siatica spelt wrong from fallin out of the td5 funny at time but not no get pain in hip leg that was ok could deal with that but has started to show it self in my heel can't even put ny foot to floor some days
Always been careful with my back.
When I left school and did my apprenticeship in the print, the old boy who taught me was always going on about 'lifting stuff' properly.

Then, about 2 years ago, the bus company I was working for stuck 'ye olde buses' on my route with fooked drivers seats, within about 5 weeks my back was in agony!!

Physio has helped alot, but still not quite right, yet.
Always been careful with my back.
When I left school and did my apprenticeship in the print, the old boy who taught me was always going on about 'lifting stuff' properly.

Then, about 2 years ago, the bus company I was working for stuck 'ye olde buses' on my route with fooked drivers seats, within about 5 weeks my back was in agony!!

Physio has helped alot, but still not quite right, yet.

lol you want to try driving a black cab at 6foot 1 had a permanent crick in neck from trying to see where i was going :D

When I done mine I was told it wasn't the lifting but twisting whilst hold the weight, but know as I've read for you guys sneezing can put it out

At college we all useto lift the heavest roll of lead and as 16 years old none of us wanted to loose, but at that time I went to the gym and swam everyday before college and work to increase the back muscles

However as years went on and lifting more and more boilers out of kitchens, or off the wall I found as soon as I twisted that would do the damage as they said as my discs where under compression

The surgeons always used to describe it as a mill stone and the flour in the middle as the disc, the more you put weight on the more the disc is going to buldge and give you pain

I hate the side effects and of course your daily life

If after seeing the picture of my back it makes one person look after there back I would be a happy man

I don't think anyone understands until they've ripped the **** out of there backs

Didn't realise but they say its the highest thing to be off work is bad backs

Even when I spoke to my surgeon and asked if a weight lifters belt was used when I lifted boiler would it have helped, he said I would actually make my back weaker.

thank you guys for sharing s

Please take good care and hope you stay sfae and well

As always on construction sites the accident rates are suppose to be going down , which is great , still cannot belive what we got away with pulling stupid stunts when I use to be at work


ive since owning land rovers always enjoyed working on them

starting many years ago replacing my first clutch on a series 3, whilst putting a piece of rope round my neck and lifting the gearbox back.

over the years my back has got worse, until one day whilst at work as a oil gas engineer lifted a big old cast iron boiler twisted and smashed 5 x discs.

my days now with working on land rovers is over, with the daily use of a walking stick and when i go out have to use a wheelchair, im only 47 and now am seriuosly restricted in what i do.

as when i was younger i felt i was superman, could lift anything and it wouldnt happen to me.

i was wondering how many of you guys have also destroyed your backs, in also seeing that land rover parts are alwaysso heavy due to them being built for rough work.

just hope you take care of your backs guys as have enclosed a picture of what happens when you dont take care.

would hate for someone to go through what i go through on a daily basis, with people looking at me whilst sitting in a wheelchair, then talking to my wife about me as though im not there.

hope you dont think im trying to lecture anyone but please be careful out there.

very curious of many of you out there have also destroyed your backs.


hi,i have done exactly the same as i cannot work on any of my cars.back is TOTALLY fecked good and proper.megga pain relief needed several times a day plus class A drug relief as well.not good my friend,not good.:mad::mad:
Taking out the gearbox and with all the bending over to undo the props etc its hurting a bit……… break time
Christ you guys have been doing the same when I useto mess around with the landies

Its the sheer misery of wishing to get on with messing around with the landy and your body says Yeh right"

Have been wishing for months to take off my rear wheels wire brush my brake drums and spray them. But just can't do it anymore

Everytime I see them it drives me nuts, know it sounds daft but won't only look nice but more practically will get all the loose **** off around the alloy wheels

Bought some heat proof paint that you put onto cast iron boilers in black so should be ok

Even the wife had a go for me but bless her she's on 4 foot 11

Christ you guys have been doing the same when I useto mess around with the landies

Its the sheer misery of wishing to get on with messing around with the landy and your body says Yeh right"

Have been wishing for months to take off my rear wheels wire brush my brake drums and spray them. But just can't do it anymore

Everytime I see them it drives me nuts, know it sounds daft but won't only look nice but more practically will get all the loose **** off around the alloy wheels

Bought some heat proof paint that you put onto cast iron boilers in black so should be ok

Even the wife had a go for me but bless her she's on 4 foot 11


hi gary,i know exactly how you feel mate,but now i just have to pay someone to do these little jobs that i just cannot do breaks my heart not being able to do the simplest of jobs now.:eek:
Even trying to wash my car I can't do anymore, but then I took it through a car wash and it destroyed the aerial base, won't do that again

It even says in the manual that a 5 door can go through a car wash but not a 3 door

Erm I now know why, but when I bought another earial base, 30 quid I overtightened it and had to get another one

Expensive mistake , I did have a cheap one fitted before that so bought a genuine one , still find the reception not to be brillant

Wish there was some form of booster etc or if there is one it can't be working

backs still hurting a little bit after deadlifting that gearbox/trasnfer combo but worth it

should be alright in a day or two as its not a pulled muscle just tired……….feels like I've been in the gym
Even trying to wash my car I can't do anymore, but then I took it through a car wash and it destroyed the aerial base, won't do that again

It even says in the manual that a 5 door can go through a car wash but not a 3 door

Erm I now know why, but when I bought another earial base, 30 quid I overtightened it and had to get another one

Expensive mistake , I did have a cheap one fitted before that so bought a genuine one , still find the reception not to be brillant

Wish there was some form of booster etc or if there is one it can't be working


me neither,but there again i never washed it before my accidents.thats what hand car washes are for innit.:pound:
having been several bags of shopping sweating and shaking stuck on a floor for a week and bad for months.
I can fully sympathize full of prescription tablets my advice is do not be messed around and if you are ask for second opinion etc and complain.

Being in a bad way I attended a LZ meeting with help and the pm's of encouragement were the extra bit of persuasion I needed to push for a solution.

My issue isn't solved- but I am back to a paced routine and a lot better

I've actually been looking for a club etc around my way. Swanley, kent but been to emarrised to really persue it as lately due to the morphine etc I had to get all my teeth ripped out

Am so ashamed and embarrised as they said I have to wait at least 4- 5 months in order for them to settle down properly

Its been handy with the cold weather as I've put a scarf around my mouth, but then feel like I'm saying stand and deliver at the petrol station when they can't hear me properly

The same way when years ago I knocked on the door of a very difficult customer and said I've come to service you, you old boiler and when she said parden I said I've come to service your old boiler

Even when a vicar refused for me to come through the door I asked if he would let jesus through which he said yes , I replied he was a tradesman , I was allowed through the front door but had to leave my the back door

He was a real stuck up ahit bag and had a face like a bulldog sucking a wasp

mine ..
worn disc in lower back .. probably caused by driving artic hgv's ..
problems started @ age 25 .. ( am now almost @ 60 ) ..

pain and downtime worse before age 50 ..
chiropractor told me that beyond 50 the joints get arthritic ( but not in a bad way ) ..
and therefore would not tend to move so much .. ( she were right ) ..
and the occurences of chronic pain would lessen ..


the cause of pain was explained to me .. sort of .. like this :
using the back muscles causes them to fill and expand with blood
the back muscles can take up to 4 days to 'relax' on their own

if trauma is caused .. e.g. tissue irritating a nerve ..
that causes the body to send more blood flow to the surrounding area ..
that in turn causes inflamation / enlargement .. of the muscles and tissue ..
which cause more irritation to the nerve .. which causes more blood flow ..
so .. like a snowball effect ..

the idea behind stopping that cycle .. is to reduce the inflamation


BEFORE doing anything that i know will screw my back up
( e.g. leaning over the engine bay to work on the motor )
i apply an ice-pack .. .. 'n keep 3 in th freezer just in case ..
or .. i may take a Voletrol tab ( low dosage declofenac )

i only found out about declofenac 2 yrs ago ..
had a rather nasty occurence .. ended up 10ft away from locked front door ..
laid on floor and couldn't move at all ..
neighbours called an ambulance .. crew broke thru the door ..
was in hospital for the day .. doc gave me some strong ( 50mg ) declofenac ..

munching a mouthful of these also helps out ..
'Goji Berries' ..
Goji Berry Health Properties and Benefits Review
" Beta-Sitoserol, an anti-inflammatory agent. "

one big break was trying out 'negative-heel-shoes' ( recommended by a friend )
Kalso Earth® Shoes | It?s a story that goes back more than 40 years. Designed by nature. Created by Kalso.
difficult to find in europe .. especially mens shoes ..
found some of that 'type' from 'saranza' .. but the insoles came apart within 1 yr ..
'out-of-stock' when i tried to replace them ..

anyway .. as far as back pain was concerned they gave the biggest improvement ..

found out about these shoes recently ..
MBT - Movement through instability
bought a pair .. and they work just fine :)
also well made .. and the soles are fine on ice 'n snow :)
( they're not £cheap .. but can be found 'on-sale' now and again )

wearing any shoes with 'heels' immediately cause me back problems ..
flat soles are o.k. .. but hard to find with grippy soles for slippy surfaces ..
nearest i found were some short motorcycle boots .. almost flat soles ..


chairs 'n beds have always been a problem ..
beds .. too soft causes backpain ..
chairs .. too soft .. too low .. be the problem

have had to customize all in my house ..
using memory foam has helped out quite a bit ..

the car:
found that the hippo's lumbar support weren't quite right for me ..
ended up cutting up a tempur mattress
( the m.f. part .. .. be 3" thick .. mattress didn't quite work out as i thought for sleeping .. )
so for the drivers seat .. i've a piece of m.f. same height/width as seat-back ..
( enclosed with an old t-shirt ) .. that's held in place by a very large size fleece gillet
zips up round the back of the seat ..
under the piece of .m.f. i used to have a portable tempur lumbar support ..
( i.e. shaped .. and almost solid m.f. )
found that it would slip .. needed adjusting every time i got in the car to drive ..
so now that's been replaced by the back-rest bit of a 'back friend'
( medesign back friend )
bought that many years ago .. and found it useless .. stashed it away ..

the set-up works a treat .. no back pain at all from driving :)

as for in-house chair .. bought one of these office chairs years ago ..
Ergonomic Chairs, Ergonomic Seating, Ergonomic Office Furniture, Office Seating | RH Chairs - RH
works quite well .. 'n has lasted 18 yrs + .. still good as new ..


before finding out about the shoes ..
i used to carry a walking stick every where i went .. just in case my back went out ..
that came about after i was walking slow .. in pain .. across a pedestrian crossing ..
and the lone driver waiting to drive on .. literaly aimed their car at me before swerving at the last moment ..
so i figured carrying a walking stick would at least give a signal i could not walk as fast as i'd like to ..

now .. with the negative-heel .. or mbt .. shoes .. carrying a walking stick is a thing of the past

although i still keep a retractable type handy in the car .. just in case ..


if someone here .. who suffers back-pain ..
would like to try a peice of that .m.f. for their drivers seat ..
i've still got half-a-mattress of it left .. i don't mind cutting off a suitable peice ..
( no charge :) .. .. can mail it .. or deliver if within a reasonable distance from me ..
for that .. p.m. me if needed

btw: i do realise everyones 'back' situation is different ..
have some friends with their own back hassles ..
they can do things i can't without having problems .. and visa versa ..
one buddy found the m.f. drivers backrest uncomfortable .. 'n couldn't use it ..
Last edited:

Sounds like you've gone through hell and back and will check out the links

When I done my back in, felt I didn't listen over the years so I got plenty of warnings but just didn't listen

Unfortunatly due to the extensive back surgeries I've had caused a lot of the nerve damage, which put me in. Wheelchair at first and took me at least a year to sort of walk again

My main trouble is due to all the pins and screws in my back and the bad left leg and then my bladder will just go with out warning

I find it very frustrating as I useto be very heathly but really hard to accept the way I've ended up

Feel so sorry for other people who have bad backs and I don't think until you've damaged your back of how miserable it makes your daily life

I'm currently battling depression due to my back and have become really a recluse due to the fact I feel safe and not having to fear with someone hitting me in the back

Dreading the review when dla goes over to pip because having to see the normal morans, however will have to get a home visit as there is no way I can sit for hours in a waiting room

Take care guys and please make sure you look after your backs


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