
Sounds like you've gone through hell and back and will check out the links

When I done my back in, felt I didn't listen over the years so I got plenty of warnings but just didn't listen

Unfortunatly due to the extensive back surgeries I've had caused a lot of the nerve damage, which put me in. Wheelchair at first and took me at least a year to sort of walk again

My main trouble is due to all the pins and screws in my back and the bad left leg and then my bladder will just go with out warning

I find it very frustrating as I useto be very heathly but really hard to accept the way I've ended up

Feel so sorry for other people who have bad backs and I don't think until you've damaged your back of how miserable it makes your daily life

I'm currently battling depression due to my back and have become really a recluse due to the fact I feel safe and not having to fear with someone hitting me in the back

Dreading the review when dla goes over to pip because having to see the normal morans, however will have to get a home visit as there is no way I can sit for hours in a waiting room

Take care guys and please make sure you look after your backs


I can sort some of your problems

1) shutting yourself away will not help, my dad is in a wheel chair and requires 24 hour care- hard as it can be try to keep some structure. My dad goes on the internet and does a class at local community centre.

2) I have 2 friends one with mixed connective tissue disease and the other with spinal problems. My advice after seeing my uncle with dementia and parkinsons screwed by atos is this:-
a) keep everything and only deal with atos in writing
b) get CAB to fill your forms in and request any assessment is recorded.
c) As soon as assessment is complete, ask CAB to request a copy in writing from your benefits office.
d) If you get screwed- send Dippypud and myself a PM - atos and DWP can be forced to back up.

Main thing is people do care and will try to help if they can:)
Only since my health issues- did I fully understand how frustrating it can be.

ive been back to my specialist again due to sciatica coming back on my left hand side, after some cat and mri scans it seems that the ive got another bulging disc above the fusion ive already had

spoke to him about options and he advised me about these impalints but will do alot more damage getting them in and causing more disability

however with this slip disc the verterbrae is also cracking due to the lower ones being ridged and been advised about having it injected with cement and the disc trimmed but as there has already been severe nerve damage already which has also weakened my left leg will incur even more damage

shame about this claim about antibioctics , yet as always a false hope

i dont know what im going to to, but thinking of leaving my back and see if the morphine will control the pain, but my consulatant said if i leave it could cause damage and thus paralising me from the waste down,

the devil u do and the devil u dont, lolol maybe i should leave it for a few months and see how it goes

but please i beg u take care of them backs guys as even if one person decided to look after their back its been worth it telling or how not to destrot ur back and also the rest of ur lives

hope all of u are well and now the warmer weather is here not suffering so much


ive been back to my specialist again due to sciatica coming back on my left hand side, after some cat and mri scans it seems that the ive got another bulging disc above the fusion ive already had

spoke to him about options and he advised me about these impalints but will do alot more damage getting them in and causing more disability

however with this slip disc the verterbrae is also cracking due to the lower ones being ridged and been advised about having it injected with cement and the disc trimmed but as there has already been severe nerve damage already which has also weakened my left leg will incur even more damage

shame about this claim about antibioctics , yet as always a false hope

i dont know what im going to to, but thinking of leaving my back and see if the morphine will control the pain, but my consulatant said if i leave it could cause damage and thus paralising me from the waste down,

the devil u do and the devil u dont, lolol maybe i should leave it for a few months and see how it goes

but please i beg u take care of them backs guys as even if one person decided to look after their back its been worth it telling or how not to destrot ur back and also the rest of ur lives

hope all of u are well and now the warmer weather is here not suffering so much


I advocate the 7 day wait, it avoids spontaneous decisions and still allows time to act after considering the choices.

If it helps I'm personally horrified at the way parliament are attacking the most vulnerable in society to cover the banks and parliaments mistakes.
I can sort some of your problems

1) shutting yourself away will not help, my dad is in a wheel chair and requires 24 hour care- hard as it can be try to keep some structure. My dad goes on the internet and does a class at local community centre.

2) I have 2 friends one with mixed connective tissue disease and the other with spinal problems. My advice after seeing my uncle with dementia and parkinsons screwed by atos is this:-
a) keep everything and only deal with atos in writing
b) get CAB to fill your forms in and request any assessment is recorded.
c) As soon as assessment is complete, ask CAB to request a copy in writing from your benefits office.
d) If you get screwed- send Dippypud and myself a PM - atos and DWP can be forced to back up.

Main thing is people do care and will try to help if they can:)

hiya, many thks, it took me 6 months to get my dla and the first one got refused, i worked and paid tax and national ins for over 27 years and had to fight all the way

they had letters and reports from my gp, orthopedic surgeon, pain management clinic at st thomas and guys yet turned me down and had to appeal

ive been struck off for life which is soak destroying yet got to have another assessment, even though nothings change but it will be biased straight away, seeing the assements if they put u down fit for work get £15 grand as a bonus and have been centering on disabled people who receive high rate dla

trouble is they dont see the while picture, the mental side, depression, constant pain, people throwing abuse at u, embarrissment, the list goes on, they just see things as black and white

whilst i agree with reviewing people , surely though if there is overwelming evidence why ive got to go through it all again in the next year or so,

christ knows what i would do if they cut me off, but know i should stop worrying and see what happens when the time comes

i cannot thk enough how much all of you have helped me, with just allowing me to vent

feel very humbled and mean that from my heart and not pulling ur leg

thks guys

just had a look at one of those units fanny.it states it is for low back pain only,this i have.but my main pain problems are in my cervical spine which is a completely different matter as there it controls all your bodily functions,ie breathing,heart,motion etc etc.:(

I found it while looking for my friend who has had cortisone and in a bad way currently, combination of CAB and myself have kept ATOS/DWP at bay for months:D

CAB have told friend he can take legal action as atos won't book an appointment and provide audio recording as required.

In the event my friend gets stuffed by atos we have MP on standby:D to un #### the situation:p
im also annoyed of how our athletes are going to get there dla stopped, and seeing how they bought this nation together and trained for 5 years and to get treated like this is disgusting

how about stopping all the foreign aid money and look after out own back yard first, set up a decent system to care for our elderly, starving homeless children , help young people get jobs, more housing etc

just think is we get out of europe we can then at least control the number coming into the uk, i compare us to a big ship we can only take so many passengers before it sinks,

sorry digreasing from the issue but we could be a wonderful country again and never know ukip may be the next ones in power

weve tried cons and labour , so why not give ukip a chance to sort things out

certainly not in favour of bnp, as i think we have a wonderful multi nation country with many culture and brings diversity to the uk but just need control the numbers

- 'bout time we had some people with - and who understand the real problems faced daily in parliament.

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