
Well-Known Member
I've decided to replace the chassis on my 200Tdi Defender 90.(fed up with spatter raining down on me when welding) I phoned Marsland last Monday and placed an order told it be 3-4weeks got phone call from them Wednesday saying actually we can deliver next Wednesday (today) and look what's turned up
ooooo very shiny!! Overall I'm extremely happy with Marsland the quality of the galv etc looks great. Only fly in the ointment is I had planned to use the 3-4weeks to empty my grandfathers old workshop that was full rubbish and hadn't been really used since he retired 10 years ago but after 6 van loads to the tip and nearly chocking on all the sawdust/dust and cobwebs it's almost ready to start working in just need move my tools in
Yeah definitely couldn't believe it when they phoned been a mad dash sorting workshop but rather have it early than late. I had phoned Paddocks originally to place order but they could only offer me a Richards chassis they said Marslands order book was full for the year?!?!
Thanks used to be grandfathers joinery workshop till he retired. Only problem door is too narrow to get Landy in but my dad and brother are going widen it so I'll be able drive in and out no problem.


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Excellent workspace. Let's hope the surgery on the structure of the building goes smoothly. I like that workbench especially, and the vices.
Congratulations. The chassis looks great and the workshop looks almost perfect.

Are you going to paint the new chassis black before you start the rebuild? When the local thieves see your nice new chassis it's going to attract them like bees to honey :eek:. A coating of something black might just make your pride and joy slightly less desirable o_O. Good luck with the project and keep us up to speed with pics. :p
Excellent workspace. Let's hope the surgery on the structure of the building goes smoothly. I like that workbench especially, and the vices.
It's a proper old work bench has a tag on it from company it came from i'll try get a pic up tonight off it.

As for the surgery on structure it's made from wood so should be easy (so i've been told) need to support the roof as thats tiled whilst old lintle is removed and new longer one and supports are fitted. My dad and brother are both builders in fact my dad built the workshop when he worked for gradad so fingers crossed all goes well.
Congratulations. The chassis looks great and the workshop looks almost perfect.

Are you going to paint the new chassis black before you start the rebuild? When the local thieves see your nice new chassis it's going to attract them like bees to honey :eek:. A coating of something black might just make your pride and joy slightly less desirable o_O. Good luck with the project and keep us up to speed with pics. :p

Thanks Yeah i'm going to paint it got some Corroless rust inhibetor paint and satin black chassis paint just need to get a compressor been looking at the SGS 50Ltr ones hopefully that will be good enough. Definetly try and get plenty of pics :)
Thanks Yeah i'm going to paint it got some Corroless rust inhibetor paint and satin black chassis paint just need to get a compressor been looking at the SGS 50Ltr ones hopefully that will be good enough. Definetly try and get plenty of pics :)
You'll need some mordant wash to treat the galv.

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