love it built in redundacy and sacrificial parts selection due to extreme driver superb!!!!That’s some torque… think as all your stuff is HD when it goes,it goes well…
Form them pics I would say the shaft splines would not give way and expanded while been twisted. Once it was wedged in the stub that’s when it snapped the shaft.
(See a cheap end cap would have blown the splines & saved you time)
still love all your updates & testing of parts
Those HD CVs are seriously expensive too. I agree with the above - I reckon if you hadve had cheap members they would’ve cheesed up first. Do you decide where the weakest link is to be and make it the cheapest part lol? Like you said, go HD with the shafts and it could just end up smashing diff or transfer. Watching this with interest as I got a torquey build planned for mine!
That’s interesting. I was so snobby that it was gkn or nothing for me and I only drive across fields.Oem flanges dont have the best tolerances so you do get a fair bit of fretting and transmission slap. Fairly reduced with the HD flanges!
Think ill stick with britpart shafts and CVs takes a fair bit of lead foot and shockload to actually break them and 9/10 its the short side!
Long side has enough length it can twist far more before actually snapping.
That’s interesting. I was so snobby that it was gkn or nothing for me and I only drive across fields.
Is it a special process to bleed brakes? As you have abs.(iv not had anything to do with abs)
Did you pry the pads back & confuse the shuttle valve ?
Do you have to set the height of the sensor?
Thanks for your knowledge