IBromsgrove Defender is correct, you are in a position to sue for constructive dismissal, but that involves quitting your job first and would obviously involve loss of income until the case is resolved. I would advise keeping a diary of when you asked for help, who you asked, and what their reply was (word for word, if possible). If you can find witnesses prepared to speak on your behalf it would also help, as would a medical report. When you have enough evidence you'll be in a position to sue for compensation. Your employer is also liable to be heavily fined by the HSE.

Yes, but I was trying to (and missed) make the point that you need to start dialogue, collect evidence, talk and resolve. Is the best way forward ;)

It's the threat of the financial losses that should make management sit up and take note.
If it doesn't (but I'm, damn sure it will if your approach is done carefully enough and I'm pretty sure CAB could help or even ask some other person to ask their HR dept how to tackle the problem) Yes it could be difficult but it's your health that's at risk......
sneezing is a big risk especially if your badly positioned at the time , i cant understand the mentallity of anyone giving a wheel chair user grief ,im not sure its govt or media caused or more by what people percieve themselves ,mrs thatcher didnt help by manipulating the unemployed figures by allowing some well able to work, to go on the sick instead, and for some is a lifestyle,seeing so many in some areas on mobility scooters doesnt help either , its led to a situation were people question i suppose , but it must be truly upsetting for the genuine already dealing with the disability
It's rags like the Daily Mail (which is just a ConDem propaganda mouth piece) that give the sheeple who read it the idea that anyone in a wheelchair must be a 'scrounger'.
I did my back in the early 80's lifting a 2 1/4 head off and suffered for years, luckily now days it is fine but yes learn to lift properly and make it a habit also use ear defenders goggles, gloves toetec's and breathing masks. Mobility, eye sight, hearing and a functioning pair of lungs are useful things to have.
It's rags like the Daily Mail (which is just a ConDem propaganda mouth piece) that give the sheeple who read it the idea that anyone in a wheelchair must be a 'scrounger'.

It really ****es me off what is happening at the moment sure there are scroungers that should be working but they don't care which you are or if you live or die.

East Grinstead Man 63 Dies of Kidney Failure and Starvation after being cut off benefits and declared “Fit For Work” | AFTER ATOS
While it's not damage due to heavy lifting, I did go through a period about 12 years ago when I went from being fairly fit to being almost crippled in about six months.

I knew something was wrong when I badly sprained both ankles in the space of two months. I knew that I had feet somewhere between the ends of my legs and the ground but I was unsure of exactly where. I even had use my arm to lift my left leg onto the clutch in the car.

I ended up inside the MRI scanner at the local hospital and when the specialist calls you into his office and says "We've found your problem and we want you in hospital ... now", I can tell you, it kind of concentrates the mind somewhat.

The "problem" turned out to be a tumour inside my spine putting pressure on the nerves of the spinal cord. Fortunately it was benign and removed successfully, but the damage it did while it was growing in my spine has left me with a weak back due to the surgeons having to nibble some of the spinal bone away to get to it and a wonky left leg and numbness in my left hip due to the damage it did to the nerves.

If there's a moral to this story it would be that it's not just the crazy things we do that could cause you problems, nature can conspire to throw a "curved ball" now and then. Do keep a check on how you feel, only you can know your own body and if you suspect that something might be going awry get it check out straight away.

You've only got one back, look after it.
Yes, but I was trying to (and missed) make the point that you need to start dialogue, collect evidence, talk and resolve. Is the best way forward ;)

It's the threat of the financial losses that should make management sit up and take note.
If it doesn't (but I'm, damn sure it will if your approach is done carefully enough and I'm pretty sure CAB could help or even ask some other person to ask their HR dept how to tackle the problem) Yes it could be difficult but it's your health that's at risk......

I think maybe I didn't make the point as well as intended, that you don't hae to quit then sue for constructive dismissal, but can take action while still working, whether to seek compensation and / or to force a change in the workplace. Hopefuly the threat of legal action & reporting to the HSE would be enough, and such a change would protect the OP from further injury. In future however, evidence gathered now would be useful if the injuries meant you had to give up work in the future, even if it is years down the line (although I'd take legal advice on how long after the event you can still make a claim). Also, google RIDDOR.
I think maybe I didn't make the point as well as intended, that you don't hae to quit then sue for constructive dismissal, but can take action while still working, whether to seek compensation and / or to force a change in the workplace. Hopefuly the threat of legal action & reporting to the HSE would be enough, and such a change would protect the OP from further injury. In future however, evidence gathered now would be useful if the injuries meant you had to give up work in the future, even if it is years down the line (although I'd take legal advice on how long after the event you can still make a claim). Also, google RIDDOR.

Well thats gotta be close to being a first! Managment and union/HSE rep agreeing totally :D


Thanks for listening and the kind replies and blimey its amazing how there are different ways to destroy your back

I agree with what you say about the slip disc that they actually buldge, due to all the pins screws plates etc my left leg coped the nerve damage and that why I also have to drive an auotmatic, including a great excuse oh darling a freelander would be perfect for me, Lol . To which it actually is, great height etc to get in and out

I've hate not working as I started when I was 16 and straight into a plumbing heating apprenticeship and worked for over 25 years

The thing that winds me up is when I applied for a blue badge I had to get letters from my surgeons, doctors etc

Then to see someone get out of there car who is a blue badge holder , stroll into a supermarket and carry 6 x or so bags of shopping makes me wonder how the hell they got a blue badge

Or people who park in disabled bays and if you ask them nicely to move all you get is f*** off you benfit cheat , it actually carries a 80 fine

They are reviewing the dla in april and calling it personel independence allowence where everyone has to go for another review and the thing is for every disabled person they get back to work the company earn up to 15 grand, so its bent from the beginning

There is a lot of hatred towards disabled people and must admit my wife gives them hell, they wouldn't have said that to me when I was fit and well

I just have to shrug it off as I can't do anything about it

The government has a lot to answer for, we pay our ni stamps for a reason including me having to fight for 6 months before I got dla where other people can walk in at get it, including then allowed to claim child benefit for there kids back in the own country , what about our kids etc in the country

The sooner we get out of the eu the better and not being a nanny state ruled by brussels, we useto be a great superpower and need to once again be a proud nation

We have become a multinational country which brings great diversity to us but we are like a big ship that is slowly sinking

There are only certain amount of houses jobs etc so now romania and bulgaria are coming this winter what then

I'm not raciest in any shape or form but we need to have the say and power to stop more and more people coming in

Charity begins at home and we need to look after our unemployed youth, kids first

Sorry just upsets me when you see homeless people when so much money goes abroad and puts them first

Cause for celebration I think!

I didn't know you were management before I agreed with you though!


To be fair I was HS rep before starting my own company which is probably why I take the stance that I do ;)

Look after the folk who work for you because without them your company will fail ;)

I've told MD's and directors that...... probably why I had to start my own company but hey :D :D :D
Or people who park in disabled bays and if you ask them nicely to move all you get is f*** off you benfit cheat , it actually carries a 80 fine

That really ****es me off, my wife and I both address people parking in disabled bays who don't display blue badges (if they do, but appear able bodied we tend to not as much as you never know what the issue is and don't want to insult) - people just think if they're only going to be 2 minutes it doesn't matter.

If i were you i'd park right up behind them and block them in... let them call the police, I'm sure the police would be more than happy to write out a fine for them :)

(same happens when people park in the parent and child bays with no children... f**king lazy ****s)
I saw someone parking in a disabled bay, no badge, in the street & running quickly into a newsagents. When he came out I stood in front of his car, facing the other way. When he beeped his horn, I limped away very, very slowly.I got a small round of applause!
f**king lazy ****s):D
waz the point of puttin' *** in ####ing and then spelling out ####!!
-Makes i Laugh!!:D
I saw someone parking in a disabled bay, no badge, in the street & running quickly into a newsagents. When he came out I stood in front of his car, facing the other way. When he beeped his horn, I limped away very, very slowly.I got a small round of applause!

Mine is slowly getting worse, not helped by the fact that I frequently have to lift and haul heavy kit by myself at work and when I ask for an extra pair of hands I'm told to man up. Usually have to take a rest for a half hour at a time while the pain subsides. Won't get any better though and the physios I've seen have been useless.

My mates the same age as me (27) and hes already developing arthritis in his knees and back due to the amount of work he does on his car by himself. Again the doc can't help him.

Shame we do think we're invincible when we're young :rolleyes:

Mate, your employer is taking the ****. I'm a fireman and we have to do a days course in manual handling every so often. When we do do the course, we always laugh at the instructor because he knows as we'll as we do that its impossible for us to lift and move things by the book when we are out and about. But they always say they know, but still have to give us the input because its a legal requirement that all employers have to give their staff traing on manual handling. If we choose to ignore it at incidents, (which we often have to), that's down to us. But in your case, you are well within your rights to ask for an extra pair of hands. If your employer tells you to man up, they are setting themselves up for a huge compensation claim. You've only got one back. Look after it. Once its fooked, its fooked.
Damaged me lower back round me right hip in a Climbing fall, about 13 years ago. took 2 days off work then pumped me self full of painkillers for the next 3 weeks. and Have had a few twinges since. It went big style midle of 2011, whilst labouring for 2 brickies. could hardly walk. and nearly collapsed getting out of the disco. :eek: same again 2 days off and then lots of Voltarol gel and Ibuprofen. So I could get on with it... I have to say carrying an hod of bricks, when ya backs fooked. Int much fun.. :(
Eevnin, mine started when as a lad I would help lifting earthmover tyres at the Dunlop depot in Aberdeen. Aggrivated it and me neck playing rugby at school. Then a few years later in shipyard lifting engine components, pumps & compressors, did all again. When later in life moved to heavy transport industry and until forced early retirement at age 62 was constantly in agony and popped up wi' pills to numb the pain. Now nursing my wife who suffers from worse than me from cervical spondylosis with myelopathy ( to all intensant purposes a broken neck in 2 places C 3/4 & C 5/6 ) with further complications. So we're a right pair of F**kin' old wrecks. See Ya.
Eevnin, mine started when as a lad I would help lifting earthmover tyres at the Dunlop depot in Aberdeen. Aggrivated it and me neck playing rugby at school. Then a few years later in shipyard lifting engine components, pumps & compressors, did all again. When later in life moved to heavy transport industry and until forced early retirement at age 62 was constantly in agony and popped up wi' pills to numb the pain. Now nursing my wife who suffers from worse than me from cervical spondylosis with myelopathy ( to all intensant purposes a broken neck in 2 places C 3/4 & C 5/6 ) with further complications. So we're a right pair of F**kin' old wrecks. See Ya.

But you both carry on!! Something a lot of people nowadays should learn from!!

Hope your well!

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