the Leofric... to establish cast iron alibi........ and when you come to go home, I'm sure that all your troubles will have mystically dissapeared in a puff of petrol smoke and a large gas explosion, leaving you merely with the hassle of convincing an insurance company (with all your accumulated 'bills') that it really WAs a desirable £5K car.......

If you cant get it as far as Coventry......... sure that a similar trip to Glasgow, or Newcastle could have similar coonsequences............
i dunno why but i get the impression that the non stick man has been a bit of a depressive once upon a time
i dunno why but i get the impression that the non stick man has been a bit of a depressive once upon a time

Oi! That's good advice that is! Its the accumulated wisdom of hundreds opon hundreds of hours of 'councelling'.......

which essentially is some numpty, looking 'understanding' and listening to you 'patiently' for ages, then telling you 'Hmmmm..... well, I suppose, its how you look at it........."

Making you want to do something 'angry' like throttle them, or burn the building down.......

Just offering, in a couple of paragraphs, the entire process, and conclusion!
Oi! That's good advice that is! Its the accumulated wisdom of hundreds opon hundreds of hours of 'councelling'.......

which essentially is some numpty, looking 'understanding' and listening to you 'patiently' for ages, then telling you 'Hmmmm..... well, I suppose, its how you look at it........."

Making you want to do something 'angry' like throttle them, or burn the building down.......

Just offering, in a couple of paragraphs, the entire process, and conclusion!

feck 100s of hours !

did they convince you that typing was an effective form of stress release ?
feck 100s of hours !

did they convince you that typing was an effective form of stress release ?

No, but the sound of the rattling key-board does have the same kind of cadence and rythem as a GPMG, and you can fantasise a bullet impact with each keystroke.......

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